net-cat (thevirtualcat) wrote in furaffinity,

[Updated 2009-12-02 02:00 UTC] Oh, and you thought your cable outages were annoying?

Imagine how we feel when our ISP, which supposedly has redundant links, seems to have perennial peering issues.

Pretty much the only way you're going to be getting your wholesome, furry goodness *cough* at this point is by throwing a party in the server room. (And I'd imagine that S&D would take issue with that.)

tl;dr - ISP's shit's broke. Nothing we can do about it. Patience is a virtue. Etc, etc, etc.

PS: I totally just noticed that I haven't done stats in like... two months. Not that I can do it now. Servers are inaccessible. :D

Lack of update: 2009-12-01 15:30 UTC (10:30 EST)

Well, what can I say. Our ISP is still not talking to us. (And I'm sure anyone who is resourceful can dig up who our ISP is.)

Going on 24 hours with no updates. When we know something, we'll post it.

We also have no plans to ask for donations for this problem. Because it won't actually solve the problem, in this case.

Update: 2009-12-02 02:00 UTC (21:00 EST)

(08:48:04 PM) Dragoneer: That the fiber lines were damaged, they're doing emergency repairs.

No estimate.
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Fuck, Sorry my carpet shark minions chewed on the line. +_+

I'll send them to you for further use when repairs are made. D:
om nom nom I love fat FA cock admins please validate my existence
Ehh, it'll probably go the way of FAP or the way of Sheezyart.
furaffinity? Considering all the times its bounced back, and by popular demand of the fandom- I dont think so.


9 years ago

And hell froze over at what time today?? O_o


9 years ago


9 years ago

Hell will start getting mighty cold when FA finally dies

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9 years ago

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9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago

600 get
601 here


9 years ago


9 years ago

"Well, what can I say. Our ISP is still not talking to us. (And I'm sure anyone who is resourceful can dig up who our ISP is.)"

Cause i used to work for them and i know their track record for Quality of Service i bet it was Cumcast...err Comcast
murr... <3
Wow, 614 comments ... FA has really touched an awful lot of lives ;P
Yep. FA is by far the most popular furry site on the internet. At one time F2F used to be bigger than FA
Hey guys I want to applogise for making FA go down, I don't know exactly what I did but I'm pretty sure it's my fault, somehow :p

Maybe I angered the fap gods, or maybe I posted one whinny journal or one nasty watersports drawing too many and the ISP was like "ok screw you guys". Or maybe just I've done sometyhing that caused a far-reaching ripple effect that ultimately led to the site's outage....uh...anyone ever see the movie Butterfly Effect?
I hope you will keep updating your content constantly as you have one dedicated reader here.

Love your site man keep up the good work

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