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  1. Perhaps we shouldn’t renominate or re-elect presidents who make “big mistakes,” especially when all the evidence is that this president is increasingly emboldened and likely to make them?

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    Mattis said he would speak out against Trump when the time was right and that he would know “know it when I see it.” As we trap and then betray our allies this morning, does he not see it yet?

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    You are right. And 20 of you can end all this. Nobody is asking you to land on Anzio beach. Just to risk future cheap haircuts at the Senate barber shop. Step up.

  4. Lindsey Graham calls Trump’s decision “shortsighted and irresponsible” and “unnerving to its core.” Perhaps other Trump defenders could speak up? Perhaps they could stop being his defenders? Perhaps former Trump officials could say publicly how dangerous a second term would be?

  5. A useful thread by the former special envoy who resigned in protest almost a year ago.

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    An important story: China is using its economic power to censor speech by Americans in the US. And the , which (correctly) has no problem with players/employees criticizing our gov't, is now apologizing for criticizing the Chinese gov't. This is shameful and cannot stand.

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    Basically the US persuaded the SDF Kurds to dismantle defensive positions that deterred Turkey, promising security guarantees in exchange. Then once the SDF Kurds became defenseless, Trump gave Erdogan the green light to invade. Hard to imagine a more sinister sequence of events.

  8. Retweeted
    2 hours ago

    Tommy Meyerson, a young Marine Corps officer who served in northeastern Syria, wrote this in December ‘18. It’s still true today: “No one wants American troops to stay in Syria forever, but U.S. interests and honor demand that they stay for now.”

  9. With the betrayal of the Kurds and Trump's full-on America First tweet storm this morning, is there a single principled internationalist, a single believer in American global leadership somewhere in the Trump Administration who will resign in protest?

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    America’s worst nightmare is to have reliable allies -- like the Kurds who have fought so bravely against ISIS -- abandoned and destroyed.

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  11. Retweeted
    10 hours ago

    When Trump briefly decided the U.S. would abruptly pull out of Syria earlier this year, even then he pledged the U.S. would "devastate Turkey economically if they hit Kurds." This time around, the White House's attitude appears to be "it's not our fight."

  12. Retweeted
    9 hours ago

    "It's not that I agree with the… corruption offending allies tariffs lying abuses of power nepotism mistreatment of immigrants massive deficits degradation of discourse conceding to dictators corporate welfare… it's just you NeverTrumpers just won't give Trump any credit"

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  13. In 1975 we betrayed the Kurds at the behest of the Shah. Four years later the Shah was gone and the dishonor remained. Betrayal in the name of realpolitik rarely works out well.

  14. “It isn’t just that impeachment is not a coup—it’s the very opposite of a coup. A coup is, by definition, illegal. Impeachment is as legal as it comes.”

  15. The estimable ⁦⁩ has put together “the definitive version of events according to Trump and his most obsequious allies.” It’s an entertaining read. It’s kind of amazing Team Trump decided to try to sell it. It’s scary that anyone believes it.

  16. Flail (v.): Wave or swing wildly; flounder; struggle uselessly.

  17. Retweeted
    Oct 6

    . takes a look at how Republican lawmakers will be judged for how they handle Pres. Trump. He says they should remember lessons learned from how Joseph McCarthy’s contemporaries handled him.

  18. If this had even the pretense of being a serious legal investigation, Barr would have warned Trump against prejudicial statements. It would be interesting to ask Barr if he’s fine with this, or if he’s discussed this with the president. Also: Is there still a WH Counsel?

  19. Hasn’t this conclusion by the president made a fair and credible investigation of the Bidens by his Attorney General impossible? But of course the point was never to have a proper investigation, with legal protocols in place. If it had been, Barr would have recused himself.

  20. “‘It was a fairly polite request for something that the Australian government had already made pretty clear that we were quite happy to do,’ Mr. Morrison said.” “Fairly polite” is a fairly polite choice of words by the Australian PM about Trump.


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