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Description of my 2015 book on ISIS, which made an accidental and unfortunate blockbuster in Japan, caught in the middle of the political controversy surrounding the hostage crisis in Syria. …
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NETANYAHU: I am Israel's indispensable man, only I can deliver my good friend Donald Trump TRUMP: New phone, who dis?
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Israel election: Trump says he hasn't spoken to Netanyahu, "our relationship is with Israel" | LIVE UPDATES …
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When Benjamin Netanyahu took the stage in Tel Aviv following the deadlocked election to address his supporters, it was clear he had lost something. As he vowed to wait for final results, he blamed the media, Arab parties, the left ― everyone but himself. …
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Israelis voted to save their democracy. But the country may soon face a severe constitutional crisis: Opinion
@FreilichChuck …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Satoshi Ikeuchi 池内恵 Retweeted
Ultimately it's not really possible to maintain a liberal state defined as a state for the Jews, while claiming that the native-born minority is both equal but not equal enough to sit in the government or head the IDF (for example). 4/
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This is the big conundrum for liberal Israelis and for liberal Jews who identify as Zionists. On the one hand, they are emotionally (and sometimes ideologically) attached to the idea of a state for the Jews. But this can clash with their liberal values. 3/
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Not only the third largest party in the Knesset, but potentially the official opposition. 2/
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One of the striking aspects of post-election political analysis in Israel is the reluctance or inability of the liberal Zionist left to grapple w the implications of the party that represents Arab-Palestinian and non-Zionist citizens becoming the third largest in the Knesset. 1/
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On Netanyahu,
@BillNeelyNBC says, "Today he announced he would not represent Israel at the UN General Assembly in New York. Therefore, he will not meet President Trump. Significant because that has not happened in ten years."#AMRstaffThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Satoshi Ikeuchi 池内恵 Retweeted
Israel's election results explained in one graphic. And, here is a breakdown of the 8 likely scenarios of what happens next: …
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BREAKING: Trump says he didn't speak to Netanyahu on the election results and adds: "Our relations are with Israel"
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結局、サウジのイエメン介入は楽観に基づくものであり、それが失敗していることが問題の根っこにあるとFT。それでもアメリカがサウジをかばう限り、何も解決しない。 …
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他方で、イラク国境に近いシリアの親イラン民兵のPopular Mobilization Forcesの武器庫が空爆に遭ったとのこと。この民兵組織はイラクに拠点があり、シリア内戦に参加していたもの。親イラン派の民兵への攻撃はこのところ続いているとAP。 …
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Show this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Satoshi Ikeuchi 池内恵 Retweeted
オブライエンはタカ派ではなく、交渉者であり、ロムニーに仕えたこともあり、マネージャーとして有能とのこと。今までのトランプの補佐官にはいないタイプかも。 …
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Right. America was not attacked. Americans were not attacked. An American ally was not attacked. America doesn't need to go to war over it. …
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The Pentagon is quietly urging Trump not to approve a military strike over the Aramco attack. "Officials... sought to emphasize the fact that no American personnel or facilities had been targeted in the weekend attacks." …
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サウジが石油施設攻撃に使われたらしい無人機と巡航ミサイルを公開。同国防省は10機のドローンと7発の無人機が使用されたと見てるようだが、ジェット推進のミサイルとプロペラのドローンで同調攻撃をするにはかなりの運用練度が必要だと思う。発射地点が違う場合も同様。 …
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