General Message Details
ID# 276Ongoing
No major changes since the last update. The Technology team has successfully completed implementation of the fix across all servers. This means that all affected customers should now have full access to any data and files that were created before the incident began at 03:05 UTC on September 20, 2019. If an org didn’t make any changes between 03:05 and 10:45 UTC on September 20, 2019, then it would now be considered out of impact. However, if a customer created files between 03:05 and 10:45 UTC on September 20, 2019, they will not regain access to that data until the synchronization process completes. That process has already been initiated in two of the eight data centers, and it will be launched within the remaining data centers soon. Our next scheduled update will be in 60 minutes, however, we will provide new updates to you sooner when new information becomes available. We thank you for your continued business and patience during this situation.