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Sentry Issue: FRONT-32
SyntaxError: Unexpected token else
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assigned to @benhayward.ben
changed milestone to %sprint: Modest Monkey
added Priority::1 - High Product::Platform Type::Bug scoped labels
changed weight to 4
added Squad::Green scoped label
I cannot see enough information in sentry to pinpoint this and it seems to occur pretty randomly. Need to look at why sentry is not giving me the line number - there's an SDK update at the bottom but I'm unsure if thats related.
It appears the users browser is very out of date, which could be the reason. Have messaged the user to update their browser and see if the problem persists.
unassigned @benhayward.ben
added Triage::Unable to Replicate Type::Bug (Triage) scoped labels and automatically removed Type::Bug label
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