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- Why spend so much time picking on the Mormons? 155
- Lying for the Lord 10
- Genetic engineering will make humans into gods 4
- Truth over Tradition 5
- Jesus Christ suffering in Gethsemene and death on the cross paid the price of all sins 3
- The Word of God can be edited. 4
- Mormons believe a con artist is a prophet who found golden plates in NY 82
- They Believe They Will Become Like God 16
- Elder Quorum Moving Services 6
- America is Special to God 7
- Heavenly Mother 7
- Mormons try to do these things but are imperfect 1
- Polytheistic Religion 7
- Mormons try to do these things but are imperfect 2
- Polygamy STILL practiced! 48
- God lives on a planet 10
- Dark skin is a curse from God for unrighteousness 39
- Passwords and secret handshakes to enter heaven 20
- Mormons believe in Service 19
- It’s not mockery, intolerance or bigotry when Mormons do it. 4
- The Planet Kolob 449
- Why spend so much time picking on the Mormons? 155
- Underwear 91
- Mormons believe a con artist is a prophet who found golden plates in NY 82
- Women in heaven 67
- Tell Mormon secrets? Be disemboweled! 50
- Polygamy STILL practiced! 48
- Dark skin is a curse from God for unrighteousness 39
- Passwords and secret handshakes to enter heaven 20
- Mormons believe in Service 19
- Black people 18
- Adam (the Bible’s first “human being”) was a God! 17
- They Believe They Will Become Like God 16
- Virgin birth of Jesus 14
- Mormons believe Jesus Christ saved them from their sins! 10
- Lying for the Lord 10
- God lives on a planet 10
- People can come back to life after death! 10
- Mormons actually care about protecting LGBT! Crazy, huh! 9
- Polytheistic Religion 7
- Women who fail to marry in the temple during their life will be assigned a worthy spouse in the hereafter 1
- People can come back to life after death! 10
- Give everything you have 6
- Moroni Dedicated Manti Temple Plot 2
- About the Mormons 1
- A woman’s purpose in heaven is solely to birth endless babies to populate the worlds created by their husbands 1
- Dark skin is a curse from God for unrighteousness 39
- They have an incredible room that is replica of Heaven in each Mormon Temple 3
- Providing Bodies 1
- That the blood of Chist will bring forgiveness of their sins. 4
- Blood Turns 5
- Native Americans are the descendants of the Lamanites spoken of in the Book of Mormon 1
- Ten Tribes of Israel are going to pop out of the middle of the earth or land on the North Pole within our lifetimes. 1
- Virgin birth of Jesus 14
- You are better off dying trying to fend off a rapist than to survive as a victim of rape 1
- Lying for the Lord 10
- The Church is the biggest land owner in many cities not just in Utah 3
- They Believe They Will Become Like God 16
- God the Father has multiple wives 2
- Two LDS Elders or Missionaries will stand and protect the city of Jerusalem during Armageddon 1
Here’s a talk by a black member of the LDS Church who explains and argues against this claim:
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LikeDislikeThis post is not mormon doctrine.
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LikeDislikeCorrection: This post is not current Mormon doctrine. Unfortunately, Mormon leadership has done little to nothing to correct this piece of folklore, thus some Mormons still believe in it. If Mormon leadership would “inconvenience” themselves a little bit, they would teach through the proper venues that these bits of folk religion (presented by men they sustain or sustained as apostols of Jesus Christ, prophets, seers and revelators) then there would be a good argument against this post. But since they have decided to turn a blind eye to these folk teachings instead of correcting them, here we are.
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LikeDislikeI was taught this the entire time I grew up within the Mormon church. I am 35 years old. It wasn’t that long ago. Then they changed their tunes. Prophets/apostles/70′s etc by the dozen promoted and preached this over the pulpit. But we tend to forget things that aren’t faith promoting or show how bigoted the Mormon faith really was/is.
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LikeDislikeJoseph Fielding Smith wrote the following:
“There is a reason why one man is born black and with other disadvantages, while another is born white with great advantage. The reason is that we once had an estate before we came here, and were obedient, more or less, to the laws that were given us there. Those who were faithful in all things there received greater blessings here, and those who were not faithful received less…. There were no neutrals in the war in heaven. All took sides either with Christ or with Satan. Every man had his agency there, and men receive rewards here based upon their actions there, just as they will receive rewards hereafter for deeds done in the body. The Negro, evidently, is receiving the reward he merits.”
Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, Vol.1, pages 66-67
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LikeDislikeSermon given on March 8, 1863, Brigham Young said, “Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so” (Journal of Discourses, 10:110). Another time he said: “What chance is there for the redemption of the Negro?” Young responded, “The Lord had cursed Cain’s seed with blackness and prohibited them the Priesthood.” Utah was the only western state or territory that had slaves in 1850.
I guess by this “always being so” he meant until 1978. BYU’s football team was threatened to be sanctioned, the problem of discovering many already baptized/Priesthood holding members had “African ancestry” when building a temple in Sau Paulo Brazil, along with increasing social pressure, and suddenly God changed his mind. How nice of Him.
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LikeDislikeThanks for the heads up on the site. Cotrary to your annonymously penned commentary, the site is not about promoting bigotry, rather reveals hidden truesomes about what I shall call the the cult of Mormonism. If you think it’s all made up, check out the first person accounts of those who’ve left the church on
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LikeDislikeOOps, my previous post was intended for the latimes editorial… I didn’t click far back enough on my browser.
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LikeDislikeNo question I was taught this from the time I was in primary, up until I went on a mission. That was many years ago and now the doctrine has changed.
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LikeDislikeI was taught this in Primary and Sunday School lessons when I was a young Mormon kid in the 1970s. Whether it was ever official doctrine or not, the fact remains that the idea that persons of African origin were born of “less valiant” spirits was commonly believed, and taught, within the mainstream Mormon community.
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LikeDislikeWhy do people complain for things they are not concern of while they themselves do not carry to there life a little good that Mormons have? They speak of race, garments, funds, priesthood, temples, Godhood etc. every now and then, What do you anti-Mormons have instead?
Look here, What African leaders do to their people if not exploiting their own people?. Why aren’t they being civilized if not that they are of low race? ( or rather cursed?) Why don’t you Leave God accomplish his purpose on things he planed including your Owen selves? I myself am an African and feel good about the Mormon Doctrine. Remember without segregation there is no growth, and Agency is a law of Heaven, Without good there is no bad. God will chose amongst us who were real people and who were just a people.
What is bad about God being as Man? Was Jesus not a man? nor was his mother a woman? What is wrong with you people of low mind who can not reason along with life? Why do you think in your minds that God Just created us and he is so mindful of us and we do the very bad things you have ever head through all man-kinds life, and sill he dose not phase (wipe) us out of his face if we are not related to him? Who are you to judge GOD? Just be Good and ask God in sincerity about the Mormon Doctrine I know it is of God and Joseph Smith is and was His Prophet
Who did more that any body who lived on earth to the kingdom of God save Jesus only.And the church he organized is the only True kingdom of God on Earth today whether you like it or not. AntiMormons are dwindling in unbelief.
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LikeDislikeThe opening post is too short to be useful, but it is mostly accurate. It is missing a LOT of context though. Most black people sit on the spiritual fence down here too. A few are hard core Christians, and it’s great to see their faith, but the vast majority act like spiritual nomads.
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LikeDislikeOh, my “most black people sit on the spriitual fence down here too.” I recognize that everyone is entitled to their OPINIONS, but I loathe when people state their OPINION as if it is FACT. What are the statistics that show black people sit on the fence about spirituality? I’ll wait…By the way, spirituality is different from organized religion. So, if you’re saying not all blacks are Christians, you are correct. Some are Christians. Some are Muslims. Some are Buddhist. Some are Hindu. However, this also applies to the ENTIRE human race. We are not homogenous, sorry to disappoint you.
In the US, most blacks are Christian because when our ancestors were brought here as slaves, Christianity was strongly taught and used by “those in power” as a tool to keep us enslaved. Sadly, Christianity is STILL being used in negative ways to justify keeping people enslaved (sans the tangible chains), start wars, or prevent equal rights.
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LikeDislikeWhy mormon hate people of color?
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LikeDislikeSo does Stacy believe the pervasive white vampire and pedophile culture is morally upstanding? Where did Jesus study and live during his formative years? Africa. Mt. Sinai? Africa. First Christian church-Ethiopia. 3rd century. Not Europe-sorry. ooh..The so-called golden tablets (notice tabernacle weird music in the background as they are lifted high)..nice….Egyptian civilization was built by Blacks-so much for their mark of Cain propaganda..this is what makes the Mormons so wacky-their teachings fly in the face of actual history…how about the multiple Gods Mormons believe in depending on the solar system…yes, step right up..even you can have your own planet and become one in the next life…….amazing
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LikeDislikeHow dose one who believs in Jesus Christ, who taught a lesson about caringforeyour neighbor,hate another being?
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LikeDislikeI disagree that African slaves became devout Christians because the faith was pushed on them. People have used Christian beliefs to justify many horrible things including slavery. However, the slaves were the ones that actually understood the message of Jesus. That the meek shall inherit the earth. That the last on earth shall be the first in heaven. And the message of a Savior returning to free the people sustained many through slavery. And I strongly disagree that African-Americans sit on the fence religiously today. If you think that then you’ve never really been IN the black community, Perhaps driven by with the windows up or seen stuff on the news.
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LikeDislikeThis isn’t about mormons is about christianity as it… God propiciate the Curse of Ham to have a generation where to send all the spirits with a lower blessing, however one could be descendant from Ham, but being much more rigtheous than one descending from Abraham, everyone is working for its won salvation here. Now, there is no much left of the curse imposed centuries ago by God to the black race, now God has open doors and has change our eyes, he has inspire society to make us equal, however, as everyone has obtain their onw blessings in the past life and there are still spirits to be born, we will be seeing negros around, but their number will be less than in the past.
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