
You blocked @DanaNawzar

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  1. 17 minutes ago

    He has espcaped a war. He has seen the worst. But he has learnt a new language and set a business with a smile. But the lazyass Tommy Robinson fan whose hardest time was when mom gave him chip without potato accuses Muslims for his head going bold & being a useless jobless POS.

  2. 2 hours ago

    Evet! Türkiye’deki iktidar’da kibir problemi vardır. O da iktidarda uzun kalmanın bir dezavantajıdır. Ama o kibrin alternatifi CHP’nin becerisizliği değil. CHP ülkeyi yoksul eder, sonrada genel başkan yoksul sıralarında durup ‘ben de sizin gibi açım’ karesini çeker.

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  3. 3 hours ago

    Irak’ta bile, dört aydır memurların maaşlarını ödemeyen beceriksiz siyasetçiler bu tür boş eylemleri çok sever! Irak’ın milli geliri Türkiye gibi olsun da siyasetçiler VİP değil uzaya gitsin. Ama CHP anlamaz.

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  4. 3 hours ago

    Bu tür polülizm ve ‘ben de sizin gibiyim’ çabaları tabi bütün demokrasilerde vardır. ABD başlan adayları bile ayni şeyi seçim kampanyası sırasında yapar. Ama hiç bir gazeteci, düşünür ya siyasetçi ‘devlet adamı böyle olmalı’ demez!

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  5. 3 hours ago

    Evet! Siyasetçi ve devlet adamı havaalanı sıralarında bekleyip foto çeken değil havaalanını inşa eder! Tevazü güzel birşey ama devletin uluslararası mevkini yüceltmek daha da güzel. Ama popülizm her yerde aynı hikaye: boş kareleri çek, yanlış soruları sor.

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  6. 4 hours ago

    Islam is like water. It can be the source of life or lethal based on who is using it. It also changes structures but also takes the shape of its container. This flexibility explains its diversity. Anyone who wants to kills flexibility of Islam or diversity of Muslims is mistaken.

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  7. 4 hours ago

    Liberals and conservatives kill this dimension of Islam by their monolithic view of religion. Former in the name of progress and later in the name of presevation. Islam’s power is its perfect balance between expansion and contraction based on need.

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  8. 4 hours ago

    The greatest thing about Muslim civilisation has been its diversity. Any revivalist movement that aspires uniformity in faith or ritual won’t go far. Islam isn’t a rigid religion -contrary to what Orientalists claim- its flexibility is an asset and no one should kill it.

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  9. Retweeted
    9 hours ago

    ’s 🇫🇷 far-right National Front party got $8 million bailout from the United Arab Emirates 🇦🇪 that helped funding the presidential election campaign of leader Marine Le Pen

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  10. 9 hours ago

    Too much noise in Iraq and about Iraq. But Nibras’s sober analysis -sober is an understatement- is all you need to read. And this tweet in the thread tells it all. This is the chaos before order. Whose order? Night not be too difficult to guess.

  11. Oct 2

    Those who are in hurry for the next moment will lose this one and may never get to the next. And when they get there, they hurry for the next. Life is now. Now is life. Result-oriented is only good on fake CVs but not in life.

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  12. Oct 2

    That short statement has been my resort in times of despair. Yes, we may never get to see the fruit of what we do. We may never get ‘there’. Never reach the the destination. But all that don’t matter. What I should I do and not what will happen is the right question.

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  13. Oct 2

    Prophet Muhammad talked in soundbites. He wasn’t known to talk a lot but when he did he would say things like this: “If the Hour came and one had a sapling in his hand, let him plant it” إذا قامت الساعة وفي يد أحدكم فسيلة فليغرسها "

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  14. Oct 2

    Turkish CHP leader says ‘he is angry at people’ for voting for Erdogan and asks them ‘to use their minds a little bit’ I thought this mentality will change after they won Istanbul elections where *people* voted for them. But nah, CHP mentality is like HIV: hides but doesn’t die

  15. Oct 2

    On this day in 1187, Salahaddin entered Jerusalem; victorious, gracious and humbled. One of those days I miss Salahaddin; the man, the character, the virtues and the civilisation that gave birth to him.

  16. Oct 2

    What did I do wrong to deserve this?

  17. Oct 1

    Systems, systems and systems! Institutions, institutions and institutions. Structures, structures and structures. As long as we don’t have those and our universe is entirely built around ourselves and a select number of references, ego will grow & ummah will decline.

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  18. Oct 1

    At the heart of every Muslim Twitter activist who wastes time discussing the most irrelevant of topics lies a great intellectual, warrior, political leader, judge and jurisprudent But he lives under systems which either kill his body/skills/chances or see him alien and enemy.

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  19. Oct 1

    The great scientific, intellectual & spiritual heritage we have wouldn’t have been possible w/o the political institutions at the heart of the civilisation. No Rumi is possible without a Salahaddin. Rumi’s thoughts will live longer but won’t be born without the system.

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  20. Oct 1

    Something is particularly authentic and beautiful about Balkan Muslim culture.


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