The writing staff of A.P.P.L.E. are all volunteers who write for the love of computing and spreading the news of the Apple computing world.
Call-A.P.P.L.E. Staff
Editor-in-Chief / Chairman – Bill Martens (@semipro)
Managing Editor / Director – Brian Wiser (@BrianWiser)
Staff Writer – Javier Rivera (@javierivera)
Staff Writer – Marcus Adams
Disk Digitization – Antoine Vignau (@antoine_vignau)
Columns / Guest Writers
Assembly Lines video podcast – Chris Torrence
Brutal Deluxe Software – Antoine Vignau
Freshly Squeezed Reviews – Frank Petrie
The Northern Spy – Rick Sutcliffe
Open Apple – Mike Maginnis
Retro Computing Roundtable – Michael Mulhern
Board of Directors
Bill Martens, Brian Wiser, and Jim Maricondo.
Val J. Golding was the Founder and Chairman of the Board, however, he unfortunately passed away in July 2008.
Mike Pfaiffer was a director until his passing on 19 July 2013
1978-1980 — Val J. Golding
1980-1989 — Richard J. Hubert
1990-2001 — Norman Dodge
2002-2004 — Bill Martens
2005-2006 — Mike Pfaiffer
2006-2008 — Bill Martens
2008-2009 — Mike Pfaiffer
2010-Present — Bill Martens
Hall of Fame
Val Golding Founder of the A.P.P.L.E. Users Group and editor of Call-A.P.P.L.E. magzine until 1984. The users group was established in 1978 and was run from the now infamous “Basement” of Val’s home in Seattle. In 1979, the group was moved to Renton where it was until the final issue of the magazine in 1990. In later years, Val worked mainly with his two teenage Daughter’s schools and a newsletter for the school. (And also giving us a bit of his time in order to have completeness to our projects. Unfortunately, Val passed away in July 2008 at age 77. He will be missed by all who have been involved in A.P.P.L.E. over the years.
Dick Hubert Dick joined A.P.P.L.E. in 1978 and became the Executive Director of the organization which formed. He was with the group until the end in 1990. He continues to reside in Renton, Washington to this day.
Bob Huelsdonk Really the 2nd member of the group. Bob was an engineer who had his Apple done up in a portable fashion so that he could take it to the meetings in order to help with the copying of the software tapes. Bob also wrote the first Apple II word processor available anywhere which was sold through the users group. Bob was very active with the Mac user’s group in Sequim, Washington and ran a Bed and Breakfast on their ranch. Unfortunately, Bob passed away in 2014 at age 84.
Mike Thyng The right hand man of Val and Dick through the years. He is one of the original founding members and continues to be a good friend to the group today.
Don Williams Don was one of the early members and the founder of the Apple Program Developers Association (APDA). He designed one of the first 256K memory cards for the Apple II and continued to be involved in the goings on of the group until 1990 when he closed down production operations in the Renton office. He performed tasks as the group treasurer at that time.
Charles Stillman Charlie was another early member of the group and was active in the magazine well into the mid 1980s. He was manager of Member Services when the group began to close operations in 1990.
Dr. David A. Lingwood David was the Communications Manager and the Publisher for MacTech Quarterly as well as an early member who proved his worth to the group over and over again over the years with his informative articles in Call-A.P.P.L.E. Magazine. David passed away sadly in February 2011.