Team Air Tournament "Gladiators 4х4"RulesMaximum number of participating teams is 16.
Tournament format is the Swiss bracket system for 16 teams.
Players with Air SB rating in range from 1005 to OO only are allowed to participate.
Tournament Rules for Swiss bracket system:All players are randomly seeded in the tournament bracket at the start of the tournament.
The bracket is divided in two halves - upper bracket and lower bracket.
In the first round, the match pairs are formed by the following principle:
first team from the upper part of the bracket is matched with the first team from the lower part of the bracket, second team from upper part of the bracket with second team from the lower bracket and so on.
If the number of teams is not even, the team who has the last number in the bracket receives 2 points without playing a match.
In the following rounds, all the players in the bracket are divided in the groups of the same amount of points that they have received in their matches.
After the first round, there will be 3 groups: teams who won their match, teams who lost their match and teams where matches ended in a draw.
If there is an uneven number of teams in one of the groups based on number of points, one of the teams is automatically moved to the next lower pint group.
Pairs of teams for the next round are generated from the same point group.
If there is an uneven number of teams, team who has the least points, receives points without playing (under condition that other teams from this point group haven’t played against each other and can play this round).
A repeated battle between same teams can happen no more than 2 times per tournament.
Places in the tournament bracket are distributed based on the number of points each team has.
Teams that have the same number of points get their places based on the Buchholz score, which represents the number of points that all of the opponents of this team have received during the tournament.
Each following round is generated only after all the matches in the previous round have ended.
For each victory, a team receives 2 points, for a draw - 1 point and for defeat - 0 points.
Team registrationIn order to participate, the team captain needs to register the team. Captain should use the password for the team so that random players would not register in his team.
After registering the team, captain shares the link to the team and the password with his team mates.
Members of the team register in the tournament by themselves using the team link and password.
After all the players have registered, the team captain has to confirm the participation of the team before the registration ends.Name of the team should not contain any words or phrases that are in violation of the forum and game rules. The organizers can remove the team from competition in the case of violation of these rules.
Tournament ScheduleMatch starting time is shown on the timer on the website, which can be found on the top right of the main page and on the “My Tournaments” page.
Information about the coming match and their opponent can be found on the “My Tournaments” page and in the “TOURNAMENT BRACKET” section by pressing the information icon of the match (icon with the
i symbol).
Full tournament schedule can found in the “ABOUT” section of the tournament.
In case of changes in the tournament schedule or time changes in some matches, the organizers will inform about it in the topic on the Forum.
Compensation.In the case that the tournament is stopped due to technical issues, the website administration restarts the tournament with the teams (players) who were participating according to the tournament bracket at the moment when the tournament was stopped.
In case that a team (player) stopped participating in the tournament due to a technical issue with the tournament system or game server issues, this team (player) will receive a compensation in the form of 50% booster of RP and SL.
Compensation is possible only if the players present the actual game log file (i.e.: C: - Games - War Thunder - .game_logs)
Tournament rulesEach participating player confirms playing according to these rules:
- Players from each team have to enter the lobby created for the next battle before the session start time, which is displayed on the web site.
- Players receive the automated invitation to join the tournament in the client couple of minutes before the match is scheduled to start.
- Each player has to confirm readiness in the lobby by pressing the "Ready" button.
- Battle (session) starts automatically by the timer on the web site or earlier if all players in the lobby are present and Ready.
- Battle (session) starts automatically by the timer on the web site even if one of the players is not present or hasn’t managed to press the "Ready" button.
- In case that opponents haven’t shown up during 3 minutes after the session started, the team who is in the lobby and ready has to wait until the server announces technical victory. Do not leave the lobby until it closes automatically! If you leave the lobby before the server returns you back to hangar, the result of the match will be disqualification of both teams.
- If both teams do not press "Ready" button or do not show up before the match starts for ALL the matches in Group stage, they will be disqualified.
- If both teams do not show up or do not press the "Ready" button when the timer reaches the start of the battle during the Play-off stage - they will both lose and be disqualified from the tournament!
- In a case when a player or a team do not show up for 1 or more battles in the tournament, they can be disqualified from future tournaments indefinitely
- In case that players get disconnected, the battle continues. There are no restarts. Restart can only happen if the game servers are down.
- In the session lobby the standard game client rules apply to chat (you can report anyone for foul language or abuse using the in game report system).
Forbidden actions:
- Use of foul language and abuse.
- Violation of the official Forum rules in the tournament topics.
- Violation of the game chat rules in the match lobby.
- Violation of the War Thunder End User License Agreement (EULA)
- Disrespectful, unsportsmanlike behavior. (Public abuse of tournament players, arbiters, Gaijin Entertainment employees).
- Use of 3rd party modifications of the game client which can possibly give advantage in the battle.
In the case of violation of these rules, the organizers can remove or ban the team or player from participating in the tournaments of the War Thunder game.
Prizes:1st place - 600 golden eagles + 3 days of premium + title Gladiators 4x4
2nd place - 500 golden eagles + 3 days of premium
3rd place - 400 golden eagles + 1 day of premium + 50% RP and SL boosters
4th place - 200 golden eagles + 50% RP and SL boosters
5th place - 150 golden eagles + 50% RP and SL boosters
6-10th place - 50% RP and SL boosters
Prizes are issued in the 72 hours period after the tournament.
In order to receive the prizes, all team members, including the reserves, have to play at least one battle in the tournament.
BattlesPlayers compete in the air duel mission where rounds are generated automatically.
Each match is one mission in the special Gladiator mission which includes different duel formats 1x1, 2x2 and 4x4.
Win in each round of the Gladiators mission is decided by capturing the air cap zone.
Depending on the round in the Gladiators mission, for each win your opponent loses points:
- in the first round, 1000 points
- in the second round 2000 points
- in the third round 3000 points
- in the additional round 3000 points
The additional round is played if after 3 rounds both teams have equal amount of points.
IMPORTANT! After you win or lose the battle and the zone is capped,
DO NOT press the “Return to hangar” button!Please wait until the server gives you the message of the start of the next round.
The mission will move you back to the vehicle selection screen automatically.
On the vehicle selection screen you cannot change the vehicle that you used in the previous round! You can change the ammunition belts, amount of fuel and weapon convergence.
After modifying your vehicle, you can press the “to Battle” button and continue the match.
IMPORTANT! For selecting the loadout of your aircraft, you will have 60 seconds.
Be sure to check your position in the flight zone - if you leave the zone, your aircraft will explode. If you climb over 5000 meters, your opponent will cap the zone if you continue climbing.
Time limit (per battle/session): 25 minutes
List of available missions can be found in the "ABOUT" section of the tournament.
Time of day: Noon
Weather: Clear
Gun lock timer - 35 sec. (only in the 1st round!)
Server - EU
Markers - for allies only
Fuel/Ammo - Limited
Allowed vehiclesList of allowed vehicles for this tournament can be found in the "ABOUT" section of the tournament.IMPORTANT: All vehicles have to be researched and obtained on player's account and assigned to a vehicle slot.
Players are allowed to change nation between battles.