Marwan Hisham | مروانVerified account


Syrian journalist. Co-author of Brothers of the Gun. Byline: The New York Times, Vanity Fair, Foreign Policy, The Intercept & elsewhere

Raqqa, East of the Euphrates
Joined November 2010
Born January 26, 1989


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  2. 4 hours ago
  3. DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Saudi military spokesman says initial investigation suggests 'Iranian weapons' used in oil installation attack.

  4. 6 hours ago

    Implication here is that the attacks originated in Iran proper, since the administration already suggested they did not originate in Yemen. Would be a sharp and surprising deviation from Iran's usual modus operandi of working through proxies to deflect responsibility.

  5. 7 hours ago

    BREAKING: Iran has seized a vessel carrying the flag of the United Arab Emirates and has detained its crew.

  6. 8 hours ago

    Saudi oil disruption worse than at the start of the Islamic revolution and during the Arab-Israeli war oil embargo. Sources say damage so severe it could take several months to get back to a normal output (Bloomberg graph)

  7. 20 hours ago

    Uh this is the biggest jump since the Gulf War

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  8. Sep 15

    . "We took Raqqa -- President Trump made the decision, it's President Trump who made the decision to arm the Syrian Kurds and take Raqqa, that was a decision not made by President Obama, it was made by President Trump" (11)

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  9. Photos released by Trump administration show extent of weekend attack on Saudi oil industry. US officials say evidence now pointing towards cruise missile attacks from Iraq or Iran, not drone strikes from Houthis in Yemen. But no official assessments yet from DC or Riyadh.

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  10. Also, Ben Rhodes should be the last person to speak about dumb, dishonest, and dangerous foreign policy.

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  11. Sep 14

    President Trump reports that Hamza bin Ladin, al Qaeda leader and son of Osama bin Laden, “was killed in a United States counterterrorism operation in the Afghanistan/Pakistan region.”

  12. Sep 13

    Drone attacks on two Saudi Aramco factories in Abqaiq and Khurais provinces sparked fires that the state oil company brought under control, the Saudi interior ministry spokesman said. More here:

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  14. Sep 12

    New documentary proof that ’s military role in is far more extensive than has thus far been reported. As well as providing Russian mercenaries also do PR work for a variety of dubious—and rival—Libyan factions

  15. Sep 12

    قال رئيس مكتب العلاقات الخارجية في المجلس الوطني الكوردي، كاميران حاجو أن الاتفاق الأمريكي– التركي المتعلق بإنشاء "منطقة آمنة" في المناطق الحدودية، نصَّ على ألا تجبر تركيا أحداً على العودة إلى تلك المنطقة، مشيراً إلى أن العائدين سيكونون من أهالي المنطقة، وليس من سكان مناطق أخرى.

  16. Sep 12
    Replying to

    Max's & his fellow Assadist genocide groupies' predecessors toured Nazi Germany the same way in the 1930s & early '40s, gloating over how Jews & other "subhumans" had been forced to leave. Max is a latter-day Lindbergh-Haw-Haw with a dash of Walter Duranty.

  17. This alien scum is in Damascus when millions of Syrians can’t go there

  18. جولة في المتحف المصري مع اونكل شوكري وطنط بسنت.

  19. بعد نجاح في إيجاد ذراع أمنية تنطلق من طهران إلى بغداد، ثم دمشق، ثم بيروت، ومنها إلى فلسطين، فقد حققت الجمهورية الإسلامية حتى الآن انتصاراً استراتيجياً يصعب الرجوع عنه. - شارلز ليستر

  20. These three pieces vanished while in transit with If you see any of them on eBay, please DM me

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