Commit fe3fcb81 authored by Juan Manuel Solaro's avatar Juan Manuel Solaro

(fix) add new e2e test and change message for poster

1 merge request!494WIP: epic/post-scheduler
Pipeline #81086493 failed with stages
in 6 minutes and 25 seconds
......@@ -38,14 +38,15 @@ context('Newsfeed', () => {
cy.get('.minds-list > minds-activity:first-child m-post-menu m-modal-confirm .mdl-button--colored').click();
it('should post an activity picking a scheduled date', () => {
it('should be able to post an activity picking a scheduled date and the edit it', () => {
cy.get('minds-newsfeed-poster textarea').type('This is a post');
// set scheduled date
cy.get('td.c-datepicker__day-body.c-datepicker__day--selected + td').click();
cy.get('tr.c-datepicker__days-row:nth-child(2) td.c-datepicker__day-body:first-child').click();
// get setted date to compare
......@@ -66,7 +67,39 @@ context('Newsfeed', () => {
scheduledDate = new Date(scheduledDate).getTime();
// prepare to listen
cy.route("POST", '**/api/v1/newsfeed/**').as("saveEdited");
// edit the activity
cy.get('.minds-list > minds-activity:first-child m-post-menu > button.minds-more').click();
cy.get('.minds-list > minds-activity:first-child li.mdl-menu__item:first-child').click();
cy.get('.minds-list > minds-activity:first-child .m-poster-date-selector--input').click();
cy.get('tr.c-datepicker__days-row:nth-child(3) td.c-datepicker__day-body:first-child').click();
// get setted date to compare
cy.get('.minds-list > minds-activity:first-child div.m-poster-date-selector--input div.m-tooltip--bubble')
.invoke('text').then((text) => {
scheduledDate = text;
// compare setted date with time_created
cy.get('.minds-list > minds-activity:first-child div.mdl-card__supporting-text > div.body > a.permalink > span')
.invoke('text').then((text) => {
const time_created = new Date(text).getTime();
scheduledDate = new Date(scheduledDate).getTime();
// Save
cy.get('.minds-list > minds-activity:first-child button.mdl-button.mdl-button--colored').click();
cy.wait('@saveEdited', { requestTimeout: 5000 }).then((xhr) => {
expect(xhr.status).to.equal(200, '**/api/v1/newsfeed/** request status');
// cleanup
cy.get('.minds-list > minds-activity:first-child m-post-menu .minds-more').click();
cy.get('.minds-list > minds-activity:first-child m-post-menu .minds-dropdown-menu .mdl-menu__item:nth-child(4)').click();
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ export class PosterDateSelectorComponent {
const fiveMinutes = new Date();
fiveMinutes.setMinutes(fiveMinutes.getMinutes() + 5);
if (date < fiveMinutes) {
return "Scheduled date can't be less than 5 minutes";
return "Scheduled date can't be less than 5 minutes or in the past";
return true;
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