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  1. 2 hours ago

    Those who are in hurry for the next moment will lose this one and may never get to the next. And when they get there, they hurry for the next. Life is now. Now is life. Result-oriented is only good on fake CVs but not in life.

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  2. 2 hours ago

    That short statement has been my resort in times of despair. Yes, we may never get to see the fruit of what we do. We may never get ‘there’. Never reach the the destination. But all that don’t matter. What I should I do and not what will happen is the right question.

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  3. 2 hours ago

    Prophet Muhammad talked in soundbites. He wasn’t known to talk a lot but when he did he would say things like this: “If the Hour came and one had a sapling in his hand, let him plant it” إذا قامت الساعة وفي يد أحدكم فسيلة فليغرسها "

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  4. 13 hours ago

    Turkish CHP leader says ‘he is angry at people’ for voting for Erdogan and asks them ‘to use their minds a little bit’ I thought this mentality will change after they won Istanbul elections where *people* voted for them. But nah, CHP mentality is like HIV: hides but doesn’t die

  5. 22 hours ago

    On this day in 1187, Salahaddin entered Jerusalem; victorious, gracious and humbled. One of those days I miss Salahaddin; the man, the character, the virtues and the civilisation that gave birth to him.

  6. 24 hours ago

    What did I do wrong to deserve this?

  7. Oct 1

    Systems, systems and systems! Institutions, institutions and institutions. Structures, structures and structures. As long as we don’t have those and our universe is entirely built around ourselves and a select number of references, ego will grow & ummah will decline.

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  8. Oct 1

    At the heart of every Muslim Twitter activist who wastes time discussing the most irrelevant of topics lies a great intellectual, warrior, political leader, judge and jurisprudent But he lives under systems which either kill his body/skills/chances or see him alien and enemy.

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  9. Oct 1

    The great scientific, intellectual & spiritual heritage we have wouldn’t have been possible w/o the political institutions at the heart of the civilisation. No Rumi is possible without a Salahaddin. Rumi’s thoughts will live longer but won’t be born without the system.

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  10. Oct 1

    Something is particularly authentic and beautiful about Balkan Muslim culture.

  11. Oct 1

    Death isn’t at the end of life. That is a false image. Death is right next to us. Most of what we call life is an attempts to escape or hide from that near friend. While true life is only possible when one accepts death as an instant possibility rather than a faraway event.

  12. Retweeted
    Sep 29

    As someone who is a practicing Muslim and scientist, academia can be very exclusionary. I am not just talking about having drinking centered events. It's about how we talk down to people who are practicing of religion. 1/

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  13. Oct 1

    First of all, he deserved every slap he got from MBS’s Qahtani Secondly, Hariri’s giving $16 million to a woman he liked is no surprise. That is how Middle East’s incompetent ruling family sons spend their money. Imbeciles.

  14. Oct 1

    Lib Dems won’t get their unrealistic scrapping of Brexit with few more seats. But they will prevent Labour victory granting another win to the Tories. But I don’t blame them for their cheap politics. Labour should be blamed for its weak rhetoric & ineffective electoral strategy.

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  15. Oct 1

    Lib Dems is to Labour what Brexit Party is to Tories but with a huge difference. Farage is honest about his No Deal Brexit. He is ready for a non agression pact to let Johnson have majority if he went for No Deal. Lib Dems only see the extra 20 seats they gain by being assholes.

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  16. Sep 30

    2019 will go into history as the year that the birthplace of our faith used its petrodollars to fund islamophobia around the globe but Sikh politicians in the UK and Canada unapologetically defended Muslims. Strange times indeed.

  17. Sep 30

    Months of pre-screening, hearing sessions for witness testimonies on character, family dinners, approvals of every 10+ year old in family, many more months of asexual engagement, entire city knows when/where you have first sex. That is arranged marriage Yours is one night stand.

  18. Sep 30

    The far right extremism and terrorism is now the fastest growing security threat in the UK and the West according to officials. This is the case while they are literally in power. What will happen when they become ‘alienated’? But nah, ‘ISIS brides’ is more a catchy bed story.

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  19. Sep 30

    These extremist figures are ridiculed as ‘a fringe’. It is a huge lie. Fringe is the Muslim extremists: orphan lone wolves, shunned & condemned by their own communities, banned or killed by governments. Fringe is Shamima Begum while Katie is most retweeted woman by US president!

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  20. Sep 30

    While multi billion counter extremism industry is still obsessed with Ibn Taimiyah and producing erotic fantasies about ‘ISIS brides’, extremists are influencing both discourse and policy in the West.

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