Commit ed176ea1 authored by Martin Santangelo's avatar Martin Santangelo

(feat) update wire text

1 merge request!325WIP: [Sprint/ModestMonkey] wire epic 37
......@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@
"pleaseTryUnlockingMessage":"Please try unlocking this post after it gets processed. We estimate it may take around 5 minutes.",
"onlySupportersWhoWire":"Only supporters who wire you over {{amount}}/month will see this post.",
"wireMeOver":"Wire me over {{amount}}/month to see this post.",
"supportMessage":"Support &{name}& by sending them tokens. Once you send them the amount listed in the tiers, you can receive rewards if they are offered. Otherwise, it's a donation.",
"supportMessage":"Support &{name}& by sending them {{payments}}. Once you send them the amount listed in the tiers, you can receive rewards if they are offered. Otherwise, it's a donation.",
"repeatMessage":"Repeat this transaction every month",
"youHaveSent":"You have sent &{amount}& in the last month.",
"confirmMessage":"You will send {{amount}} to @{{name}}",
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import { CommonStyle } from '../styles/Common';
import CenteredLoading from '../common/components/CenteredLoading';
import RewardsCarousel from '../channel/carousel/RewardsCarousel';
import FeaturesService from '../common/services/features.service';
import featuresService from '../common/services/features.service';
import number from '../common/helpers/number';
import token from '../common/helpers/token';
import addressExcerpt from '../common/helpers/address-excerpt';
......@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ export default class FabScreen extends Component {
componentWillMount() {
if (!FeaturesService.has('crypto')) {
if (!featuresService.has('crypto')) {
return this.props.navigation.goBack();
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ export default class FabScreen extends Component {
<ScrollView contentContainerStyle={styles.body}>
<Text style={styles.subtext}>{'wire.supportMessage', null, {
<Text style={styles.subtext}>{'wire.supportMessage', {payments: featuresService.has('wire-multi-currency') ? 'tokens , ETH, BTC or USD' : 'tokens' }, {
name: <Text style={styles.bold}>@{ owner.username }</Text>
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