Afrin Media Center


afrin media Center seeks through the Working Group to show the facts and violations that occur daily in the Afrin area, with complete independence.

Joined April 2019

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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Sep 24
  2. Oct 2

    Houria woke up in a panic in the footsteps of strangers in her house at midnight on 25Aug2019 ... Full Story :

  3. Oct 2

    The kidnapping of the civilian Bashir Mustafa, in the city of on Tuesday 01.10.2019 by members of the Ahrar-Alsharqya faction loyal to the occupation, without knowing the charges against him.

  4. Oct 1

    factions loyal to continue to burn and cut olive trees belonging to citizens in the village of Kakhera in countryside the fire continues for 3 days in a row without interference from dominant factions(Samarkand faction-Sultan Suleiman Shah faction

  5. Sep 30

    The faction Northern Brigade Pro- occupation called the civilian Ibrahim Mohammed Mustafa(resident of the village of Kolika-Maatbali district of countryside)and demanded to pay a ransom and when he did not pay they kidnapped him-29.9.2019

  6. Sep 29

    Sa'id Gharib Hasso, 58, and his wife, Ghalia Hassan (Kurdish ), and Mohammed Seydou Bilal and his Heaven Blue () were abducted by the military Pro- Army from their home in city.

  7. Sep 29

    distribution of property

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  8. Sep 29

    Sources from inside the town of Midanky in Afrin on 28/9/2019reported the death of Saleh AlMohammad from Aleppo southern countryside one of th ِAlmajd-Corps armed men and two others during th clash between the Almajd-Corps and Sham Corps over the distribution of Kurdish property

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  9. Sep 28

    Sources from inside the village of "Satya" of the district of Janders that the faction of Al-Hamzat dominating the village cut more than a dozen trees, including more than 250-year-old on a road Kakira A picture shows the gunmen cutting down a 70-year-old oak tree.

  10. Sep 28

    On Friday 27.09.2019, the military police loyal to the occupation kidnapped five residents of Qastal Khodarya village in Balbla district of countryside.

  11. Sep 26

    Pro- political security kidnaps a woman and her husband in They are members of the Democratic Progressive Party

  12. Sep 25

    Five people were killed and more than a dozen others were injured, most of them indigenous people, as a car bomb exploded on Tuesday noon 24.09.2019 targeting Ylanquz Street in Jenderes district of countryside.

  13. Sep 23

    Pro- Ahrar al-Sharqiya faction kidnaps woman in countryside after kidnapping her husband two weeks ago

  14. Sep 23

    After being tortured by armed factions loyal to the occupation with his children and his wife in , Muhammad Hassan Waqas lost his life following a heart attack after he was released from prison.

  15. Sep 20

    A video shows the pro- civil police force children between the ages of 10 and 15 to clean the bathrooms of prison in Shra area of ​​ countryside.

  16. Sep 18

    The fate of the youth, Shiar Nazmi Hammo, a resident of Ghazawiya village in Shirawa district of countryside, remains unknown after he was kidnapped by the pro- Al-Hamzat faction last week.

  17. Sep 18

    The fate of the youth Ismael Kur Seydu remains unknown after being kidnapped by the pro- Al-Muntasir faction nearly a month ago while returning to Raju district of countryside after being forcibly deported from .

  18. Sep 18

    The fate of the citizen Ramzi Mustafa Mustafa, unknown since he was kidnapped by the factions in the Mahmudiya neighborhood of nine months ago, is a resident of the village of Khalnira

  19. Sep 18

    On Friday, 13.09.2019, the pro- Al-Sham legion faction abducted nine civilians from the village of Deirballut in Jendiris district of countryside and took them to one of its prisons in the area.

  20. Sep 13

    Abdo Saleh Ali, a resident of Jenderes district of countryside, was kidnapped by pro- factions on Wednesday 11.09.2019.


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