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    31 Jul 2018

    Bu topraklarda yaşayan insanın mayasında iyilik, güzellik, merhamet vardır.

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  2. 17 hours ago

    'nin unutulmaması amacıyla bu yıl 8 ülke 27 şehirde gerçekleştirdiğimiz gösterilerinde ve Sınır Kapısı'nda yurt dışında yaşayan çocuklarımıza yüzbinlerce Türkçe çocuk dergisini ücretsiz ulaştırdık.

  3. 5 hours ago

    Today marks 10 years since the Nakhchivan Agreement on the establishment of the signed on 3 October 2009.

  4. “It is a kind of injury that appears to be a toxic chemical injury.” doctors examined the lungs of people with injuries from vaping. This is what they found. More via :

  5. Istanbul’s new airport is one of the world’s largest. By using a fleet of humanoid robots, we help millions of harried passengers each year navigate the 818 million-square-foot facility. ✈️👏🇹🇷 Check out the article about this new tech in

  6. Oct 2

    You need to know you are in our hearts. We are here and you are not alone - Washington Post and Amazon owner Jeff Bezos on the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi

  7. [BREAKING] Volkswagen Turkey unit paves way for USD 1.4 billion plant. 👏

  8. Oct 2

    One 👇of the so called “Turkey experts” who has no problem with Gulenist propaganda,smear, anti Turkey rant in US media but annoyed when Turkish officials write opeds. Must be so painful to see it is Turkey,seeking justice for while all others sit on their hands.

  9. Oct 1

    Could it be just a coincidence or simply an oversight that Adam did not mention the fact that the same folks in 2013, known as Gulenist cult, did attempt another coup in 2016, killing 251, wounding 1000s and trying to assasinate Turkey’s President with his family?

  10. Oct 1

    President Erdoğan : “I congratulate our Jewish citizens on which marks the beginning of the new year according to the calendar.”

  11. Kadim bir medeniyet ve tarih birikiminin varisi olmak bize büyük itibar kazandırma yanında, ağır sorumluluklar da yüklüyor.

  12. Oct 1

    5N1K da Suriye’nin kuzey doğusunda güvenli bölgeye “oranın sahibi olan insanların dönebileceğini” anlattım. “Bir sürü insan yerinden oldu bunların arasında Kürtlerde var” 200,000’in üzerinde Suriyeli Kürt mülteci ülkemizde.

  13. With its 8.4 billion $ humanitarian aid, is once again classified as the most generous country in the world. We will always stand by oppressed people and will never refrain from extending a helping hand to those in need of assistance.

  14. Sep 30

    You know in Şanlıurfa, Turkey, the oldest monument on the planet from 12.000 BC where the civilization started, older than the pyramids and stonehenge. Now archeologists just discovered another site in Kastamonu northern Turkey, from the same period, .

  15. Sep 30

    In an opinion for the President Erdoğan asked : “Where are Khashoggi’s remains? Who signed the Saudi journalist’s death warrant? Who dispatched the 15 killers, including a forensic expert, aboard the two planes to Istanbul?”

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  16. Had a fruitful meeting w/Secretary General of . Attach importance to our cooperation w/Council of Europe on its 70th anniversary. Supporting the reform process of . Should fight together against all terrorist organizations without exception.

  17. Undo
  18. Oct 1
  19. Sep 30

    The story goes when Abraham was thrown into fire by wrathful Nimrod, God turned the flames into water and the burning logs into fish. This legend is what gives this landmark its name, “The Fish Lake.”

  20. Sep 30

    We must help these people as much as we can but let’s get it right first for : in fact they dream of France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands.... THROUGH Turkey.

  21. Sep 30

    “Had we believed otherwise, this atrocity would have indeed been treated like a bilateral problem. However, we continue to see what happened as a question of justice rather than politics, and maintain that national and international courts alone can deliver justice.”

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