Commit 563e5abd authored by Martin Santangelo's avatar Martin Santangelo

(feat) tiers carousel show /month only for recurring

1 merge request!325WIP: [Sprint/ModestMonkey] wire epic 37
......@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ export default class FabScreen extends Component {
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ export default class SubscriptionTierCarousel extends PureComponent {
getRewards() {
const rewards = [{
amount: 0,
description: 'Custom',
const methodsMap = [{ method: 'tokens', currency: 'tokens' }];
......@@ -83,10 +83,15 @@ export default class SubscriptionTierCarousel extends PureComponent {
_renderItem = (row) => {
const amount = row.item.amount || this.props.amount;
const currency = row.item.currency || this.props.currency;
const recurring = this.props.recurring;
const amountText = amount + ' ' + this.getPluralizedCurrency(currency, row.item.amount);
const text = recurring ? i18n.t('wire.amountMonth', {amount: amountText}) : amountText;
return (
<View key={`rewards${row.item.amount}`} style={[CS.rowJustifyCenter, CS.backgroundLightGreyed, CS.borderRadius5x, CS.padding2x, CS.border, CS.borderGreyed]}>
<View style={CS.columnAlignCenter}>
<Text style={[CS.fontXXL, CS.fontMedium, CS.colorDark]}>{i18n.t('wire.amountMonth',{amount: amount + ' ' + this.getPluralizedCurrency(currency, row.item.amount)})}</Text>
<Text style={[CS.fontXXL, CS.fontMedium, CS.colorDark]}>{text}</Text>
<Text numberOfLines={5} style={[CS.fontL, CS.fontHairline, CS.colorDark]}>{row.item.description}</Text>
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