- Ebsco hu12/library/straw dsmc/kmmed/dongsan
- EBSCO Username: kung Password: med0903
- EBSCO http://www.ebscohost.com user: oleanpl pw: oleanpl
- Ebsco http://ejournals.ebsco.com User-id: modena Password: remoto
- EBSCO http://ejournals.ebsco.com/ Customer code: spjc Username: spcollege Password: spcollege
- EBSCO http://ejournals.ebsco.com/login.asp Use Customer code = ZSSD Username = LIBRARY Password = LIBRARY
- Ebsco http://ejournals.ebsco.com/login.asp?bCookiesEnabled=TRUE unimo/modena/remoto
- Ebsco http://search.epnet.com/ user: howard / pw: library // user: ricelibrary passw: library
- EBSCO online Customer Code: kaohsiung / User ID: cgmhkslb /Password: kslb8611
- Ebsco Online http://ejournals.ebsco.com/ Customer Code: dsmc / username: kmmed / password: dongsan
- Ebsco search.epnet.com user: s1027982 password: password
- Ecological Monographs; Durham Texto completo: 1994 - 2000 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Ecology; Brooklyn Texto completo: 1991 - 2000 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Economic Development Review; Park Ridge Texto completo: 1987 - 2001 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Economist E-mail address: narat@uludag.edu.tr Password:library
- Economist E-mail address: narat@uludag.edu.tr Password:library
- Econtent login:Username: subscriber0412 Password: subscriber0412
- Ecotoxicology; London Texto completo: 1999 - actualidad, retrasado 1 año(s) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Education for Primary Care 2001 v12 (3)- Username: phtlib Password: interact
- EMBO Journal; Oxford Texto completo: 1999 - actualidad, retrasado 6 mes(es) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- EMBO Reports; Oxford Texto completo: 2000 - actualidad, retrasado 6 mes(es) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Emergency Medicine Journal http://bmj.athensams.net/emj/ Username =swrbmjjournals Password = bmjjournals1
- Endocrine Reviews http://edrv.endojournals.org/ User Name : libmedpsu Password : 212905
- Environment; Washington Texto completo: 1988 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Environmental Design + Construction; Troy Texto completo: 2001 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Environmental Progress; New York Texto completo: 1997 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Environmental Reviews; Ottawa Texto completo: 2001 - actualidad, retrasado 6 mes(es) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Epidemiology Username: morehousejoh Password: mmcmsm
- Europe Environment; Brussels Texto completo: 1996 - 2001 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- European Journal of Cell Biology; Stuttgart Texto completo: 2001 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Username: osy064hq Password: pxj533ed
- European Journal of Emergency Medicine Username: chimeilibrary Password: chimei
- European Journal of Ophalmology Username: 000118190329 Password: deniz22
- European Journal of Orthodontics (OXFORD GROUP) http://www3.oup.co.uk/eortho User Name : library10 Password : 212905
- European journal of pediatrics Username: bnt079md Password: ucw571no
- European Review of Agricultural Economics; Oxford Texto completo: 1999 - actualidad, retrasado 1 año(s) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Evidence Based Medicine http://bmj.athensams.net/emj/ Username =swrbmjjournals Password = bmjjournals1
- Evidence Based Mental Health http://bmj.athensams.net/ebmh Username =swrbmjjournals Password = bmjjournals1
- Evidence Based Nursing http://bmj.athensams.net/ebn/ Username =swrbmjjournals Password = bmjjournals1
- Experimental & Applied Acarology; Amsterdam Texto completo: 2000 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Experimental Brain Research Username: osy064hq Password: pxj533ed
- Family Economics and Nutrition Review; Washington Texto completo: 1992 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Farm Industry News; Minneapolis Texto completo: 1998 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Farm Journal; Midwest/Central edition Texto completo: 1995 - 1996 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Farmers Guardian; Tonbridge Texto completo: 2002 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- FDA Consumer; Rockville Texto completo: 1988 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Film-Dienst Username: th0008 Password: pf7rw84t
- Fire Management Today; Washington Texto completo: 1999 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Flora; Jena Texto completo: 2002 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Florida Grower; Willoughby Texto completo: 1998 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica; Basel Texto completo: 1998 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Folia Primatologica; Basel Texto completo: 1998 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Food and Agricultural Immunology; Abingdon Texto completo: 1998 - 2000 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Food Engineering; Troy Texto completo: 1997 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Food Management; Cleveland Texto completo: 1995 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Food Manufacturing; Morris Plains Texto completo: 2002 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- FoodReview; Washington Texto completo: 1991 - 2002 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Foodservice Director; New York Texto completo: 2000 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Forest Products Journal; Madison Texto completo: 1993 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Forest Science; Bethesda Texto completo: 2001 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Forestry and British Timber; Tonbridge Texto completo: 1998 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Fortune login: 191149584
- Frozen Food Age; New York Texto completo: 1994 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Functional & Integrative Genomics; Heidelberg 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Funk-Korrespondenz Username: th0008 Password: pf7rw84t
- Gastroenterology Username:nur Password:medicine
- Gastroenterology Username: aziegler Password: landes
- Gastroenterology Username: smhmedlib Password: dewey
- Gastroenterology Username: deniz-70 Password: deniz
- Gastroenterology Username: chimei Password: chimei
- Gastroenterology Username:ULULIB5 Password: LIBRARY
- Gastroenterology http://www2.gastrojournal.org/scripts/om.dll/serve?action=searchDB&searchDBfor=home&id=gast user: nervi pw: gastro
- GASTROENTEROLOGY (1998- Full Text) (Username: cmch, Password: lib
- Gastroenterology 1996 v110- Username: qalib Password: interact
- Gastroenterology http://www2.gastrojournal.org/scripts/om.dll/serve?action=searchDB&searchdbfor=home&id=gast User Name : libmed1 Password : 212905
- Gastroenterology v.114:no.1 (1998:Jan.) to present username:Clemson;password: tigers
- Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Username: deniz-35 Password: deniz
- Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Username: chimei Password: chimei
- Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America password: SANGSEO password: SANGSEOWON
- GeneTests: Username: loganlibrary Password: library
- Genome; Ottawa Texto completo: 1997 - actualidad, retrasado 6 mes(es) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Geotechnical engineering login: TU Delft password : telford
- Geriatric Nursing Customer Code = psu; user ID = libmedpsu pass: 212905
- Geriatric Nursing Username: biburv Password: biburv
- Glycobiology; Oxford Texto completo: 1999 - actualidad, retrasado 6 mes(es) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Greenhouse Grower; Willoughby Texto completo: 1998 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Ground Water; Dublin Texto completo: 1994 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Grounds Maintenance; Overland Park Texto completo: 1998 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Gut http://bmj.athensams.net/gut/ Username =swrbmjjournals Password = bmjjournals1
- Handboek milieuvergunningen login: r10546863 password : ba190184
- Harrison Online username: iusod password: harrisons).
- Harrison´s Online http://harrisons.accessmedicine.com/ u: iusod pw: harrisons
- HarrisonOnline dalhousie2 password: dallibs
- Harrison's Online Userid: iusod Password: harrisons.
- Harrison's online http://harrisons.accessmedicine.com/ username:dalhousie2 password:dallibs // USER: oregon PW: library
- Harrison's Principle's of Internal Medicine Username: smhmedlib Password: dewey
- Harvard Rvw Psych logon: south23 Password: middlemore
- Harvard University Username: 12882 Password: harvard
- Hazardous Waste Consultant; Lakewood Texto completo: 2002 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Health Affairs Username: deniz Password: deniz-41
- Health Affairs Username: healthaffairs Password: journal
- Health Care Food & Nutrition Focus; Frederick Texto completo: 2002 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Health Care for Women International Customer Code = psu; user ID = libmedpsu pass: 212905
- Heart & Lung: the Journal of Acute and Critical Care User ID - clemson; Password - tigers
- Heart & Lung: the Journal of Acute and Critical Care Username: chimei Password: chimei
- Heart http://bmj.athensams.net/heart/ Username =swrbmjjournals Password = bmjjournals1
- Hearth & Lung Username: biburv Password: biburv
- Hepatology Username: epinar Password: gazihep
- Hepatology Username: bibmed1 Password: bibmed
- Hepatology Username: Jena Password: kl57
- Hepatology Username: deniz-60 Password: deniz
- Hepatology Username: chimei Password: chimei
- Hepatology http://www.hepatology.org/ user: libmed-psu pw: 212905 / u: luigi pw: bili
- Hepatology (MOSBY GROUP) http://www.hepatology.org/ User Name : libmed-psu Password : 212905
- Herpetological Review; St. Louis Texto completo: 1998 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- HINARI www.healthinternetwork.net username: per045 password: 59773 U: col068 P:4771 / U: col076 P:43545 / U: ROM016 P: 47719
- Horticulture Week; Teddington Texto completo: 2003 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- http://harrisons.accessmedicine.com user: oregon / password: library
- http://search.epnet.com Username: vital Password: resource
- Human Biology; Detroit Texto completo: 1994 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Human Development; Basel Texto completo: 1997 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Human Ecology; New York Texto completo: 1996 - actualidad, retrasado 1 año(s) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- HUMAN GENETICS (1996- Full Text) (UserID: ysz422wy, Password: mye954cr
- Human Heredity; Basel Texto completo: 2004 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Human Molecular Genetics; Oxford Texto completo: 1999 - actualidad, retrasado 6 mes(es) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Human Pathology Username: chimei Password: chimei
- Human Pathology Username: more Password: house
- Human Pathology http://www.harcourthealth.com/humpath User Name : libmedpsu Password : 212905
- Human Reproduction (OXFORD GROUP) http://humrep.oupjournals.org/ User Name : library10 Password : 212905
- Human Reproduction Update http://humupd.oupjournals.org/ User Name : library10 Password : 212905
- Humanities
- ID Sales Pro; New York Texto completo: 1998 - 2003 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biology; Oxford Texto completo: 2001 - actualidad, retrasado 6 mes(es) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- in Engineering Password:itu02s
- In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology; Columbia Texto completo: 1998 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology; Columbia Texto completo: 2000 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics; Bombay Texto completo: 1998 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Industrial Environment; Boston Texto completo: 1997 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Infectious Disease Alert Username: 34912466 Password: house
- Informatie login: 011049
- Informatie Professional login: 29749 password : 11
- Information management and technology Username: subscriber Password: imon2imat
- Ingenta http://www.ingenta.com/isis/authentication/Start/ingenta U: Chinalxy P:518518
- INGENTA www.ingentaselect.com (browse>suscription) username: jblyth y el password: grass
- INGENTASELECT USERNAME: pharmacia password: library
- Injury Prevention http://ip.bmjjournals.com Username =swrbmjjournals Password = bmjjournals1
- Integrative and Comparative Biology; McLean Texto completo: 1997 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Intensive Care Medicine dds576wd dds576wd
- Intensive Care Medicine 1997 v23- Username: vnx676qz Password: pyc229xc
- INTERNATIONAL IMMUNOLOGY (1999- Full Text) (Username:cmch, Password:lib123
- International Journal of Computerized Dentistry http://www.quintpub.com/ Usrnm: chonbuk Pswd: 2703457
- International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition; Basingstoke Texto completo: 1996 - 2000 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- International Journal of Medical Microbiology; Jena Texto completo: 2002 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health; Philadelphia 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- International Journal of Palliative Nursing http://www.internurse.com Username = ubht Password = nhs244
- International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry Username: chimei Password: chimei
- International Journal of Plant Sciences; Chicago Texto completo: 2002 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology; London Texto completo: 2003 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- International Journal of Technology Policy and Management login: tudelft password : ijtpm0811
- International Journal of Vehicle Design login: tudelft password : ijvd0201
- International Journal of Wine Marketing; Patrington Texto completo: 1992 - actualidad, retrasado 6 mes(es) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- International Ophthalmology Clinics Username: chimeilibrary Password: chimei
- International Polymer Science and Technology login: bibl password : ip02
- INTERNATIONAL UROGYNECOLOGY JOURNAL (1999- Full Text) (UserID: ysz422wy, Password: mye954cr
- International Wildlife; Vienna Texto completo: 1998 - 2002 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Internurse Library Username: univlidta - Password: guesttz
- INTERSCIENCE U: Kmmed P: dongsan
- Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing Customer Code = psu; user ID = libmedpsu pass: 212905
- Issues in Mental Health Nursing Customer Code = psu; user ID = libmedpsu pass: 212905
- Issues in Mental Health Nursing 1998 v19- Username: phtlib Password: interact
- Issues in Mental Health Nursing 1998 v19- Username: phtlib Password: interact
- Issues in Science and Technology; Washington Texto completo: 1994 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- J Clin Psych logon: middlemore Password: 129063
- J Clin Psypharm Logon: SOUTH1 Password: auckland
- J.Arthroplasty: BIBM- BIBMED
- JAMA U: ovidtest P: 9sb3e4
- JAMA Username: smhmedlib Password: smhmedlib
- JAMA http://jama.ama-assn.org/ user: iram@iram.cl pw: elpepe
- JAMA :Journal of The American Medical Association http://jama.ama-assn.org/ User Name : woranuch Password : tiautrakul
- JAMA http://gateway.ovid.com Username = fre0001 Password = journals
- JAMA http://jama.ama-assn.org/ username : mvuletic@clinicalascondes.cl password : Canada
- JAMA; Chicago Texto completo: 1991 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Japan Food Service Journal; Tokyo Texto completo: 2002 - 2003 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- JCAHO Perspectives Username: c62823 Password: fgw36ea8
- Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes Username: morehouse Password: mmcmsm
- Journal of Adhesive Dentistry http://www.quintpub.com/ Usrnm: chonbuk Pswd: 2703457
- Journal of Adult Orthodontics http://www.quintpub.com/ Usrnm: chonbuk Pswd: 2703457
- Journal of Advanced Nursing http://gateway.ovid.com Username = fre0001 Password = journals
- Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics; Athens Texto completo: 2002 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics; Logan Texto completo: 2001 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Agricultural Lending; Washington Texto completo: 1995 - 2003 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology username and Password: sph
- Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Username: Service Password: 407
- Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology username : bfmgeneve password : biblio
- Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Username: more Password: house
- Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology http://www.mosby.com/jaci User Name : libmedpsu Password : 212905
- Journal of Animal Science; Savoy Texto completo: 1997 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (JAC) Customer Code = psu; user ID = libmedpsu pass: 212905
- Journal of Applied Poultry Research; Savoy Texto completo: 2003 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Arboriculture; Champaign Texto completo: 2003 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Arthroplasty Username: chimei Password: chimei
- Journal of Biological Rhythms; New York 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Biomaterials Applications; London 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery Username: medicalbookworm Password: knowledge
- Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (British & American) http://gateway.ovid.com Username = fre0001 Password = journals
- Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - American Username: smhmedlib Password: dewey
- Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (British) Username: smhmedlib Password: dewey
- Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery -Am. Vol.- Username: swetssub Password: 34544B
- Journal of Bronchology Username: 000118190329 Password: deniz22
- Journal of Burn Care & Rehabilitation Username: chimeilibrary Password: chimei
- Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation http://www.burncarerehab.com/ User Name : libmed7 Password : 212905
- Journal of Cardiothoracic & Vascular Anesthesia Username: deniz-32 Password: deniz100
- Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia Username: chimei Password: chimei
- Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia http://www2.jcardioanesthesia.com/scripts/om.dll/serve?action=searchDB&searchDBfor=home&id=jcan User Name : libmedpsu Password : 212905
- Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology Username: morehousejoh Password: mmcmsm
- Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Username: ThULB Password: rt50pp
- Journal of Chemical Education Username: swets 23352620 Password: 11703
- Journal of chemical education Username: swets 92231888 Password: 35960
- Journal of Chemical Education username : CENTRE MEDICAL UNIVERSITAIRE password : 13425
- Journal of Chemical Education login: 110192 password : 12735
- Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines 1998-2001 v39-v42 only Username: libstaff1 Password: interact
- Journal of Climate; Boston Texto completo: 1998 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Username: smhmedlib Password: dewey
- Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism http://jcem.endojournals.org/ User Name : libmedpsu Password : 212905
- Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology Username: chimeilibrary Password: chimei
- Journal of Clinical Investigation; Ann Arbor Texto completo: 2002 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Clinical Oncology Username: vghtpe Password: library
- Journal of Clinical Oncology Username: smhmedlib Password: dewey
- Journal of Clinical Oncology Username: deniz-23 Password: university
- Journal of Clinical Oncology http://www.jco.org Username = boclibrary Password = bristol
- Journal of Clinical Oncology http://www.jco.org/ User Name : libmedpsu Password : 212905
- Journal of Clinical Orthodontics Username: yusuf@baskent.edu.tr Password: baskent11
- Journal of Clinical Pathology http://bmj.athensams.net/jcp/ Username =swrbmjjournals Password = bmjjournals1
- Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Username: scottp@moondog.usask.ca Password: 26650
- Journal of Clinical Psychiatry http://www.psychiatrist.com/ User Name : libmedpsu Password : 212905
- Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology Username: chimeilibrary Password: chimei
- Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology http://www.psychopharmacology.com/ User Name : 000023024292 Password : 23024292
- JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ULTRASOUND U: sungkyunmed P: sungkyunmed
- Journal of Coatings Technology Subscription code: 34483
- Journal of Commercial Biotechnology; London Texto completo: 2001 - actualidad, retrasado 4 mes(es) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal Of Computer Assisted Tomography Username:uludag2003 Password:LIBRARY
- Journal of Critical Care Username: smhmedlib Password: dewey
- Journal of Critical Care Username: chimei Password: chimei
- Journal of Dairy Science (User ID ) : ce9rdf (e-mail) : sozkesen@pamuk.cu.edu.tr
- Journal of Dairy Science; Champaign Texto completo: 2002 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology (JJEK) http://www.journals.elsevierhealth.com/periodicals/jjek Username: chonbuk Password: 2703457
- Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology username: neorcc password: library
- Journal of Electron Microscopy; Oxford Texto completo: 2001 - actualidad, retrasado 6 mes(es) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Emergency Nursing Customer Code = psu; user ID = libmedpsu pass: 212905
- Journal of Emergency Nursing Username: chimei Password: chimei
- Journal of Environment & Development; La Jolla 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Environmental Quality; Madison Texto completo: 1997 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health http://bmj.athensams.net/jech/ Username =swrbmjjournals Password = bmjjournals1
- Journal of Essential Oil Research : JEOR; Carol Stream Texto completo: 2003 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Evidence based dental Practice http://www2.us.elsevierhealth.com/scripts/om.dll/serve?action=searchDB&searchdbfor=pub&id=ed Username: wonkwang Password: 5470
- Journal of Experimental Botany; Oxford Texto completo: 1999 - actualidad, retrasado 6 mes(es) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Family Medicine Username: 1881 Password: 1881
- Journal of Forestry; Bethesda Texto completo: 1999 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY (1998- Full Text) (UserID: ysz422wy, Password: mye954cr
- Journal of General Management Username: tudtud Password: tudtud
- Journal of General Plant Pathology : JGPP; Tokyo 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Hand Surgery Username: chimei Password: chimei
- Journal of Hand Surgery (A) Username: ULULIB8 Password: LIBRARY
- Journal of Hand Surgery (Am) http://www.jhandsurg.org/ User Name : libmedpsu Password : 212905
- Journal of Herpetology; St. Louis Texto completo: 1998 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Immunology Username: biburv Password: biburv
- Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine Username: JOLA Password: JK5L
- Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine username : bfmgeneve password : biblio
- Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine Username: chimei Password: chimei
- Journal of Leisure Research; Arlington Texto completo: 1994 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Mammalogy; Baltimore Texto completo: 1997 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia; Dordrecht Texto completo: 1997 - actualidad, retrasado 1 año(s) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Username: chimei Password: chimei
- Journal of Medical Ethics http://bmj.athensams.net/jme/ Username =swrbmjjournals Password = bmjjournals1
- Journal of Medical Genetics http://bmj.athensams.net/jmg/ Username =swrbmjjournals Password = bmjjournals1
- Journal of Medical Genetics; London Texto completo: 1998 - 2003 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Medical Microbiology http://jmm.sgmjournals.org/ User Name : libmed2 Password : 212905
- Journal of Medical Screening http://jms.bmjjournals.com Username =swrbmjjournals Password = bmjjournals1
- Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health http://www.jmwh.org/ User Name : libmedpsu Password : 212905
- Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education; Madison Texto completo: 2001 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Neurocytology; Dordrecht Texto completo: 1999 - actualidad, retrasado 1 año(s) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery & Psychiatry http://bmj.athensams.net/jnnp/ Username =swrbmjjournals Password = bmjjournals1
- Journal of Neuroscience Username: swetssub Password: 34544B
- Journal of Neurosurgery Username: smhmedlib Password: dewey
- Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology Username: chimeilibrary Password: chimei
- Journal of Nuclear Cardiology Username: chimei Password: chimei
- Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior; Hamilton Texto completo: 1997 - 2001 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine; Abingdon Texto completo: 1997 - 2000 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1997 v17- Username: phtlib Password: interact
- Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implant http://www.quintpub.com/ Usrnm: chonbuk Pswd: 2703457
- Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Username: baskent-13 Password: baskent11
- Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Username: chimei Password: chimei
- Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Username: more Password: house
- Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery http://www.joms.org/ User Name : libmedpsu Password : 212905
- Journal of Oral Laser Applications http://www.quintpub.com/ Usrnm: chonbuk Pswd: 2703457
- Journal of Orofacial Pain http://www.quintpub.com/ Usrnm: chonbuk Pswd: 2703457
- Journal of Orthodontics (OXFORD GROUP) http://ortho.oupjournals.org/ User Name : library10 Password : 212905
- Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy http://www.jospt.org/ User Name : 177314 Password : Hat-Yai
- Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma Username: chimei Password: hello32715
- Journal of Paleontology; Lawrence Texto completo: 1997 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal Of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition Username:uludag2 LIBRARY
- Journal Of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition Username:uludag2003 Password:LIBRARY
- Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Username: chimeilibrary Password: chimei
- Journal of Pediatric Health Care User ID - clemson; Password - tigers
- Journal of Pediatric Nursing http://www2.pediatricnursing.org/ User Name : libmedpsu Password : 212905
- Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics Username: 000118190329 Password: 000118190329
- Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics Username: chimeilibrary Password: chimei
- Journal of pediatric surgery Username: DPT Password: SQW
- Journal of Pediatric Surgery username : bfmgeneve password : biblio
- Journal of Pediatric Surgery Username: deniz-22 Password: deniz
- Journal of Pediatric Surgery Username: more Password: house
- Journal of Pediatric Surgery Username: ULULIB6 Password: LIBRARY
- Journal of Pediatric Surgery ULULIB6/LIBRARY
- Journal of Pediatric Surgery http://www2.jpedsurg.org/ User Name : libmedpsu Password : 212905
- Journal of Pediatrics Username: lhmc1 Password: pediatrics
- Journal of Pediatrics Username: legan Password: library
- Journal of Pediatrics Username: gazi Password: jtcvs
- Journal of Pediatrics user: lau-wessel password: zbmed
- Journal of Pediatrics username : bfmgeneve password : biblio
- Journal of Pediatrics Username: baskent Password: baglica44
- Journal of Pediatrics Username: more Password: house
- Journal of Pediatrics Username: ULULIB2 Password: LIBRARY
- Journal of Pediatrics ULULIB2/LIBRARY
- Journal of Pediatrics (MOSBY GROUP) http://www2.us.elsevierhealth.com/scripts/om.dll/serve?action=searchDB&searchDBfor=home&id=pd User Name : libmed-psu Password : 212905
- Journal of Pediatrics 1994 v124- Username: phtlib Password: interact
- Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry http://www.quintpub.com/ Usrnm: chonbuk Pswd: 2703457
- Journal of periodontology Username: Thueringen Password: accessopt
- Journal of Periodontology username : bfmgeneve password : bibliobfm
- Journal of Periodontology Username: deniz-10 Password: university
- Journal of Periodontology Username: chimeilib Password: chimeilib
- Journal of Periodontology http://www.perio.org/journal/journal.html User Name : libmedpsu Password : periodontology
- Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology username : bfmgeneve password : biblio
- Journal of Plankton Research; Oxford Texto completo: 1999 - actualidad, retrasado 6 mes(es) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Plant Physiology; Stuttgart Texto completo: 2002 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Username: deniz-2 Password: deniz
- Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry (MOSBY GROUP) http://www.mosby.com/prosdent User Name : libmed-psu Password : 212905
- Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 1997 v77- Username: qahlib Password: alexan
- Journal of Prosthodontics http://www.quintpub.com/ Usrnm: chonbuk Pswd: 2703457
- Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Customer Code = psu; user ID = libmedpsu pass: 212905
- Journal of Renal Nutrition Username: baskent-2 Password: baskent11
- Journal of Rheumatology http://jrheum.com/ User Name : 2455 Password : songkla1
- Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Username: 7459 Password: 9c2d592c
- Journal of Soil and Water Conservation; Ankeny Texto completo: 1994 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Spinal Disorder & Techniques Username: chimeilibrary Password: chimei
- Journal of Sugar Beet Research; Denver Texto completo: 2002 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association; Pittsburgh Texto completo: 2002 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 1995 v34- Username: phtlib10 Password: interact10
- Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 1995- v34- Username: phtlib10 Password: interact10
- Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry logon:SOUTH1 Password: auckland
- Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Username: morehousejoh Password: mmcmsm
- Journal Of The American Academy Of Child And Adolescent Psychiatry Username:NEARAT Password:000118857679
- Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Customer Code = psu; user ID = libmedpsu pass: 212905
- Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Username: ThULB Password: fak
- Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Username: smhmedlib Password: dewey
- Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Username: chimei Password: chimei
- Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Username: more Password: house
- Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology http://www.eblue.org/ User Name : libmedpsu Password : 212905
- Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Username: 12686240 Password: 120059
- Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association; Lakewood Texto completo: 2002 - 2003 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Username: stjames Password: library
- Journal of the American Geriatrics Society http://www.blackwell-synergy.com Username = royalinf Password = bristol
- Journal of the American Medical Association name: axelrode@mail.nih.gov Password: eps
- Journal of the American Medical Association name: axelrode@mail.nih.gov Password: eps
- Journal of the American Pomological Society; University Park Texto completo: 2001 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Username: chimei Password: chimei
- Journal of the American Water Resources Association; Middleburg Texto completo: 2002 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia; Saanichton Texto completo: 2003 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of the National Cancer Institute Username: sarasota Password: smhmedlib
- Journal of the National Cancer Institute (OXFORD GROUP) http://jncicancerspectrum.oupjournals.org/jnci/ User Name : library10 Password : 212905
- Journal of the National Cancer Institute; Oxford Texto completo: 1997 - actualidad, retrasado 6 mes(es) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society; Bronx Texto completo: 2001 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery username : bfmgeneve password : biblio
- Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Username: smhmedlib Password: dewey
- Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Username: more7 Password: house
- Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Username: ULUDAGUNIV Password: ULUDAG2003
- Journal of Throracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Username: baskent11 Password: baskent11
- Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology; Stuttgart Texto completo: 2001 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- JOURNAL OF TRAUMA USERNAME: regions pwd: medical
- Journal of Trauma Username: 100000447278 Password: morehouse7
- Journal of Trauma 1995 v38- Username: phtlib5 Password: interact5
- Journal of Trauma http://www.jtrauma.com/ User Name : 000023024292 Password : 000023024292
- Journal Of Trauma Injury Infection And Critical Care Username:uludag2003 Password:LIBRARY
- Journal of Urology Username: 1125311 Password : 1125311
- Journal of Urology Username: 100000762003 Password: gaziuro
- Journal of Urology Username: smhmedlib Password: dewey1
- Journal of Urology Username: 000118190329 Password: deniz22
- Journal of Urology Username: 100000445505 Password: morehouse7
- Journal Of Urology Username:uludag2003 Password:LIBRARY
- JOURNAL OF UROLOGY (1998- Full Text) (Username: china , Password: cmchlib
- Journal of Urology 1998 v159- Username: phtlib7 Password: interact7
- Journal of Urology http://www.jurology.com/ User Name : 000023024292 Password : 000023024292
- Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology Username: smhmedlib Password: dewey1
- Journal of Vascular Surgery User ID - clemson; Password - tigers
- Journal of vascular surgery Username: Testdata Password: help
- Journal of Vascular Surgery Username: smhmedlib Password: dewey
- Journal of Vascular Surgery Username: chimei Password: chimei
- Journal of Vascular Surgery Username: more Password: house
- Journal of Wine Research; Oxfordshire Texto completo: 1997 - 2000 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Journal of Wound care Username: smhmedlib Password: dewey1
- Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing (WOCN) Username: chimei Password: chimei
- Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice Customer Code = psu; user ID = libmedpsu pass: 212905
- journals of science username GHA005 PASSWORD 10188
- JPEN, Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition; Silver Spring Texto completo: 1996 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Kew Bulletin; Norwich Texto completo: 2000 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Laboratory Animals; London Texto completo: 2003 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- LANCET unmhscl library / becadosneurology quillenmedicine
- Lancet User Name: techni Password:techn
- Lancet Username: smlib Password: lacc1
- Lancet logon: sah Password: library
- Lancet Username: trinity1 Password : stearne
- Lancet Username: baskent Password: baglica
- Lancet (British Edition) Username: ULUDAG Password: LIBRARY
- Lancet (British Edition) ULUDAG/LIBRARY
- LANCET (Full Text) (username: cmch, password: cmchl
- Lancet http://www.thelancet.com Username = healespostgrad Password = postgrad
- Lancet -Including Index- Username: biburv Password: biburv
- Land Economics; Madison Texto completo: 1987 - 1998 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Laryngoscope Username:uludag2003 Password:LIBRARY
- Laryngoscope http://www.laryngoscope.com Username = ubhtlrc2 Password = postgrad
- Lasers in Engineering Username: lasersenguni Password: lie43b28
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science Username: osy064hq Password: pxj533ed
- lippincott username GHA005 PASSWORD 10188
- Lippincott's Manual of Nursing Practice Username: sar001 Password: dewey1
- LUPUS www.arnoldpublishers.com/journals/pages/lupus/onli.htm (via ingenta) username: tsghndmc password: tsghndmc
- MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE U: sungkyunmed P: sungkyunmed
- Management Password:itu02s
- Mayo Clinic Proceedings Username: smhmedlib Password: dewey
- MD Consult l9vargas pass: l9vargas
- mdconsult username: dofito1 password: dofito / username: schseoul password: schhospital
- MdConsult http://www.mdconsult.com ID: johnaru PW: asdfgh
- MdConsult http://www.mdconsult.com user: alcatraz71 / pw: alcali
- MdConsult http://www.mdconsult.com U: HOSPITAL2DEMAYO P: PERU
- Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing http://ioj.iee.org.uk Username = ubhtlrc Password = ecwyft
- Medical and Pediatric Oncology Username: osema Password: gazilib
- Medical Care Username: morehouse Password: mmcmsm
- Medical Care http://www.lww-medicalcare.com Username = ubhtlrc Password = postgrad
- Medical Humanities http://bmj.athensams.net/mh/ Username =swrbmjjournals Password = bmjjournals1
- Medical Law review http://www3.oup.co.uk/medlaw/ Username = bristol17 Password = heales
- Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics http://www.medicalletter.org/index.html User Name : libmedpsu Password : 212905
- Medical Masterclass (Blackwell Publishing) http://www.medical-masterclass.com/ Username : hscl01 ;Password : hsclkuniv
- Medical Microbiology and Immunology Supportive Care in Cancer Username: osy064hq Password: pxj533ed
- Medical Passwords - Medical Journals by JANO
- Medicine Username: 000118182258 Password: mmcmsm
- MEDICINE - Continuously Updates Username: sghms Password: DARWIN
- Medicine (UK) 1997- Username: phtlib Password: interact
- Medicine And Science In Sports & Exercise Username:NEARAT Password:000118857679
- Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Username: morehouse7 Password: mmcmsm
- Medicine on the Net Username: more Password: house
- Medscape Username:wgong Password: wollongong
- Medscape Mental Health Username: seb2000 Password: proper
- medscape: main main
- Menopause Username: smhmedlib Password: dewey1
- Menopause Username: morehouse Password: mmcmsm
- merican Journal of Kidney Diseases Username: morehouse Password: house
- Microbiological Research; Jena Texto completo: 2002 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Microbiology Abstracts -B- Bacteriology Username: rov34 Password: rov344
- Mineral Processing Password:itu02s
- Minerva Biotecnologica; Torino Texto completo: 1998 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Modern Power Systems login: 007885
- Molecular Human Reproduction; Oxford Texto completo: 1999 - actualidad, retrasado 6 mes(es) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Molecular Pathology http://bmj.athensams.net/mp/ Username =swrbmjjournals Password = bmjjournals1
- Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; St. Paul Texto completo: 2002 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Mycology and Protozoology Username: rov34 Password: rov344
- Mycopathologia; Dordrecht Texto completo: 1999 - actualidad, retrasado 1 año(s) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- NACTA Journal; Twin Falls Texto completo: 2002 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Nanobiology; Abingdon Texto completo: 1996 - 1998 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- National Fisherman; Portland Texto completo: 2000 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- National Geographic; Washington Texto completo: 2001 - actualidad, retrasado 3 mes(es) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- National Hog Farmer; Minneapolis Texto completo: 1998 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- National Tax Journal Username:ULUDAG Password: LIBRARY
- National Wildlife; World edition Texto completo: 1998 - 2002 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Natural History; New York Texto completo: 1992 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Nature id: sote pwd: proper
- Nature user:zbmed password:dembz
- Nature Username/password: 020225na/gewuosu
- Nature Biotechnology Username/password: 020225na/gewuosu
- Nature Genetics Username/password: 020225na/gewuosu
- Nature Immunology Username/password: 020225na/gewuosu
- Nature Medicine Username: cmchl Password: lib
- Nature Medicine Username/password: 020225na/gewuosu
- Nature Neuroscience Username/password: 020225na/gewuosu
- Nature Reviews Cancer Username/password: 020225na/gewuosu
- Nature Reviews Neuroscience Username/password: 020225na/gewuosu
- Nederlands Juristenblad Username: 27181077 Password: tu825131
- Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees Recht Username: NtEr-abonnee Password: HvJ EG
- NEJM userneme: SE pwd: proper
- NEJM U: sungkyun P: sungkyun
- NEJM : logon: sahsah Password: middlemore
- Neonatal Network 2000 v20- Username: library h26 Password: 105538
- Neurochemical Research; New York Texto completo: 1999 - actualidad, retrasado 1 año(s) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Neuroendocrinology; Basel Texto completo: 1994 - actualidad 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Neurogenetics; Heidelberg 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
- Neurology Username: smhmedlib Password: dewey1
- NEUROLOGY (1995- Full Text) (Username: cmchlib, Password: cmchlib
- Neurology http://www.neurology.org/ User Name : libmed2 Password : 212905
- Neurology www.neurology.org Usuario: lsusvm Contraseña: tiger
- Neurophysiology; New York Texto completo: 2000 - actualidad, retrasado 1 año(s) 0DXXJ787DS pass: welcome
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