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Welcome to Colaboratory!

Colaboratory is a free Jupyter notebook environment that requires no setup and runs entirely in the cloud.

With Colaboratory you can write and execute code, save and share your analyses, and access powerful computing resources, all for free from your browser.

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Introducing Colaboratory

This 3-minute video gives an overview of the key features of Colaboratory:

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Getting Started

The document you are reading is a Jupyter notebook, hosted in Colaboratory. It is not a static page, but an interactive environment that lets you write and execute code in Python and other languages.

For example, here is a code cell with a short Python script that computes a value, stores it in a variable, and prints the result:

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To execute the code in the above cell, select it with a click and then either press the play button to the left of the code, or use the keyboard shortcut "Command/Ctrl+Enter".

All cells modify the same global state, so variables that you define by executing a cell can be used in other cells:

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For more information about working with Colaboratory notebooks, see Overview of Colaboratory.

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More Resources

Learn how to make the most of Python, Jupyter, Colaboratory, and related tools with these resources:

Working with Notebooks in Colaboratory

Working with Data

Machine Learning Crash Course

These are a few of the notebooks from Google's online Machine Learning course. See the full course website for more.

Using Accelerated Hardware

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Machine Learning Examples: Seedbank

To see end-to-end examples of the interactive machine learning analyses that Colaboratory makes possible, check out the Seedbank project.

A few featured examples:

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Case sensitive
Use regular expression
Laying out notebook...