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    1/ Today I'll speak at with . This'll be my first public event after the July 1st action that changed the courses of many things, my life included. As my mind was at peace when I stepped up in the chamber, I always try to maintain that same calmness.

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    Initial response to Carrie Lam: 1. Too little and too late now — Carrie Lam's response comes after 7 lives sacrificed, more than 1,200 protestors arrested, in which many are mistreated in police station.

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    Why a withdrawal is too little, too late for 1. Carrie Lam announced the withdrawal of the that came after 3 months of protests with 8 lives sacrificed, 1,200 protestors arrested, several thug attacks against citizens, and extensive police brutality.

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    "The clock is ticking in Hong Kong. Our future is being determined now," write and .

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    Aug 30

    hi i have a piece in about the parallel universes i've been living in for the past few months in hong kong:

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    1. THREAD: I’ve been receiving numerous threats to my personal safety, including messages about murdering me or going after me at Yale, etc. I don’t know where these messages come from but am deeply troubled.

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    Aug 13

    Chinese police movements in Shenzhen are worrying. One Country, Two Systems helped Hong Kong prosper for 20 years but is under threat as reported. We said it was now more like One Country, One and a Half Systems. 1/9

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    Aug 12

    It is alarming to watch the police with support from Beijing intensify their use of force against the protesters and label them violent criminals.

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    Aug 13

    Just in: UN Human Rights Office noted "credible evidence " of HK law enforcements using less-lethal weapons in ways that "prohibited by intl norms & standards". It urged the HKGov to investigate the incidents immediately, ensure guidelines complied, and amend the rules if needed.

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    Aug 11


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    Hundred thousands protestors gathered at HK international airport. We successful shut down the airport and force them cancel all flight. Calls for democracy and free election will never stop. We oppose !

  12. Aug 8

    Ip’s master must know who’s the mastermind being all the idiotic youngsters then. Show us. Educate us. Reveal their name and identity. Please my lord. I want to see them and know the truth!

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  14. Aug 8

    Does Regina live in the 21st century? Isn’t the city leader claim that they want to build HK into a smart city. What have I seen. Jesus....

  15. Aug 3

    As an inspired reader, I wonder if knows what's the impact of an expired tear gas canister used toward people? We found some of the expired tear gas canister tonight and few days ago.

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    Jul 11

    Exclusive: Singapore cautions wealth managers on aggressively courting HK business

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    Jul 11

    China's top official in Hong Kong says Beijing backs city's leader

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    Thanks for quoting me in this article, in which I noted this about in the context: “The reality is that Hong Kong has been seen as a backup to New York as a place for Chinese companies to list if the trade war escalates”

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    Jul 11

    3a) The Public Order Ordinance has excessively punitive sentencing guidelines: the , , and retrial was a turning point as judges decided they needed to create a 'deterrent' effect.

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  20. Jul 10

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