...by the end of the Obama admin, I thought we were maybe halfway out of that fog... now I'm not sure we ever will be, as a country or a (collective) people. I don't subscribe to the "tragedy as tests from god" narrative, but if I did 9-11 is Pearl Harbor's opposite: We failed.
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As someone who never knew the world before 9/11... it’s scary sometimes to think how “evil genius” Bin Laden was. Whether he fully intended it or not, he brought the greatest empire in history to its knees at the cost to him of, what, less than two dozen of his henchmen?
I remember this one vid you did where you said it cost *us* “immeasurably in blood and treasure” and yeah, good way to put it. It wasn’t just the thousands lost on 9/11, it was every casuistry of war after, every victim of Islamophonia, ever dollar we sunk into war...
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