Commit 0028f4c6 authored by Mark Harding's avatar Mark Harding

(fix): usa and japan stripe fixes

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Pipeline #85065739 waiting for delayed job with stages
in 9 minutes and 51 seconds
......@@ -78,21 +78,21 @@ class Manager
// Required for JP only
if ($account->getGender()) {
$data['legal_entity']['gender'] = $account->getGender();
$data['individual']['gender'] = $account->getGender();
if ($account->getPhoneNumber()) {
$data['legal_entity']['phone_number'] = $account->getPhoneNumber();
$data['individual']['phone'] = $account->getPhoneNumber();
// US 1099 requires SSN
if ($account->getSSN()) {
$data['legal_entity']['ssn_last_4'] = $account->getSSN();
$data['individual']['ssn_last_4'] = $account->getSSN();
if ($account->getPersonalIdNumber()) {
$data['legal_entity']['personal_id_number'] = $account->getPersonalIdNumber();
$data['individual']['id_number'] = $account->getPersonalIdNumber();
$result = $this->accountInstance->create($data);
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