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When user 'A' blocks user 'B', user 'A' is being served the boosts from user 'B'.
Boosts should be blocked too.
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added Priority::1 - High Product::Boost Type::Bug (Triage) scoped labels
added Squad::Green scoped label
assigned to @edgebal
unassigned @edgebal
changed milestone to %"sprint: Lucky Lizard"
Unable to replicate, although I appreciate the urgency.
I made a boost locally, approved it, logged into a second user and blocked the boosting account - I no longer see the boost (as the env is scaled down there's only a few posts in the rotation at the moment).
Open to ideas or suggestions of what may have caused it, what activity types have been boosted etc so that the dots can be connected.
added Triage::Unable to Replicate scoped label
We'll have to keep isolating -- lots of users have reported this periodically. I'll add links as I come across them. eg:
I think the best option is to please do keep them coming. @brianhatchet's upcoming changed to the RBAC stuff should really make all of this work, quite well I believe (correct me if I'm wrong Brian).
So I think these bugs should just vanish in a matter of weeks.
assigned to @benhayward.ben
This is in this sprint, but whether it gets fixed this sprint is another matter, im gonna have to put effort into trying to replicate. So far no luck.
changed weight to 3
mentioned in issue minds#744 (closed)
mentioned in issue minds#755 (closed)
added Status::Follow Up scoped label
What do you think @brianhatchet?
It's definitely happening, but what sort of timeframe are we looking at for the RBAC changes? We could add some front-end validation around the area.
Definitely covered in RBAC and definitely has to be done by next sprint. I'll move it onto the next sprint and assign it to myself
changed milestone to %"sprint: Modest Monkey"
Closing in favour of that then
Not fixed
Sorry, should have specified where it will be fixed instead of here.
Feel free to keep it open if you want to keep an eye on it, but its not a card that I think will be picked up by a developer, as the solution is encompassed in that epic.
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