Commit 3cd9f05c authored by Marcelo Rivera's avatar Marcelo Rivera

(fix): open in new tabs

1 merge request!569[Sprint/NuancedNumbat] (feat): content on jury duty screen should open to new tab when clicked
Pipeline #83885828 running with stages
......@@ -130,6 +130,9 @@ export class MindsCard implements AfterViewInit {
case 'activity':
url = `/newsfeed/${this.object.guid}`;
case 'comment':
url = `/newsfeed/${this.object.entity_guid}`;
case 'object:image':
case 'object:video':
case 'object:album':
......@@ -88,11 +88,13 @@ export class NewsfeedSingleComponent {
case 'video':
case 'album':
this.router.navigate(['/media', this.activity.guid], {
queryParams: { comment_guid: this.focusedCommentGuid },
replaceUrl: true,
case 'blog':
this.router.navigate(['/blog/view', this.activity.guid], {
queryParams: { comment_guid: this.focusedCommentGuid },
replaceUrl: true,
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