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changed milestone to %Analytics #mvp
added Priority::1 - High Product::Analytics Sprint::09/11 - Nuanced Numbat Type::UX::Design scoped labels
changed weight to 1
added Platform::Browser scoped label
added Platform::Mobile scoped label and automatically removed Platform::Browser label
added Platform::Browser::Mobile scoped label
removed Platform::Mobile label
added Status::InProgress scoped label
added Sprint::09/25 - Oldfashioned Owl scoped label and automatically removed Sprint::09/11 - Nuanced Numbat label
added Status::Review scoped label and automatically removed Status::InProgress label
added Status::InProgress scoped label and automatically removed Status::Review label
The latest designs for Analytics can be found on InVision.
Note: WIP - Still need to make amends based on feedback - Will probably get to this by Tuesday 1st Oct
Note: WIP - Updates based on Feedback by Tue 1st Oct
The explainer videos created for the original wireframes are too large to be uploaded to GitLab, so please see below the link to WeTransfer should you wish to view them.
/cc @omadrid
Upload and view the latest designs for this issue. Consistent and easy to find, so everyone is up to date.