
Member since March 2019


MissScarlett reposted

Because of the rich white men who are pumping money into philanthropy and the media, to pay for the pro-trans propaganda that is everywhere now. Either they want to mainstream their perversion or bolster their investments in pharmaceuticals and medicine: Jennifer Pritzker, Martine Rothblatt, Jon Stryker, George Soros, Warren Buffett, among others.

If you want to read receipts from charity tax forms, look here: medium.com/@sue.donym1984/inau


Inauthentic Selves: The modern LGBTQ+ Movement Is Run By Philanthropic Astroturf And Based On Junk Science

Let me set the stage for you. It is the recent Anchorage municipal elections. It is cold, it is chilly, it’s Anchorage, and there are…

MissScarlett reposted

A few words on "You don't need to pass":

I see the "trans" community insist on that all the time. However, an MtF of any sort can not live as a woman if they do not pass as female. It is impossible. If people can tell you were born male, they will treat you as someone born male calling themselves a woman, and not treating you as they would treat a female. You may find people who will treat both identically. However, it is not the majority, or half, or even a significant number of people. In many cases, you'll be treated better for being "brave" and "progressive", or extra nice out of fear of losing one's job or freedom, or fear of assault if you fly off the handle. It doesn't matter who those people are - "trans" supportive women, Radfems, men, other "trans" people - EVERYONE will see you as and treat you as something other than a woman, for better or for worse.
If you need to live as a woman, if that is what you intend to do, you MUST pass as female. It doesnt matter if you force access in to every rape shelter, gyno's office, locker room, competitive sport, bathroom, women's only spa, waxing salon, job position, or lesbian's bed... If people looking at you don't make the instant assumption you have female biology, you are not living a woman's place in society. That's just how the world is, and it's why a transsexual woman's transition is not finished till she passes no matter the expense, cost, or risk.

MorganeOgerBC - @thoughtspctrum @Candace4444 @trustednerd Yes I am female.
And yes, gender defines that I am female. And no, I do not have all the sex characteristics associated with female humans. twitter.com/MorganeOgerBC/stat

No you are not, you freak. Go compare tampons with yaniv and leave women alone

Morgane Oger MSM BASc on Twitter

“@thoughtspctrum @Candace4444 @trustednerd Yes I am female. And yes, gender defines that I am female. And no, I do not have all the sex characteristics…


What we actually say is that it's exceedingly rare for someone to pass as anything but their biological sex and you sir are one of the vast majority who don't

How to tell if you're a "real woman":
If you find yourself wanting to have periods, you are NOT a "real woman"
Thank you and goodnight

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