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  1. Retweeted
    7 hours ago

    Got to say, I''m a little skeptical of the liberal commentators, who sold us on the 30 June 2013 protests as a pro-democracy movement, lecturing us about what's happening now in 2019. Maybe sit this one out, y'all.

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  2. 8 hours ago

    Great dynamics for next 72 hours: - Main target, Sisi, is outside Egypt. - Brutal crackdown while Sisi is in UN/NYC will be more costly. - Sisi allies/sponsors Netanyahu-MbS-MbZ all entangled in crisis. - More importantly, psychological barrier broken tonight.

  3. 8 hours ago

    I first started using Twitter on January 25th 2011 in support of the nascent Egyptian revolution. Tonight smells very much the same. Will the outcome be the same? I don’t know or care. You do what you gotta do and He will do what He wills.

  4. 8 hours ago

    Sisi and ISIS are the same exact letters in different order. Terrorism and tyranny feed off each other in Middle East. Egyptian prisons have radicalised more people than any single group or text. Dictators will bring West no security

  5. Retweeted
    8 hours ago

    What I've seen tonight it's different from protests, dynamics in the streets are different, the response from the regime might be different. We'll see what will come out of this genuine outburst of discontent but it's amazing hearing again

  6. 8 hours ago

    It is amazing to hear that protests are still continuous around . If you protest against Sisi at 9 pm, you are a hero. But if you protest at 3 am, you are on an entirely different level. These lovely brave people deserve a better system and a better president.

  7. 8 hours ago

    From Alexandria, Egypt’s second largest city - moments ago. Going on strike for climate change is cool and cute, but have you tried going against a brutal dictator who kills men and rapes women for a living?

  8. 9 hours ago

    The global anti-MB industry has failed miserably. People don’t give a damn anymore about being called pro-MB if they dared to speak against corruption & tyranny. They’ve seen that one day of Sisi rule was a million time worse than one year of MB rule

  9. 9 hours ago
  10. 9 hours ago

    Tonight’s protests have encouraged millions who were monitoring from homes. If a major security crackdown or military intervention does not take place, we could see a full fledged uprising in millions within the next 72 hours.

  11. 9 hours ago

    Forcing Sisi to stand down is the best thing for Egypt’s long term stability. His removal doesn’t have to mean the fall of the status quo or the army -fears by many inside & outside- But his removal closes a nasty page and allows for a new opening for all sides.

  12. 10 hours ago

    In addition to their bravery, it’s the diversity of the protesters which should be noted tonight. They are all united in their rejection of oppression. They have all learnt the lesson. That is what makes any Arab Spring 2.0 more dangerous. Abu Dhabi won’t sleep tonight.

  13. 10 hours ago

    The moment Tahrir Square gets filled is when Sisi will be removed. It can happen within next 48 hours. Unfortunately all those who can organise such crowds are either dead, in jail or in exile. Still, a new wave has begun tonight and Sisi is gone sooner or later.

  14. 10 hours ago

    If you have seen the demise of Qaddafi, Ali Abdullah Salih, Ben Ali and others but still in doubt that Pharoahs can drown overnight, there is something wrong with your calculations. It is enough to see fear hasn’t won. The rest is history.

  15. 10 hours ago

    Respect to this man who became the most unlikely source of inspiration for today’s protests. He was a contractor, part of the corrupt regime and when he didn’t get what was his due, he took to Twitter, exposed Sisi corruption & called for a revolution. It always takes one man

  16. 10 hours ago

    I remember the pre-2011 protests: a handful of MB members surrounded by hundreds of police. Even on 25 Jan 2011 protests weren’t too crowded. Don’t ever underestimate thousands of young brave men & women on streets tonight. Sisi is done. It’s only a matter of time.

  17. Retweeted

    You realize what it means to protest against Sisi? It could rotting in jail, being killed and/or your family going through various forms of hell

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  18. 12 hours ago

    I am speechless. Egyptians have come out against the dictator who literally burnt hundreds of portesters to death just a few years ago. They are out again against the favourite dictator of Trump, Putin & the EU. Doesn’t matter how many or how long, you are the real heros

  19. 19 hours ago

    ‘What should I do’ NOT ‘what will happen’ is the question one ought to ask himself. The former leads to action, is positive, personal, reasonable and tangible while the latter is in the realm of fantasy. Planning isn’t equal to worrying. A worried mind can’t plan or perform well.

  20. 22 hours ago

    Ennahdha officially endorses Qais Saeed in 2nd round of Tunisian presidential elections I can’t wait for New York Times to talk about ‘deeply polarised Tunisian society’


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