This was meant to be the second part of a two part special for Defrag Tools, where Raymond Chen joins Andrew Richards and Chad Beeder to celebrate the 30 years of Windows by walking around the Microsoft Archives.
Unfortunately, we hit a technical issue. We didn't realize until editing that we filled the (separate) device used to record the microphones. As a result, no audio - and thus no Part 2 this week. (We cut last week's episode at the point where we started to walk around off-camera, and soon after lost audio).
Stay tuned for more computer history next week. Chad takes us to the Living Computer Museum in downtown Seattle.
As always, post your comments below or email us at
More episodes in this series
Defrag Tools #145 - Living Computer Museum
Related episodes
Defrag Tools #143 - Raymond Chen - Microsoft Archives Part 1
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Defrag Tools #201 - Game Show Part 2
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Defrag Tools #107 - Larry Osterman - 30 Years - Part 2
Defrag Tools #106 - Larry Osterman - 30 Years - Part 1
The Discussion
CreateThread​Ex It's a shame. Will have to manage without the weekly dose of DT :). On a side note maybe you guys could do more debug analysis of kernel dumps or even a debug session of a live system and show of some cool stuff?
felix9 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ChadBeeder I'm disappointed that this one didn't work out! Thankfully, I think we covered the most interesting stuff last week in Part 1, anyway.
Yes, please stay tuned for next week's episode! There's a ton of super cool stuff at the Living Computer Museum, and I had a great time looking through some of it!
felix9 well, could you please write a more detailed blog post with screenshots pictures from that video showing us the interesting stuff you guys found and talked about in part 2 ? (a)
KiwiHarry That is a shame. This series brought back some memories, particularly the packaging of some of the earlier software. I remember storage shelves at work packed with Word and Excel software boxes.
Thanks for your efforts in producing these shows.
codechurn Too bad. There looks to be so much cool stuff on those shelves. Was Raymond involved with OS/2 at all? I would love to hear about some history of Microsoft's partnership with IBM on developing this OS.