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Sentry Issue: ENGINE-1T
Cassandra\Exception\InvalidArgumentException: num must be a long, double, numeric string or a Cassandra\Varint instance, given
File "/Core/Wire/Sums.php", line 114, in Cassandra\Varint::__construct
new \Cassandra\Varint($this->sender_guid),
File "/Core/Wire/Sums.php", line 114, in Minds\Core\Wire\Sums::getSent
new \Cassandra\Varint($this->sender_guid),
File "/Core/Wire/Thresholds.php", line 63, in Minds\Core\Wire\Thresholds::isAllowed
$amount = $sums->getSent();
File "/Core/Media/Thumbnails.php", line 26, in Minds\Core\Media\Thumbnails::get
if (!Di::_()->get('Wire\Thresholds')->isAllowed($loggedInUser, $entity)) {
File "/Controllers/fs/v1/thumbnail.php", line 36, in Minds\Controllers\fs\v1\thumbnail::get
$thumbnail = $mediaThumbnails->get($pages[0], $size);
(4 additional frame(s) were not displayed)
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assigned to @benhayward.ben
added Priority::1 - High Product::Wire Squad::Yellow Type::Bug scoped labels
changed weight to 2
added Sprint::09/25 - Oldfashioned Owl scoped label
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