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Copyright to Savitri Devi's work is owned by her literary heir Miriam Hirn, who has granted The Savitri Devi Archive permission to make the following texts available for free online. This does not imply permission to use these free texts to produce printed books or electronic books for sale. Only The Savitri Devi Archive is authorized to reprint these works, either directly or through authorized publishers (e.g., Black Sun Books, Counter-Currents Publishing).



(Calcutta: 1939)




(Calcutta: Hindu Mission, 1940)




(Calcutta: A.K. Mukerji, 1940)


Joy of the Sun:
The Beautiful Life of Akhnaton, King of Egypt

(Calcutta: Thacker, Spink, and Co., 1942)




(Calcutta: Savitri Devi Mukherji, 1946))






(London, 1948)


(Calcutta: A.K. Mukherji, 1951)





Gold in the Furnace

(Calcutta: A.K. Mukherji, 1952)


Oro en el Crisol

(Spanish translation)



(Calcutta, 1958)




(Calcutta: Savitri Devi Mukherji, 1958)

Original, unabridged edition




El Rayo y el Sol

(Spanish translation)


(Calcutta: Savitri Devi Mukherji, 1958)

First edition

English translation by R. G. Fowler:

Paul de Tarse, ou Christianisme et Judaïsme

(Nantes: Ars, 1981)

Second, revised edition


English translation by Irmin:

Paul of Tarsus, or Christianity and Jewry


Note: Although the Irmin translation is based on the second edition, it bears the title of the first edition. The second edition subsitutes "Judaism" for "Jewry" in the title, perhaps because the law in France, where it was published, prohibits criticizing Jews as a group but allows criticizing the religion of Judaism.

(Third edition: Costa Mesa, California: The Noontide Press, 1991)




Long-Whiskers and the Two-Legged Goddess,
Or the True Story of a “Most Objectionable Nazi” and . . . Half-A-Dozen Cats

(Calcutta: Savitri Devi Mukherji, 1965)





Souvenirs et réflexions d’une Aryenne

(Memories and Reflections of an Aryan Woman)

(New Delhi: Savitri Devi Mukherji, 1976)




(Spanish translation)


Excerpts from Books

A Warning to the Hindus

In English:

Chapter 3: “Indian Paganism: The Last Living Expression of Aryan Beauty.” Ed. Irmin.

In French:

Chapter 3: “Le Paganisme indien: la dernière expression vivante de la beauté aryenne.” Trans. Arjuna.

L’Etang aux Lotus
[The Lotus Pond]

In French:

Chapter 4: “Les indiens non-hindous et l’unité indienne.”

In English:

Chapter 12: “Lotuses on the Surface.” Trans. R. G. Fowler.

A Son of God:
The Life and Philosophy of Akhnaton, King of Egypt

In English:

Introduction: http://library.flawlesslogic.com/son_01.htm
Chapters 2, 4, and 8, excerpts:
“Nefertiti and Akhnaton.” Ed. Irmin.
Chapter 12, excerpt: “Akhnaton and the World of Today.” Ed. Irmin.


In English:

Chapters 4 & 11, excerpts: “Further Thoughts on Reincarnation.” Ed. R. G. Fowler.
Chapters 3, 8, 11 & 12, excerpts: “The Superman: The Purpose of the Universe, the Meaning of Life” Ed. R. G. Fowler.
Chapter 7, excerpt: “20 April 1949.” Ed. R. G. Fowler.
Chapter 12, abridgement: “The Way of Absolute Detachment.” Ed. Irmin.

In German:

Foreword: Vorwort. Trans. Wilhelm Hartmann.
Chapter 1:
“Der leere Zug.” Trans. Wilhelm Hartmann.

In French:

Chapter 12, excerpt in French: “Invocation aux dieux.” Trans. Arjuna.

Gold in the Furnace

In English:

Chapter 1: “The Philosophy of the Swasktika.” Ed. R. G. Fowler.
Chapters 3 and 4, excerpts: “The Unforgettable Night.” Ed. William L. Pierce.
Chapter 11, excerpt:
“Feminism and National Socialism.” Ed. R. G. Fowler.
Chapter 11, excerpt:
“National Socialism and Neo-Paganism.” Ed. R. G. Fowler.

Chapter 11, excerpt:
“National Socialism and Cultural Renewal.” Ed. R. G. Fowler.

Chapter 14:
“Against Time.” Ed. R. G. Fowler.

In German:

Foreword: Vorwort. Trans. Lotte Asmus. Ed. and revised Wilhelm Hartmann.
Introduction. Trans. Lotte Asmus. Ed. and revised Wilhelm Hartmann.
Chapter 1:
“Die Philosophie des Hakenkreuzes.” Trans. Lotte Asmus. Ed. and revised Wilhelm Hartmann.
Chapter 2: “Die kurzen Tage des Ruhms.” Trans. Lotte Asmus. Ed. and revised Wilhelm Hartmann.
Chapter 3: “Nun die Bewährung.” Trans. Lotte Asmus. Ed. and revised Wilhelm Hartmann.

In French:

Introduction: Introduction. Trans. Anonymous.
Chapter 1:
“La philosophie du svastika.” Trans. Anonymous.
Chapter 2: “Bref jours de gloire.” Trans. Anonymous.


In English:

Chapter 9, excerpt: “Rocks of the Sun.” Ed. Irmin.

In French:

Chapter 9, excerpt: “Les rochers du soleil.” Trans. Arjuna from Irmin excerpt.

In Italian:

Chapter 9, excerpt: “Le rocce del sole.” Trans. V. K. K. from Irmin excerpt.

In German:

Chapter 9, excerpts: “Die Felsen der Sonne.” Trans. Walther Machalett for his journal Die Externsteine: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 (PDFs).

The Lightning and the Sun

In English:

Chapter 1, abridgement: “The Cyclic View of History.” Ed. William L. Pierce.

Chapter 14, excerpt: “Alexander the Great and the Mixing of Races.” Ed. R. G. Fowler from first edition.
Chapter 14, excerpt: “The Death of Adolf Hitler.” Ed. Irmin from Pierce abridgement.
Chapter 15, excerpt: “The S.S.: Knights of the New Faith.” Ed. R. G. Fowler.
Chapter 15, excerpt: “The Color of the Dark Age.” Ed. R. G. Fowler.
Chapter 16, excerpt: “The Last Man Against Time.” Ed. Irmin from Pierce abridgement.

In French:

Chapter 1, abridgement: “La vue cyclique de l’histoire.” Trans. Arjuna from Pierce abridgement.

Chapter 14, excerpt: “Alexandre le Grand et le mélange des races.” Trans. Arjuna from Fowler edition.
Chapter 15, excerpt: “Le couleur de l’Age Sombre.” Trans. Arjuna.
Chapter 16, excerpt: “Le dernier homme contre le temps.” Trans. Arjuna.

In Italian:

Chapter 1, abridgement in Italian: “La prospettiva ciclica della storia.” Trans. Thule Italia from Pierce abridgement.
Chapter 16, excerpt in Italian: “L’Ultimo Uomo Contro il Tempo.” Trans. Thule Italia from Pierce abridgement. No longer online: The Archive would be grateful for a copy of this text so that we may republish it here.

In Serbian:

Chapter 14, excerpt, in Serbian: “Smrt Adolfa Hitlera.” Trans. Anonymous from Pierce abridgement.

Impeachment of Man

In English:

Chapter 3, excerpt: “Joyous Wisdom.” Ed. Irmin.

In Russian:

Chapter 11: “Расовая экономика и доброта. Идеальный мир.” Trans. Bewölkter.

In French:

Chapter 1: “Croyances anthropocentrées.” Trans. Arjuna.
Chapter 3, excerpt: “Sagesse joyeuse.” Trans. Arjuna from Irmin excerpt.
Chapter 8, excerpt: “Connaissance et thérapie.” Trans. Arjuna.

In Italian:

Chapter 8, excerpt in Italian: “Conoscenza e terapia.” Trans. Cornelio from Arjuna excerpt. No longer online: The Archive would be grateful for a copy of this text so that we may republish it here.

Long-Whiskers and the Two-Legged Goddess,
or, The True Story of a “Most-Objectionable Nazi" and . . . Half-a-Dozen Cats

In German:

Chapter 15 (Epilogue): “Mit dem Gesicht zu den Sternen.” Trans. Wilhelm Hartmann.

Souvenirs et réflexions d ’une Aryenne
[Memories and Reflections of an Aryan Woman]

In English:

Chapter 1: “The Religion of the Strong.” Trans. R. G. Fowler.
Chapter 2, excerpt: “Raising False Consciousness.” Trans. Savitri Devi.
Chapter 3, excerpt: “Jewish Intolerance.” Trans. Irmin from Arjuna excerpt.
Chapter 4: The Contempt of the Average Man.” Trans. R. G. Fowler.
Chapter 5: History, Action, and the Timeless.” Trans. R. G. Fowler.
Chapter 8: “The Two Great Modern Movements and the Tradition.” Trans. R. G. Fowler.
Chapter 9: “The Overthrow of Anthropocentric Values.” Trans. R. G. Fowler.
Chapter 10: “Hitlerian Esotericism and the Tradition.” Trans. R. G. Fowler.
Chapter 11: “Incurable Decadence.” Trans. R. G. Fowler.
Chapter 12: “The Call of the End.” Trans. R. G. Fowler.

And Time Rolls On:
The Savitri Devi Interviews

In English:

Chapter 1, section 9: Return to Europe, 1945-46
Chapter 1, section 10:
Iceland, 1946-47
Chapter 1, section 14:
Trial and Imprisonment, 1949
Chapter 2, sections 2-4:
The Costwolds Camp, 1962, George Lincoln Rockwell, and The End of the Cotswolds Camp
Chapter 3, section 6:
Christianity and Intolerance
Chapter 3, section 7:
Hinduism and National Socialism
Chapter 4, section 6:
Sex, Marriage, and Family Life

In German:

Editor’s Preface: Vorwort des Herausgebers. Trans. Wilhelm Hartmann.
Acknowledgements: Danksagungen. Trans. Wilhelm Hartmann.

Chapter 1, section 1: Frühe Erinnerungen. Trans. Wilhelm Hartmann.
Chapter 1, sections 2-3: Griechischer Nationalismus & Vier Kriege. Trans. Wilhelm Hartmann.
Chapter 1, section 4: Ausbildung. Trans. Wilhelm Hartmann.
Chapter 1, section 5: Die Entdeckung des Nationalsozialismus. Trans. Wilhelm Hartmann.
Chapter 1, section 6: Indien. Trans. Wilhelm Hartmann.
Chapter 1, section 7: Asit Krishna Mukherji. Trans. Wilhelm Hartmann.
Chapter 1, section 8: Zweiter Weltkrieg, 1939-45. Trans. Wilhelm Hartmann.
Chapter 1, section 9: Rückkehr nach Europa, 1945-46. Trans. Wilhelm Hartmann.
Chapter 1, section 10: Island, 1946-47. Trans. Wilhelm Hartmann.
Chapter 1, section 11: Propagandaeinsätze in Deutschland, 1948-49. Trans. Wilhelm Hartmann.

In French:

Chapter 1, section 1: Premiers souvenirs. Trans. Arjuna.
Chapter 1, sections 2-3: Nationalisme grec & Quatre guerres. Trans. Arjuna.

Chapter 2, section 1: Camarades allemands. Trans. Arjuna.
Chapter 4, section 3: Connaître le futur. Trans. Arjuna.

Unpublished Books

Forever and Ever

Chapter I., “1918”
Chapter II., “1919”
Chapter III., “1923”
Chapter IV., “1929”
Chapter V., “1932”
Chapter VI., “1933”
Chapter VII., “1935”
Chapter VIII., “1938”
Chapter IX., “1940”
Chapter X., “1942”
Chapter XI., “1945”
Chapter XII., “1946”
Chapter XIII., “1948”
Chapter XIV., “1949”
Chapter XV., “1951”
Chapter XVI.,“1953”

Hart wie Kruppstahl
[Hard as Krupp Steel]

Contents: Inhalt (In German, with Savitri’s hand-written English translation) (PDF)

In German:

Foreword: Vorwort (PDF)

Part I: Der Unterschied zwischen uns und den Andern (The Difference Between Us and Them)

Chapter 1: „Nicht ‘Glück,’ sondern Pflicht“ (Not ‘Happiness,’ but Duty”) (PDF)
Chapter 2: „Nicht ‘Menschheit,’ sondern göttliche Elite“ (“Not ‘Humanity,’ but Godlike Elite”) (PDF)
Chapter 3: „Die Weisheit des sternhellen Weltraumes“ (“The Wisdom of the Starry Heavens”) (PDF)

Part II: Unser Benehmen in der heutigen Hölle (Our Behavior in the Hell of Today)

Chapter 4: „Die Nachskriegswelt: eine Hölle“ (“The Post-War World: A Hell”) (PDF)
Chapter 5: „Brüder, Verbündete, und Werkzeuge“ (“Brothers, Allies, and Tools”) (PDF)
Chapter 6: „Der Feind und seiner Knechte“ (“The Enemy and his Servants”)

Part III: Unser Benehmen unter uns (Our Behavior among Ourselves)

Chapter 7: „Führer-Kultus und nationalsozialistische Orthodoxie“ (“The Führer Cult and National Socialist Orthodoxy”) (PDF)
Chapter 8: „Gleichen und Uberlegenen“ (“Equals and Superiors”) (PDF)
Chapter 9: „Deir einfache, treue Kampfer“ (“The Simple, Faithful Fighter”) (PDF)

Epilogue: „Nach der sintflut: wir!“ (Dr. Goebbels, 1945) (“After the Deluge, We!”) (PDF)

In English:

Epilogue: “After the Deluge—We!” Trans. Savitri Devi. Ed. R. G. Fowler.

Tyrtée l’Athenien
[Tyrtaios the Athenian]

Chapter 1: « L’offrande totale » (“The Total Sacrifice”) (PDF)
Chapter 2: « La reponse du Dieu » (“The Response of God”) (PDF)
Chapter 3, fragment: « L’epreuve » (“The Crucible”) (PDF)

Ironies et paradoxes dans l ’histoire et la légende
[Ironies and Paradoxes in History and Legend]

Savitri wrote only one and a half chapters of this work before abandoning it due to her deteriorating eyesight, and the fate of the manuscript is unknown. Savitri describes some of the planned contents of the book in her letters and interviews, and these passages have been gathered together as “Ironies and Paradoxes in History and Legend: Savitri Devi on her Last Book,” ed. R. G. Fowler.


“Shinto: The Way of the Gods”

English translation: “Shinto: The Way of the Gods.” Trans. Guido Stucco.
German translation: "Shintô — Der Weg der Götter." Trans. D.A.R. Sokoll.
French translation: “Shinto, la voie des Dieux.” Trans. Anonymous.


“The Egyptian Conquest of Nubia”

English original: “The Egyptian Conquest of Nubia.” Ed. R. G. Fowler.
German translation:
“Die ägyptische Eroberung Nubiens.”  Trans. Bastien Thoemmes.


“Hitlerism and Hindudom”

“Hitlerism and Hindudom.” Ed. R. G. Fowler.

Excerpts from her Works

Citations choisies” (Selected Quotations)

“Citations choisies.” Ed. and trans. Arjuna.

Don’t Call Me Mrs. Devi’”

English original: “Don’t Call Me ‘Mrs. Devi.’” Ed. R. G. Fowler.
French translation: “Ne m’appelez pas ‘Mme Devi.’” Trans. Arjuna.
German translation: “Nennen Sie mich nicht ‘Mrs. Devi.’” Trans. Bastien Thoemmes.

“Thoughts on Reincarnation”

English original: “Thoughts on Reincarnation.” Ed. R. G. Fowler.
French translation: “Pensées sur la réincarnation.” Trans. Arjuna.
German translation: “Gedanken über Reinkarnation.” Trans. Bastien Thoemmes.

“Ironies and Paradoxes in History and Legend: Savitri Devi on her Last Book”


Letters to Miguel Serrano

Original English, French, and German with English translations, edited and translated by R. G. Fowler:
28 March 1980
31 March 1980
20 April 1982

German translations by Bastian Thoemmes:
28. März 1980
31. März 1980

Russian translations by Frater Heinrich:
28 марта 1980
31 марта 1980
20 апреля 1982

Letters to Matt Koehl

Correspondence with Aldous Huxley

English original. Ed. R. G. Fowler.
German translation. Trans. Bastian Thoemmes.
French translation. Trans. Arjuna.

Correspondence with George Lincoln Rockwell

Letter to Saint-Loup

French original: Lettre de Savitri Devi à Saint-Loup (Marc Augier), 23 September 1967.
English translation: Letter from Savitri Devi to Saint-Loup (Marc Augier), 23 September 1967. Trans R. G. Fowler.

Autobiographical Letter

1 October 1980. Trans. R. G. Fowler.

Letters to Martin Kerr

Letters to Martin Kerr. Ed. R. G. Fowler.