(cache)Dallas' Anne Frank Elementary connects with the past


Dallas' Anne Frank Elementary connects with the past

"Dear Anne Frank," the letter began, and from there, it described the wonders of a new millennium filled with high-tech TVs, cameras, laptop computers and Nintendo games.

"I wish you could see all these things, Anne Frank," wrote the author, Adenah Furquan, a third-grader at Dallas' Anne Frank Elementary School.

The Texas girl's letter made its way across the globe over spring break, part of a scrapbook presented by Anne Frank Elementary School principal Jonnice Legum Berns to the Anne Frank House museum in Amsterdam.

Berns' trip strengthened the ties between the Dallas school and the Jewish teenager who died 65 years ago this month at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Anne Frank left behind a now-famous diary of her time in hiding in Amsterdam, serving as a poignant reminder of resilience and hope in the face of the atrocities of the Holocaust.

Opened in August 1997, the Dallas school was the first in the U.S. built in honor of Anne Frank, and one of only two that now exist in the country. Berns' students are reminded every day of the girl in Europe who wrote eloquently about everything from problems with her mom to her faith and the beauty of nature.

Iconic Images From The Past Capture A Different Side To History

While many schools choose animals as mascots, Anne Frank Elementary's students are called Scribes in honor of Anne's writing. The school's motto is "Education unlocks the hidden rooms of the mind."

The school's library is filled with Anne Frank-related books for all age levels - "We can't keep the books on the shelves," Berns said. And a huge drawing of Anne Frank hangs on the library wall, constructed of tiny pieces of paper.

Even the smallest schoolchildren are aware of Anne Frank, Berns said, though they may not grasp all aspects of her story.

Upon learning that Berns was headed to Amsterdam to see the place where Anne Frank's family hid from the Nazis, one kindergartner told Berns, "Don't get caught."

Berns has worked in the Dallas Independent School District for 33 years and has been principal at Anne Frank Elementary since it opened. She's been to Europe and Amsterdam before, she said, but this month, she felt compelled to take mementos from her school to the Anne Frank House museum during a personal vacation overseas. "I just felt I needed to go," she said.

She set up a meeting with the museum's director, Hans Westra, and gathered materials from her students. The kids, teachers and staff wrote letters and essays about Anne Frank and what it's like to be at a school named after the teen.

"Anne Frank Elementary is a true example of how Anne's belief of hope and goodness is still alive," wrote reading teacher Cynthia Warren.

Berns brought a scrapbook filled with students' work, the staff letters and photos to Amsterdam, where the Anne Frank House museum will be celebrating its 50th anniversary in May. Berns' husband took video as she gave the materials to museum director Westra on March 17.

On Monday, she is holding an assembly to show students the video of her presentation to Westra and other footage of Anne Frank's house and neighborhood.

Berns' trip touched Sandy Kress, the former DISD board president and senior education adviser to President George W. Bush.

Kress was the force behind naming Anne Frank Elementary, calling the teen Holocaust victim "a remarkable person, yet an ordinary person" who could inspire students facing adversity.

"I just believe that names are powerful," Kress said.

Anne Frank Elementary has a melting pot of students, with Hispanic children making up the majority. About 86 percent of students are low-income.

The school's Web site showcases this excerpt from Anne Frank's diary:

"In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can't build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery, and death. I see the world gradually being turned into a wilderness, I hear the ever approaching thunder, which will destroy us too. I can feel the suffering of millions and yet, if I look up into the heavens, I think peace and tranquility will return again." AT A GLANCE: ANNE FRANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Location: North Dallas

Students: 1,287

American Indian: 0.2%

Asian: 2%

Black: 24.2%

Latino: 68.5%

White: 5.1%

Low income: 86.3%

Mascot: the Scribes

Motto: Education unlocks the hidden rooms of the mind.

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