Commit c736d788 authored by Mark Harding's avatar Mark Harding

(fix): send username vs name in wire emails - closes #830

parent 3eb097bc
No related merge requests found
Pipeline #81861899 waiting for manual action with stages
in 13 minutes and 35 seconds
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
<td style="width: 70%">
<h4 <?php echo $emailStyles->getStyles('m-clear', 'm-fonts', 'm-header'); ?>>@<?php echo $vars['sender']->get('name'); ?> wired you</h4>
<h4 <?php echo $emailStyles->getStyles('m-clear', 'm-fonts', 'm-header'); ?>>@<?php echo $vars['sender']->get('username'); ?> wired you</h4>
<p <?php echo $emailStyles->getStyles('m-fonts', 'm-subtitle', 'm-clear'); ?>>Transfer Date and Amount:</p>
<p <?php echo $emailStyles->getStyles('m-fonts', 'm-subtitle', 'm-clear'); ?>>
<?php echo $wireDate; ?>; +<?php echo $amount ?>
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
<td style="width: 70%">
<h4 <?php echo $emailStyles->getStyles('m-clear', 'm-fonts', 'm-header'); ?>>You wired @<?php echo $vars['receiver']->get('name'); ?></h4>
<h4 <?php echo $emailStyles->getStyles('m-clear', 'm-fonts', 'm-header'); ?>>You wired @<?php echo $vars['receiver']->get('username'); ?></h4>
<p <?php echo $emailStyles->getStyles('m-fonts', 'm-subtitle', 'm-clear'); ?>>Transfer Date and Amount:</p>
<p <?php echo $emailStyles->getStyles('m-fonts', 'm-subtitle', 'm-clear'); ?>>
<?php echo $wireDate; ?>; +<?php echo $amount ?>
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