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イヴァンカが髪型を変えたのは政治的な野心の現れだと恐れるガーディアンの記事。髪型一つで政治面の話題になると言うのも面白い。 …
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EUはEDA(欧州防衛装備庁)だけでなく、委員会の中に防衛産業総局を作るとのことらしい。 …
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ナビゲート2019:「金正恩氏のベンツ」密輸疑惑 日本企業ははめられたのか - 毎日新聞 …
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Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Kazuto Suzuki Retweeted
The mention of Obama here is striking and says a lot about the state of Saudi-US relations. Perhaps Riyadh belatedly realizing how toxic it has made itself in American politics …
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Dammaged oil tank after drones and cruise missiles attack, in a picture released by Saudi MOD. Note the lack of penetration on the attacking vehicle probably drone- light and without large warhead. Also low speed is
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Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Kazuto Suzuki Retweeted
They are members of
#UN Panel of experts - set up by Res 2231 - that report to#UN Security Council …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Kazuto Suzuki Retweeted
UN Experts are on their way to investigate oil attacks in
#SaudiArabia -#UN Sec Gen@antonioguterresThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
イラン国営英語放送は、サウジの石油施設への攻撃はフーシ派によるもので、イランによるものではないと言ったと河野防衛大臣の写真を載せてツイート。 …
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On this day in 1989,
@SpaceNews_Inc published the first of four monthly preview issues to test the waters for a trade publication focused exclusively on space. Thirty years later, we're still going strong thanks to engaged readers, generous sponsors and best-in-class this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Kazuto Suzuki Retweeted
サウジが石油施設攻撃に使われたらしい無人機と巡航ミサイルを公開。同国防省は10機のドローンと7発の無人機が使用されたと見てるようだが、ジェット推進のミサイルとプロペラのドローンで同調攻撃をするにはかなりの運用練度が必要だと思う。発射地点が違う場合も同様。 …
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Lots and lots of references to Iran’s responsibility (expertise, equipment, etc) but crucially no direct accusation that the weapons were actually fired from Iran. “We will find out.”
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US saying it was launched by Iran, from Iranian soil. "Sponsored by" suggests a proxy carried out the attack, although now Riyadh also rubbishes the idea that the proxy was the Houthis. Why the fuzzy language here? B/c saying Iran bombed Aramco means you have to retaliate. …
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- Kazuto Suzuki Retweeted
@GretaThunberg: "I have not come to offer any prepared remarks ... I am instead attaching my testimony. It is the IPCC special report on global warming ... I am submitting this report as my testimony b/c I don't want you to listen to me. I want you to listen to the scientists." this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
国防副大臣のハーリド・ビン・サルマン、トランプとペンスだけでなく、オバマ前大統領にも感謝していると言っている。トランプはどんな顔をするんだろう? …
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Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Kazuto Suzuki Retweeted
#アラムコ 攻撃には25機のドローンとミサイルが使用された。Show this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
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