Karim Emile Bitar


Senior Fellow at Paris think tank , Associate Professor of International Relations , Editor Magazine, News Addict getting his fix

Paris France & Beirut Lebanon
Joined November 2008


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  1. 6 minutes ago

    🇹🇳 Nabil Karoui seems to be strongly in the lead according to the first estimates. Check out his wife’s profile in Le Monde, she played an important role Salwa Smaoui, la Tunisienne qui bat la campagne à la place de son mari Kaïs Saïed also doing well

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    20 minutes ago
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    18 hours ago
  4. Retweeted
    Sep 13

    Regarding the lack of accountability of Iraq War supporters, this excerpt from a Graphic History book reminded me of the Camus quote that Tony Judt used as epigraph of his book PS. The cost has now exceeded $ 6 trillion and the number of civilian deaths is much higher than 100 K

  5. 1 hour ago
  6. Retweeted
    Sep 11

    moves ⬆️ into 42nd position among 1,396 universities worldwide. Strong showing in teaching, research and International outlook indicators !

  7. Retweeted
    18 hours ago

    “Karoui is sometimes depicted as Tunisia’s Berlusconi. He is more like the wealthy paterfamilias in a MidEast soap opera, a man touched by both tragedy and success. A slick, populist figure, using his TV channel to air images of himself delivering charity”

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  8. Retweeted
    21 hours ago

    “Mourou is far from the stereotype of an Islamist zealot who wants to impose religious strictures and hardline sharia on Tunisian society. A moderate lawyer with a sense of humour, he once sang Beethoven’s Ode to Joy during a TV interview.” via

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  9. 4 hours ago

    A brief history of bullshit: Why we've learned to ignore truth “Lies no longer draw backlash or punishment. But truth remains the strongest weapon against the world of alternative facts propagated by Trump and Netanyahu” via

  10. Retweeted

    2003/Iraq with its arrogance, its lies and its stupidity remains the original sin which still undermines international life. Not only through the inhuman violence in the Middle East but because of its repudiation of international law. A malevolent genius out of the bottle.

  11. 4 hours ago

    🇹🇳 The widow of former Tunisian president has died only two months after he passed away. Many academic studies have analyzed the so-called “widowhood effect” or “broken-heart effect”. Statistics indicate that the rates of death double in the first 3 months. via

  12. Retweeted
    8 hours ago

    "The movie depicts the decision Gun (2003), while working for British intelligence agency GCHQ, to leak a secret memo exposing plans by the American government to potentially blackmail members of the U.N. Security Council into supporting the Iraq War."

  13. Retweeted

    It's terrible how the world has changed in the last few years, ruining the Golden Age of the Iraq invasion and the financial crisis.

  14. Retweeted

    Copious food for thought from on how to end the US’s endless wars: « Armed domination has become an end in itself. Which means Americans face a choice: Either they should openly espouse endless war, or they should chart a new course. »

  15. Retweeted

    Providing healthcare to all, banning the sale of assault weapons, combatting the climate crisis, minimizing inequality, offering affordable education & child care to all-- are considered "extreme" and "unrealistic" views in the U.S.--and the norm in every other developed country.

  16. Retweeted

    Armenian-Turkish journalist, intellectual, editor was assassinated in Istanbul in 2007. He always believed in peace, diversity, inclusion, democracy. Remember him with deep respect. Today was his birthday, may you rest in peace, there is so much sorrow

  17. Retweeted
    Sep 13

    Eric Rouleau was one of the best reporters on the Middle East. Extremely smart and knowledgable about Syria, a country few could understand. Also on Egypt, where he was born and brought up. Also served as Ambassador to Tunis and Turkey.

  18. Retweeted
    Sep 11

    An apparent transcript of the secret Saudi trial of some of the alleged killers of Jamal Khashoggi reveals a concerted effort to exculpate the Saudi crown prince, as if only lower-level officials would conceive of and carry out this complex plan.

  19. Retweeted
    9 hours ago
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    12 hours ago

    لا يتقادم الزمن على حق الضحايا بمحاسبة الجلاد.ايا كان ما نعرفه، وما لا نعرفه، ، عن مجيء الفاخوري الى لبنان، فإنه نكأ جرحا وطنيا وانسانيا كبيرا. من حق اللبنانيين ان يعرفوا ويرفضوا الافلات من العقاب ويطالبوا بالعدالة.


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