来自: 血腥哈士奇(超兇、超壞、超厚毛) 2015-01-16 00:36:42
标题:对AMCC近期所谓”更(篡)正(改)“原MCEO教学克里斯托螺旋数据的顾虑及其他 | ||
Brave & Happy Spiral Comments
In the recent AMCC-MCEO-GA 2014 Year-End Update Letter released earlier on this group there are comments on the Krystal Spiral Module that need to be addressed in the interests of integrity and accuracy. These arise specifically in the lower half of page 10, in a paragraph relating to Discovery.
The history of the Krystal Spiral module can be summarised briefly as follows:
• Ash brought out information about the Krystal Spiral and a process for generating it from a rotating / expanding K Grid in the Tenerife workshop in January 2006. She also suggested by analogy with the Metatronic Merkaba spins and associated Fibonacci Spiral that there may be some relationship between the Krystal Spiral and Krystic Merkaba spins. This information was wonderful and exciting and is a credit to its progenitors and to Ash.
• ASaN provided excellent ideas for exploring the relationship between the spiral and Merkaba spins and much support for ongoing work on this topic. Several people explored the mathematics and details of the relationship. I put together a summary paper for that stage of exploration and passed it to Ash & ASaN. Ash referenced this paper in the Mount Shasta workshop in Redding CA in May 2006.
She highlighted the point mentioned in the paper that whereas the Krystal Spiral has a direct relationship with its center at all stages the Fibonacci Spiral does not have such a direct relationship and is increasingly isolated from its center.
• The next significant development was at the Ireland Sliders 6 workshop in October 2009. Some additional work had been done in the meantime. At a meeting with Ash & ASaN prior to the workshop Ash described how excited she was with the news that whereas each term in the Fibonacci number sequence is the sum of the prior two, each term in the corresponding Krystal sequence is the sum of all prior terms all the way back to the Source point. This provides continuous Source connection and a high degree of integration. She joked that given the mathematical nature of the topic I would have to present the material.
• At this time Ash was writing the Introductory-Topic Summary – 1 & 2 documents (Historical / Contemporary Origins of the MCEO Teachings), which were published on the AP website. These discussed the differences between the Krystic and Metatronic sciences in relation to topics such as the Toral Rift. During the workshop I was called up to Ash & ASaN’s room. They were discussing the Krystic & Metatronic sciences and trying to critique the differences. It was obvious that a more substantial basis was needed than broad claims and calling the Metatronic spirals names (e.g. Golden Meanie, Fib of No Chi, etc.) The mathematics were proving difficult to penetrate. I was asked to work on the topic.
From earlier work I came up with a quick outline structure for the Merkaba spins.
However this was abstract at this stage. I was asked to come up with a simpler much more graphical formulation.
• Subsequent work revealed rich layers of detail in the Krystal Spiral and associated Merkaba structures. Numbers and mathematical structures in general carry huge amounts of information in a very concise way. This reveals itself to anyone who wishes to tune into it. This information was formulated in the Krystal Spiral K Team module. This went to Ash & ASaN for approval, as all K Team material, did prior to release. The following comment was included in the reply - “… to add that Ash' was totally thrilled to see what you have accomplished. She is utterly delighted with what you have produced for us all.” This is acknowledged with appreciation. The material was then delivered as a K Team module during the April 2010 Sarasota workshop and at a number of subsequent events.
• Strict copyright was enforced on all materials produced by the K Team and others regardless of who did the work. There was no discretion and hence no opportunity for the claimed ‘misappropriation of authorship’. All royalties for products went to Ash & ASaN. K Team workers got a modest portion of the income from their presentations and some credits towards workshops. Mostly it was volunteer work and a labor of love and service. Ash acknowledges this work in the Introductory-Topic Summary 2 document mentioned above, towards the bottom of page 4. Here she thanks the wonderful group of people (K & MCEO Teams) for their contributions in bringing the Teachings into the world. Also on page 8 in the Introduction to MCEO & people that was published on the AP website Ash acknowledged the diligent work and skills of the K Team, artists and many others in facilitating the work and thanked them for their contributions. This is appreciated.
• Ash used concepts and diagrams from the module in workshops and was generous with acknowledgment, which is appreciated. These spiral diagrams are mathematically accurate. It’s wonderful to see the material being used. More generally the K Team prepared a huge amount of graphics, which were used extensively throughout the workshops and product materials. The K Team and AP people also did a lot of work to help compile workshop handbooks for publication, a scale of work that may not be fully realised by all.
In this context the comments in the Brave & Happy document are significantly out of touch with reality. A fundamental problem is that they provide broad and sweeping generalisations that are not backed up by specific examples, evidence or facts. There is little attempt to identify or critique specific issues for discussion or resolution. Where are these comments ultimately coming from and what purpose do they serve? What do they say about where they are ultimately coming from?
Discussion is openly welcomed on any issues with the Krystal Spiral module material. Identifying any specific issues with details and suggestions for improvements provides a win-win situation for all and indeed is the basis on which most human progress is achieved.
The Krystal Spiral material has a strong foundation in mathematics. Mathematics has a particular value. We can come to know number, the elements of geometry, etc. as living realities. They are conscious and hold huge amounts of information.
They carry a logic in action that helps shape creation. But they also carry connection, a subtle and powerful connection all the way from Source that brings many facets of creation into relationship. Exploring such connection is of great value in rebuilding relationship with the subtle levels both in creation and in our own being.
If there is a universal language in creation it is the language of mathematics. It carries the core structures of creation with a concise clarity that transcends culture, time, personal influence, etc. It bridges all the way from the full integrity of Source to practical application in the outer reaches of creation. When mathematics is expanded into the full purity of its living, conscious, spiritual / sacred roots it provides a tool of extraordinary value.
Mathematics carries its own logic, which can be checked by anybody. In other words it validates itself and isn’t dependent on authority for interpretation or validation. It does require a certain skill in relating to the concepts. But that skill isn’t unique and in principle is available to anyone who applies themselves to the task. Mathematics is open, independent and capable of standing on its own two feet. This makes for strong, reliable knowledge, which is very valuable. It is an ideal tool for validating information. The critical thing is to make the right connections to living realities through the subtle levels in creation and not get lost in the logic. But there is an integrity to mathematics that points the way.
The Krystal Spiral material is coherent and well founded and is capable of being taken out into a wide range of forums for discussion, debate, etc. It doesn’t require neutral people to make large leaps in faith. The Teachings need much more of this type of grounding / bridging work if they are to go out to a wider audience.
In particular during Atlantean times when the sacred Temples were lost to Anu infiltration, accurate mathematical knowledge facilitated a safe emergency shut down of the grids to protect the planet from being overrun. For this reason certain influences work hard to keep knowledge of pure sacred mathematics off the playing field. In this context attempts to side-line mathematical information would be a cause for concern. Who would wish to reject such information and why? Who benefits?
In relation to assertions of distortion or falsity:
• The Krystal Spiral module illustrates the strength of the Krystal Spiral, in terms of Source connectedness and expansion speed, in comparison with the Metatronic/Thothian Golden Mean and Fibonacci spirals. If this material is distorted does that mean that the Thothian spirals are right after all?
• It illustrates the formation of the Golden Mean spiral by rotating golden rectangles around an off center pivot point. It further highlights the difference between the Golden Mean and Fibonacci spirals and illustrates the derivation of one from the other. Is this information distorted? I should hope not as it’s based on solid mathematical foundations.
• It illustrates a framework for deriving the Thothian spirals from the Krystal Spiral and KG framework, highlighting key points of vulnerability in the KG. Again this is well founded on mathematical principles.
• The module details how the Krystal & KG structures intersect and overlap in an orderly way to facilitate inter dimensional connection whereas the Thothian ToL structures don’t to the same degree. Is this not correct?
• It indicates how the Krystal Spiral number sequence holds strong Source connection at all stages whereas the Fibonacci numbers don’t hold such connection and are increasingly isolated. If that information is distorted does that mean that the Fibonacci numbers are more ‘natural’ after all?
• It highlights, in a coherent framework, how the Spiral combines the fundamental processes of growth / contraction with those of frequency & oscillation. It also integrates the role of electric & magnetic influences in this framework. Critically this provides a rationale for the counter rotating electric & magnetic spirals in a Krystic Merkaba set vs. the co-rotating spirals in a Metatronic set. Is this distorted and what would that say about Krystic Merkaba?
• The module illustrates the number structure of Krystic Merkaba spins. If that number structure is distorted would that not imply that the spins are also distorted?
What are these assertions saying and what are the implications?
On a separate note it is dangerous to be making assertions of being ‘misled’. The nature of the Teachings are such that not much information can be verified easily. A lot is taken on trust. Credibility is therefore very important. This is a valuable commodity and is easily damaged. It only takes one prick to puncture a balloon. If one claims that one was misled on relatively straight forward issues in the past how can anybody be sure that one is not equally being misled now? Also if higher dimensional influences allowed ‘distortions’ to run uninterrupted in the past how can anybody be sure they are not doing so equally now? Will they come back in a few years’ time to explain what they allowed to run uninterrupted in 2014? It is dangerous to use arguments of being misled or of allowed distortion to selectively cull the Teachings as these undermine the credibility of the Teachings generally.
The ‘Battle of the Spirals’ that Ash has described many times obviously continues apace. There are a few points worth noting in relation to the Thothian structures. The Thothian Tree of Life (ToL) Grid based on the FoL floral grid pattern exalts the original K Center 5 as a new grid center point that everything else is structured around. This center lies at the core of the FoL flower pattern underlying the ToL Grid. It is numbered 6 in the ToL Grid and is described as a center for Christ energy, universal love, etc. Thus a lot of references to 6, sextant, etc. in relation to the FoL can be referring to the original K Center 5. The topic is interesting for a number of reasons.
As Krystal Spirals emerge from the Core within a KG they first encounter Center 5.
They then pass through Centers 6, 9 & 12 and continue their outward expansion from there. 5 is therefore a powerful center. However 5 also arises in the Fibonacci number sequence – 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, … As K Centers these numbers (apart from 3) run up the central column of the grid. 5 is therefore the first point of vulnerability for the emerging Krystal Spirals and this is where significant problems arise.
The Golden Mean Spiral is based on a specific number Phi 1.618…). This is derived from the number 5. This Phi number generates the Golden Mean (GM) Spiral. This GM Spiral in turn carries the Fibonacci sequence embedded within it. So the Fibonacci Spiral derives from the GM Spiral. The sound resonance linking these influences (Fi)ve, Phi & (Fi)bonacci is noteworthy. In general the resonance of Fi- or Phi- influences with the Golden Mean Spiral warrants a degree of care. 5 is therefore a significant point of interaction between the Krystal, the Golden Mean and the Fibonacci Spirals. It is also a major center of influence in the Thothian ToL grid. It is exalted to a pseudo center point in that grid. For example its planetary correspondence is to the sun, i.e. it’s the heart of the grid and all other planets revolve around and feed from it. This illustrates the importance of 5 in the Thothian scheme of things, although it is denoted as 6 in the modified grid numbering.
The next point of interest is the original K Center 8. This resembles Center 5 in many respects and is also an important center in its own right. Again it carries a resonance with the Fibonacci sequence. 5 and 8 tend to be used quite a bit in Thothian technology. In the ToL grid this center is frequently hidden, but forms an esoteric center numbered 0 that integrates the other 10 centers. In other words Center 8 is a core center in the Thothian grid that connects the other centers and links them to another level. It is noteworthy that a 5 by 8 grid or pattern is in Fibonacci proportion. It is approximately in Golden Mean (Phi) ratio. It also resembles a golden rectangle, the building block for a Golden Mean Spiral. K Centers 2, 5, 8 & 11 form Grual center points in their respective Density levels 1, 2, 3 & 4. Centers 2, 5 & 8 carry Fibonacci resonance and potential vulnerability for interference. Center 11, the D4 Grual point, being free from this vulnerability provides key support. Center 11 in turn depends on the all-important 12 – 11 connection for its support and protection. This in turn depends on connection from 12 through the Primal Light Field levels 13, 14 & 15. From there connection through the Primal Sound Fields to Source is secured.
This is where 13 becomes significant. Center 13 lies in close relationship with Center 12, i.e. where the lower (1 – 12) Universal and upper (13 – 24) Cosmic KGs intersect. The 12 – 11 link can be damaged by distorted / reversed dimension 13 frequencies. K Center 12 for example is severed in the Thothian ToL grid, cutting the grid off from all the higher dimensional connections. Thothian influences avoid 12. Reversed dimension 13 frequencies can be synthesised by artificially combining pairs of lower dimensional frequencies that add to 13, for example the ‘Blue Sword’ currents. 13 is the next Fibonacci number after 8. The Krystal Spirals pass through K Center 12. This is the next major point of direct interaction with Fibonacci influences after Center 5. There is a vulnerability here to reversed dimension 13 / Fibonacci influences. This is where clear connection to and support from the Primal Light Fields is vital. Holding healthy connection to dimension 12 frequencies and to the higher Primal Light dimensions preserves natural flows and secures safety. Safety (of people, grids, knowledge, etc.) is
always of fundamental importance.
None of the Centers or numbers are ‘bad’ in themselves. It is the way in which they are used, how and to what degree potential vulnerabilities are manipulated that matters. Krystic structures are open, multi-dimensional, inter-connected and allow free flows from Source and all the way back to Source. In particular Krystic structures hold clear connection to Source through a center point. This allows the pure ground state of Source to be fully present to all levels in creation. Source is fully present as life and consciousness in creation and not just at the upper or outer / inner edges. Source lives in the here and now. It’s largely a case of expanding this here and now to embrace more of what we really are. One therefore wishes to see clear connections and healthy flows between centers, numbers and elements. One also wishes to see continuous connection through to higher dimensional levels like the Primal Light Fields and the non-dimensional finely structured Primal Sound Fields close to Source. The corresponding higher dimensional beings are the Rishi Founders (Primal Light) and the Yanas (Primal Sound), who connect directly to Source through the Yunasai point of integration. These are represented by the Eieyani in the lower dimensional levels. Balance is also important. Disconnection, barriers, things arising in isolation and lack of balance can lead to problems.
Much good work has been done and an immense amount has been accomplished over many years. Immense credit is due to the appropriate Guardians, to E’Asha and the Speaker Team, to all the supporting Teams and to large numbers of people that facilitated this. Team spirit is essential to the success of any broadly based enterprise. It is the Spirit of a Teaching enshrined in its principles and values and carried in the hearts, minds and spirits of many that inspires and endures down the ages to surface again and again as needed.
Noel Tobin.
Mary Anne Callaway: Many thanks Noel...there is much food for thought in your
words...let those who have eyes to see.....I will be posting my own response to her missive in a few days
Mary Anne Callaway: I would not form so strong opinions until you heard both sides of a story
Mary Anne Callaway: unfortunately, in this massive V/V game she is perpetuating,
everything posted in a public forum has to be aprpoved by legal counsel...so awaiting on the ok to post a response to her allegations
C**: I personally have not watched the Krystal Spiral Module but I do know for a fact that E'Asha referred to the work that A'san and Noel were doing on MANY occasions and used their findings in her own work in reference to the Krystal Spiral quite often. So to say now that she had no prior knowledge of this work and never approved of it seems awfully bizarre and in all honesty appears to simply be an attempt to discredit A'san and the work he did for the Guardian Alliance out of anger.
If one is to accept everything that is written in the 2014 Year End Update as some sort of justification for taking the victim stance then that would mean E'Asha is the one and only true victim in Creation because God-Source doesn't make victims we CHOOSE to be one. Everything is a choice, whether it's looking the other way when we should be paying attention or brushing off responsibility because it's overwhelming. Whatever the circumstances one DECIDES that this is ultimately more important than that and a path is created. Once this path is created it needs to be walked, with honor and humility because we created it for ourselves. Blaming other people for our own short sighted behaviors just isn't fair. One can always look back and say that wasn't a very good choice and accept responsibility for things not working out as planned or one can take the low road and blame it on everyone around yourself because it's easier. However, when something as delicate as trust is involved blaming others NEVER endears others to your cause it only drives them away.
Virtue 7 - Communication ~ Economy of Speech, learning to say what is NEEDED to say as concisely and as clearly as one can without subterfuge or obfuscation. Mindfulness above all others is so vital to healing a community. It's time to step away from the victim stance and embrace the gift of self discovery so WE ALL can move forward from this place to new horizons, together
Rose Tobin: Powerful and brilliant observations, C**. If we remember the first responsibility of mastery, it was about recognising and embodying the knowing that ALL the events of our lives are direct projections from our personal template, and to get free of the VV game. That is the absolute and fundamental responsibility we all have as we aspire to spiritual maturity. To do otherwise is to deny who we are as direct expressions of Source. It is something we are all learning, and also something we are teaching each other as we mirror this core truth or its denial in the way we handle life.
In ultimate Krystiac terms there is no such thing as a victim. Neither, from my observations, as attack, if we fully embrace our personal, sacred responsibility as co-creators. What appears as attack in one dimension is a direct result of energy/attitude choices in another. Speaker 1 said years ago that the world does not come AT me, but THROUGH me.
In that context I'd like to acknowledge also what you wrote, Sonnie. Everyone IS exactly where they are supposed to be, because everyone is experiencing the out-picturing of what is in their own energy field, which in turn is a direct result of the choices they, and only they, have made. That is true of each one of us in this group, in our KS family, in the world we see around us. That also includes the people who have appeared, on one level, to have been the victims of allegations and public name-calling in our wider KS family. I know that what has happened over the last few years has prompted them to look within very deeply and to reach a level of spiritual maturity that may not have happened otherwise. I know that they would acknowledge that, as I do personally for myself.
We are seeing energy dynamics at work in a way that is a profound opportunity for genuine embodiment of the Kryst, and every one has played their role in a divine right order which may not be immediately apparent but which will reveal itself in divine right timing.
D**: Noel thank you for such an articulate post. I hope you have reached out to E'Asha personally regarding this. I think your work on the original Krystal Spiral module was impeccable and outstanding. The feeling I got when I read her comments in the Brave&Happy letter was energetically directed to the SECOND module in the Series, which was presented but never endorsed or released as product. I was not in resonance with that material regarding the musical scale, a lot of it was highly speculative.
Regarding the DVD masters thing, it does seem a bit ridiculous and my feeling is that E'Asha doesn't really have a strong grasp of the technology involved. My "innerstanding" is that she was hoping for the original digital recordings before they were edited into DVDs, so she could easily remove the AP branding. It is sad that there is not better communication and transparency. For better or worse, E'Asha is the messenger, not the perfect guru and living example.
Mary Anne Callaway:
Regarding Brave and Happy Master's Comments
Mrs. Deane's missive is full of opinions, but little fact. For the record, here is the story of her masters...which is essentially the story of the whole AP recording process. More than most people care about, or wish to know
Mrs. Deane has already received all DVD or CD masters of her work that have been recorded or produced by the Azurite Press (AP) since 2003.
There is nothing else to be turned over. Mrs. Deane’s request for additional “masters” reflects at best misunderstanding and lack of knowledge of the recording procedures in place since 2003.
The core recording team (all volunteer organized 2003 ) for the Azurite Press consisted of Scotty Szymanosky (PA resident), Noel Tobin (Dublin, Ireland) and Jim Kiel (formerly Sarasota FL, now Australia). Other individuals assisted at times, but the above mentioned three were the core.
The workshops were recorded (either at hotels or field locations) by the AP recording team. The workshops were recorded to high quality (DV) video files stored in portable hard drives(the AP had 2 hard drives) A backup copy was also recorded to DV tapes with a tape for every hour of workshop material. These video files used 14GB of storage for each hour of recording. I (MAC) brought the hard drives and collection of DV tapes
back to Scotty after each workshop. Scotty would work off the hard drive version of the files to amalgamate the different sessions / files, correct any problems with sound quality, etc. Then the material was broken into roughly 3 hour blocks for DVD discs. These were organized with titling & copyright notices, a lead-in, chapter indexes for the content, etc. When ready the DVD files were compressed down to about 1.5GB per hour of material to fit 3 hours on a DVD disc. This represented a roughly tenfold compression. The set of DVD discs for the workshop were then written to become a set of master discs. Being digital copies they are exact, i.e. master, replicas.
Prior to 2006, Scotty would then send these masters to an individual named John Foster, who would produce CDs or DVDs. The various AP offices would then place product orders with John Foster. After 2007 the AP offices did in-house production and Scotty would send the DVD masters to the AP offices---the US office, the South African office, the European office and to the Australian office. These masters were not copyright protected, and were duplicated by the various offices to produce their stock. The US office in Indiana sent copies of these masters to the Deane residence and to my residence (Allentown, PA).
Scott Szymanosky was never asked to retain the DV tapes which were recorded; the AP did not pay him for storage. There was no need to, as all that was required for company use were the DVD masters.
The DV tapes would tend to degrade over time. So only recent versions would be of any value if they were kept. They would not have been much use as they would have to be loaded to a hard drive and gone through the whole processing cycle Scotty had already done to get to a production version. None of the offices could do anything with raw tapes.
Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Deane ever questioned the production process, nor did they ever request that original DV tapes be saved or archived. If that was requested, we certainly would have put that into the process.
They only requested master copies, which they received. The AP budget allowed for two hard drives for recording purposes, one in reserve, which were recorded over at the next workshop.
Mr. Szymanosky did not retain any of the tapes. The hard drives and DV tapes that were used at the last workshop recorded by the AP (May 2012 recorded by Fraz Mukthar supported by Noel Tobin ) were handed over to David Hammersly, a relative of Mrs. Deane. A full copy of the original sound track was retained.
Turning Over the Masters Prior to the first mediation session (fall 2012), Mr. Deane requested a copy of every single product that was offered by the AP so he could take these master copies to mediation. Tammy sent Mr. Deane the entire portfolio of product. These were in addition to the masters sent when a product was released. When the Azurite Press was forced to close its production office in Jan of 2013, Tammy Hollenbaugh asked Mr. Deane if he wanted any DVDs that remained in the Indiana office. He declined, as he already had been sent a full set of masters. Any remaining DVD products were sold. From Jan 2013 until June 30th, 2014 the Azurite
Press sold only digital, downloadable materials from our website.
When I signed the divorce agreement in June 2014, the AP paid Tammy Hollenbaugh to provide a disc copy of all material the AP offered digitally. Tammy sent Mr. Deane a disc to be delivered to Mrs. Deane. This disc included all art work files, all workshops that were transcribed and all handbooks in digital form. It also included the backup of the website. It was on or about July 20th 2014 that I discovered that Mr. Deane, for whatever reason, did not deliver the masters he had requested we send in 2012 to his residence to Mrs. Deane. Concerned, I retrieved all the DVD masters that I had in storage in my Allentown residence and had them sent to Mr. Deane’s attorney. Mrs. Deane acknowledges that she received these masters. Between the masters I sent from my home, and the disc with the digital files, Mrs. Deane has received all masters
the AP ever had.
She states that what she received was incomplete....but she neglected to state that she received a disc with digital files for any paper product that was sold. With the exception of the rubber code stamps which we did not carry for a few years, she received masters of any product AP ever had With her possession of the domain name, she has been literally a few hours away from a fully-functioning website...she has been for months. It is simply a matter of uploading the backed-up files of the website. As to product, she has had all the same masters the AP offices had with which they did their jobs for years.
In addition, at one point (circa 2008), the Deane’s requested that the AP print on special archival paper all digital products that the Azurite Press possessed. These were sent to the Deane’s Pine Island address, and Mr. Deane recently stated he had them and would leave those in the Sarasota residence after he left so Mrs. Deane could retrieve them.
Any claim that Mrs. Deane is making regarding her masters not being given to her is absolutely not true. I am not sure what electronic media she thinks exists, but there is nothing else other than what she has already received. There are a number of people who can and will testify to the veracity of the process noted above. Thank you Noel and Scotty who have agreed to come to Florida for the hearing. Her lawsuit will certainly cost me some money, but I WELCOME my day in court.
Presenting the evidence and credible testimony to sane people in court of law will allow the truth to come out and become a matter of public record. That will put an end once and for all to these ridiculous accusations.
Rose Tobin:
Very well and clearly expressed, Mac. Those of us who ran or worked in the AP offices can testify to the incredibly hard work that was put in by so many people, all dedicated, to the best of their ability, to serving the Kryst.
The recording team often worked under incredibly difficult circumstances especially during Guardian Time or on trips abroad where they faced the challenges of dodgy electricity, sun, sand and wind, and sudden changes of workshop location. For example, in St Kitts, we sometimes had to go from the meeting room to the beach, at night or in intense sunlight.
This meant that Noel and Jim had to pack up all the equipment carefully, then get to the beach and set it up in the dark or, when Speakers 1&2 were demonstrating the logayanas on the beach, deal with sand getting into the equipment and any manner of technical challenges with minimal set-up time.
During Guardian Time, even in the US workshops, when everyone else could go to their
rooms to rest, one of the team always had to stay in the meeting room to protect the
This isn't directly related to the issue of the masters, per se, but it gives some background to the dedication shown not just by the recording team but by everyone involved. I am so glad that you have had the chance to present some of the truth as you know it, as I feel it is time for the perspective and experience of all involved to be honoured and listened to.
I have been aghast during the last few years at the accusations of fraud, deliberate
distortion, deception, conspiracy etc. levelled at people who gave so much for so long. The accusations have been levelled in such a way as to make it almost impossible for any of us to speak out up to now, but the time has come to set certain records straight.
A wise man quipped 'there are three sides to every story: yours, mine and the facts.' Any time an issue gets clouded in emotion and innuendo it is veering into the 'yours' or 'mine' of that analogy. The facts are neutral and can stand on their own, for example the elegant maths of the spirals which Noel wrote about.
But, and this is my perspective, there are behaviours and attitudes that parallel the maths of the spi rals. The Krystal Spiral has a relationship with its core, a fact which Speaker 1 referred to many times, acknowledging in public at several workshops the work that Noel and A-San had done. Several times in workshop she used the graphs that were painstakenly rendered by members of the K Team, not just the ones done by Noel. Several times she spoke very highly of, and indeed recommended to us all, the A & R Handbook compiled by some of the K Team.
Speaker 1 clams that the fact that the Krystal Spiral module and other modules were
available for sale was unknown to her, despite the fact that she often referred to them at workshops and also in her 'thank you' message from around 2007 which used to be
posted on the AP website. There is not much that can be hidden or clandestine about
products being for sale on a public website; it was hardly something that was being done in an underhand manner or kept under wraps.
People who gave so much and in such good faith have been vili fied, ostracised and
accused of all manner of horrors. They have handled this with a grace and a mastery
which is the very embodiment of the A & Rs. We are all human (thank Source!) and no-one is fully 'there' yet; we have our foibles and our wobbles, but in all my years working very closely both with the AP in running the European Office and as an active member of the K Team, I have come to respect them very deeply. That respect has deepened beyond measure when I see how masterfully they have handled the last few years, have looked within to see where the learning was for them, and have matured spiritually in a way that inspires me.
Mac, seeing the awful press you have endured for so long, I take my hat off to you!
Mary Anne Callaway :Thanks,Rose.. the recording team were unsung heros, no doubt. So were the Kathara Team,, who worked endless hours for a very small monetary energy exchange. All in service to the Kryst .
A**: I'm sorry, I'm past the point of caring about who's right and who's wrong, who's good and who's bad. I've had enough. I don't know about the KS module, but there are lots of other information for me to study. That's what I care about, the Freedom TEACHINGS. Okay?
Rose Tobin: A**, I want to acknowledge your question and was going to wait to think this through a bit more and put my thoughts together.
On reading this last comment from you, though, what springs to mind is the absolute responsibility each of us has to transcend and heal any vestige of victim consciousness. The laws of creation, of cause and effect, are scrupulously exact and fair, even though it may not seem so on a human level. If we are to accept the full implication of Krystal Spiral being, where there is always that connection to the core or centre no matter how far out the spiral goes, we must concurrently accept that no-one is the way they are or acts the way they do because of anyone else, regardless of how it may appear on the human level.
To stand in our Krystic power and integrity requires us not to make excuses for ourselves or another on the basis of perceived victimhood; it isn't about judgment either. It is about loving another enough not to accept excuses for untrue statements, about not glossing over inaccurate or innuendo-laden behaviour or statements that may have material consequences for another's reputation or good name. Each one of us has a responsibility for what we put 'out there', all the more so if we are in a position of influence and authority.
Responsible leadership, not even leadership but just living in integrity in general, demands that we think very carefully about putting out there anything that will take away another's good name unless it is absolutely necessary for protection of others; even in that case, it behoves us to be absolutely sure that the facts of what we are saying are true and accurate. Anyone who has DVDs from the period when the Krystal Spiral work was frequently mentioned by Speaker 1, for example, can easily verify that there was nothing hidden or underhand about that work or that module; Speaker 1 referred to it several times, as she did, in May 2012, to the work on sound. I don't particularly want to get involved any more in discussions around the veracity of what I have just written; the evidence is there.
What I am more interested in and concerned about is coming back to core principles of integrity, responsibility, accountability and empowerment. It is not for me to assess why anyone does anything or to assess why these statements were made.
What is for me to assess is where I place my own power; this is not just my Source-given right, it is also my Source-given responsibility. I feel that one of the lessons I have assigned to myself during this chapter in earth-school is to stop giving my power to anyone outside of myself, to teachers, 'experts', gurus or similar. One can always acknowledge someone's expertise; everyone I meet will know something more about at least one area of life than I do, and I can always learn from them.
But for me one of the great lessons and tests of the last few years has been to stand on my own spiritual feet, which includes not allowing anyone else to dictate to me who I should like and associate with and who I shouldn't, not to give my power to anyone who decides that I or another is unworthy in some way and thus can be dismissed or ostracised just on someone else's say-so. Another 'subject' in earth-school has been to honour my own inner knowing and not to put unquestioning faith in any system or teacher. There is much more to all of this, and thank you for stimulating this line of thought for me.
Each of us can contribute so much to our world by standing in that Source-given power; it is my sense that we can also be trusted more by the higher aspects of ourselves if we are our own person and make up our own minds. Anyway, enough for now, as 3D beckons!
A**: Dear Rose Tobin, I just read what you wrote. Thank you for your comments! It is very much an issue of standing in our own spiritual integrity, and much more, as you pointed out so well . I apologize to Speaker number 1, Mac, Michael Deane, and yourself for any comments I have made over the past few years that I really shouldn't have made . I'm not sure what else to say right now. Thank you again Rose for your precise and loving comments! I apologize to you as well for the same things, but in a way I'm glad I said that, because many people may feel the same way and not say it, and also because it stimulated your inner being to make a very good response. I always knew I liked you from the start. These comments by you, Rose Tobin , are one for the books! Seriously!
Rose Tobin: A**, thank you for your kind words. We have all played our part in this drama. On one level, it is appropriate and good to acknowledge our less than Kristiac behaviour; it takes huge courage and integrity and I take off my hat to you for that. It's so much easier to point fingers at others, to get caught up in the victim part of the v-v game and not recognise that if there is a vv game going on, it takes two to tango. It is so easy to side with the perceived victim (and who among us hasn't played that role to Oscar-winning standards at times). How can I say that with such conviction? I know the routine so well myself!
Our culture encourages sympathy with the perceived victim, that to say something like 'you poor thing' is loving and kind. It may indeed be well meant. I have said it many a time, and I must admit I've loved hearing it too! But if one could imagine a truly Kristiac guardian angel, I imagine that s/he would love us, from a Source level, far too much to extend sympathy. Compassion, yes, and compassion might necessitate prompting us to take a good hard look at our part in the interaction.
One teacher whom I have found very inspiring over the last few years is Caroline Myss. I don't agree with everything she says (and she wouldn't give a toss if I did or not!), but she is so strong on our being absolutely, even ruthlessly yet lovingly, honest with ourselves. I still laugh at loud when she reminds her audience that 'there are as many people going to workshops/therapists to get over knowing you, as you are at workshops getting over knowing them'!
As you rightly say, Aida, you have verbalised what has been under the radar in many hearts and minds, but is now ready to come to the surface. I have wished for a while to engage with whoever is interested in doing so in looking at the principles involved, not in an abstract intellectual way, but in a way where we are willing to be honest and healthily vulnerable, where it is safe to acknowledge our own contributions, positive and negative and yet all within the ManU oneness.
Maharishi, the TM guru, said some wise things in his day. One of them was that the government reflects the consciousness of the people; I've heard the same thing from other teachers, including my now-friend Colin Tipping who created the Radical Forgiveness system.
I would love it if is time for even some people to join me in focussing not on our beloved Speakers, all of them beloved to me, on what they did or did not do, but on what in us their drama is mirroring back to us. We are all part of a morphogenetic field, a hologram where what is in one is in the whole. If we focus, for example, on the stories of possible abuse, why is it this that draws our censure or triggers an emotional reaction in us? There are many ways one can be abusive, to self or others.
I have felt for a while that this whole drama we have collectively experienced is a Source-given opportunity for a real spiritual Kristiac coming-of-age. Goodness, Aida, you are certainly bringing out the philosopher in me! Give yourself a big hug for your courage.
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