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Sentry Issue: FRONT-1P
TypeError: Cannot read property 'parentElement' of null
at None (/front/dist/en/main.8bc7038e8a75ccb149b3.js:1:2555580)
at r (/front/dist/en/vendor.8d69333b6d98bfb0c648.js:1:150690)
at e.invokeTask (/front/dist/en/polyfills.a53d7f14fce4c9ab2f16.js:1:7985)
at Object.onInvokeTask (/front/dist/en/vendor.8d69333b6d98bfb0c648.js:1:3624171)
at e.invokeTask (/front/dist/en/polyfills.a53d7f14fce4c9ab2f16.js:1:7906)
(18 additional frame(s) were not displayed)
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assigned to @edgebal
changed milestone to %"sprint: Modest Monkey"
mentioned in issue #1862 (closed)
mentioned in merge request !538 (merged)
changed weight to 2
added Platform::Browser Product::Platform Squad::Yellow Status::Review scoped labels
mentioned in commit 066fa68f
mentioned in commit 1c8ddd09
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