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Related to #1989
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added Sprint::09/25 - Oldfashioned Owl scoped label
added to epic &77
added Type::Refactor scoped label
added Squad::Yellow scoped label
added Product::Pro scoped label
added Sprint::10/09 - Pink Panther scoped label and automatically removed Sprint::09/25 - Oldfashioned Owl label
added Status::Validation scoped label
created merge request !580 (closed) to address this issue
mentioned in merge request !580 (closed)
removed Sprint::10/09 - Pink Panther label
@edgebal Can you explain this task in more detail?
added Priority::1 - High scoped label
changed title from Enable Pro to general public with feature flag to Enable embedded Pro channel view to general public with feature flag
changed the description
Edited title and description, but related to #1989. cc/ @markeharding
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