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Implement istanbul to generate statistics Implement cypress code coverage plugin
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changed milestone to %"sprint: Lucky Lizard"
added Squad::Green scoped label
changed weight to 5
changed title from Implement Cypress code coverage and generate a report of current e2e coverage and areas that need to be covered to (feature) Implement Cypress code coverage and generate a report of current e2e coverage and areas that need to be covered
changed milestone to %"sprint: Modest Monkey"
added Type::Chore scoped label
added Status::InProgress scoped label
We've got the instrumented code in dist - that I found while playing around trying to instrument the code - great. I've also connected up the cypress reporter which whilst running the tests appears to work, but the output json written written with results is always blank.
node --max_old_space_size=8192 node_modules/nyc/bin/nyc.js instrument --compact=false . instrumented
will instrument the code without memory overflow issues.
removed Status::InProgress label
added Status::Follow Up scoped label
changed milestone to %Misc. Q3 2019
added Sprint::09/25 - Oldfashioned Owl scoped label
added Squad::Yellow scoped label and automatically removed Squad::Green label
assigned to @eiennohi
Will have a good chat about this next sprint Marce, I'll try take care of it gladly but may have to bounce ideas off somebody if we're making changes at the transpilation level.
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