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Causing issues as some of the other tests are reliant on a normal channel, and currently running the pro tests means that channel is locked into Pro.
Fix pending for this on Pro.
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added Sprint::09/25 - Oldfashioned Owl Status::InProgress scoped labels
assigned to @benhayward.ben
changed title from (chore): Update Pro E2E Test to cancel after to (chore): Update Pro E2E tests to cancel after running
changed the description
changed time estimate to 1h
removed Status::InProgress label
added Squad::Yellow scoped label
changed weight to 3
added Status::InProgress scoped label
Not actually possible yet, as we need to use an admin account, which cannot be ran against production.
added 2h of time spent at 2019-09-27
removed Status::InProgress label
Now feeding in a seperate user for Pro instead.
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