sorry we were colonized by you all of this is our fault we really have no right to ask for a say over our lives next time we'll try harder to not get colonized
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Woke imperialism in extremely in vogue. Petit bourgeois NYC writers who worked for CNN Style want you to know, if you oppose US-funded right-wing anti-Chinese rioters who wave US/UK flags and want to revive British colonialism, YOU are the colonialist one …
I'm truly honored to see former CNN Style reporter, and author of hard-hitting political investigative pieces like this,
@WilfredChan smearing me as a colonialist for... opposing US/UK neocolonialism Don't forget, the CIA's position is always the woke one … - 1 more reply
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White folks? Come on Wilfred, you can do better than this.
i'm sorry paul. it's not meant to antagonize you, but points to histories of violence & the hierarchies/systems of power they created that still govern how we move through today's world. it affects me very much & in order to 'do better than this' we have to keep talking about it.
i hope you don't take it too personally and if you want i am happy to talk about it as friends, maybe in a different setting.
Not at all. I follow your commentary and everything going on in Hong Kong closely. Just didn’t feel such a pejorative description was warranted. Like you, I hate to be pigeon-holed.
i understand. i didn't mean to make you feel pigeon holed, and i do appreciate you for following along.
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Wonder how much time he spent in China & HK to draw his conclusion?
A grand total of five minutes on Google search. Probably less.
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tbf he is probably being paid himself to tweet such nonsense so he thinks everyone in the world can also be bought off
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Norton also defends the policy of the Uyghur camps with the same arguments.
He also defends the Syrian regime.
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I see Norton has decided to help both the Syrian and CCP regime. Why am I unsurprised?
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Just that guy. Not white people in general.
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