it looks like someone's using fedibooks to create an ebooks bot of the admin of freespeechextremist


after i'm done implementing the surprise new feature i'm gonna add a blacklist for instances like FSE and delete their bot

actually fuck it i'm gonna do it now because it's way too fun to mess with FSE


i know a lot of people on the fediverse talk about how you should put ethics before techbro-like adherence to How Software Should Be, but i'm gonna pull a techbro here. i'm not going to reveal the credentials to post from @pbooks on freespeechextremist. i would never, ever reveal that you can make pbooks post anything you want with the following curl command:

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer NZvw_MTVy-oaYC8mWW2an4Oy44lMF1hJmYjLv-Tah_Y" --data 'status=Your text here'

because that would be a breach of privacy, which is more important than fucking with free speech dickheads.

@lynnesbian free speech means anyone should be able to control what the bot says :p

@lynnesbian starting to see trans rights posts. nice

@lynnesbian why, it seems as though someone may have missed your warning in this thread!

@alexbuzzbee yeah, but i prefer that to them using my resources on it :p

@alexbuzzbee i'm gonna add a blacklist for instances like this, and i'll probably add a terms of service too

@lynnesbian have i mentioned that we love you lately? because we fucking love you
@lynnesbian @aCuteLittleBox me too me too i loves you lots too Lynne!!! :blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart::blobbunheart:

@lynnesbian thanks Lynne, privacy is very important.

@lynnesbian never have I been more annoyed I’m out and don’t have a terminal emulator handy

@lynnesbian I fucking did it. Reconfigured my NAS from my phone to enable external SSH for this

@lynnesbian I guess I am too late .
It was worth it tho

@lynnesbian nice that you gave FSE all of your followers IP addresses.
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