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  1. Facing widespread backlash from Republicans & Democrats over his Syria decision, Trump repeats his threat to "destroy & obliterate the economy of Turkey," but unlike his previous threat in January he does not tie it specifically to Turkish military operations against the Kurds

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    The world relies on strong leaders like former Amb . proudly fight with because of America's strength & values we share. We hope our US partners will reverse this decision & not abandon our combined effort in NE Syria.

  3. Senate opposition to President Trump's Syria policy is mounting

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    Just spoke to Sen about situation in Syria. We will introduce bipartisan sanctions against Turkey if they invade Syria and will call for their suspension from NATO if they attack Kurdish forces who assisted the U.S. in the destruction of the ISIS Caliphate.

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    I generally support on foreign policy & don't want our troops fighting other nations' wars, but a HUGE mistake to abandon Kurds. They've never asked us to do THEIR fighting-just give them tools to defend themselves. They have been faithful allies. We CANNOT abandon them.

  6. 1 hour ago

    SDF: "We were doing our best to provide the best kind of security in the prisons and in the camps," following Turkey's incursion the SDF official tells me "we are forced to pull out some of our troops from the prisons and from the camps, to the border to protect our people"

  7. 1 hour ago

    The SDF official tells me: "We hope that President Trump will do something to stop these attacks" by Turkey, says "The United States did not keep their responsibilities regarding the security mechanism"

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    The SDF is left defenseless after they removed fighters and destroyed fortifications at the border - at the request of the US while it was setting up a “security mechanism”

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    2 hours ago

    I asked former commander Joseph Votel, who developed a strong relationship with the SDF, his thoughts on the announcement. Like others, he is disappointed. Much more to come on this issue

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    The President’s decision to abandon our Kurd allies in the face of an assault by Turkey is a betrayal. It says that America is an unreliable ally; it facilitates ISIS resurgence; and it presages another humanitarian disaster.

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    Mr. President: With all due respect, none of this is true. I’d recommend having meetings with your experts and policy team before making historic life-and-death decisions. Making such decisions after a one-off call from a foreign leader is malpractice.

  12. 2 hours ago

    Sen. : "Trump’s decision to pull US troops from Syria’s border with Turkey & abandon the Kurds is a betrayal of a key partner"

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    3 hours ago

    We must always have the backs of our allies, if we expect them to have our back. The Kurds were instrumental in our successful fight against ISIS in Syria. Leaving them to die is a big mistake.

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    3 hours ago

    If reports about US retreat in are accurate, the Trump administration has made a grave mistake that will have implications far beyond Syria.

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  15. 3 hours ago

    More : “we don't have any ambition to abandon them (Kurds/SDF) if you will...what we're going to do is prevent unilateral incursions that would upset, again, these mutual interests that both the United States, Turkey and the SDF share with regard to Syria.”

  16. 3 hours ago

    Secretary in August on a Turkish incursion into Syria: "Clearly we do believe any unilateral action by them would be unacceptable"

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    4 hours ago

    “This is a big win for Iran and Assad. A big win for ISIS” - just now on Fox, who then promised a resolution urging Trump to reverse course.

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    4 hours ago

    All eyes should be on how Senate GOP reacts to 's latest tutorial in chaos policy making on . Last time this happened, Senate GOP got him to adopt a "slow-as-molasses" withdrawal. WH dropped the bombshell late on a Sunday, DC is just waking up to the news. Buckle up.

  19. 4 hours ago

    The Pentagon has said that over 1,600 members of the Kurdish-led SDF have died fighting ISIS as part of the U.S.-led counter ISIS campaign

  20. 5 hours ago

    SDF official tells me: "we pulled out our troops, we destroyed our tunnels but unfortunately the United States did not keep their promises"


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