Furaffinity Status' Journal [Most Recent Entries] [Calendar View] [Friends] Below are the 13 most recent journal entries recorded in Furaffinity Status' LiveJournal: [ << Previous 20 ] Wednesday, December 9th, 2009 | 3:23 am [thevirtualcat]
| | Tuesday, December 8th, 2009 | 1:38 pm [thevirtualcat]
| Forums are back online.
Thanks to Carenath donating space on his server, the forums are back online. Now, I will preemptively answer some questions. - This wasn't done earlier because I didn't have the data off the old forum server until late, late Sunday night.
- No, we can't use Carenath's server to bring the mainsite up. The main site is about a thousand times larger than the forums. (Both in terms of disk space and bandwidth requirements.)
- We have everything we need to install the servers at the new facility. The only concern now is weather related, but that shouldn't be a problem. (Incidentally, did you know that studded tires are illegal in Maryland? This is highly relevant.)
| Monday, November 30th, 2009 | 12:30 pm [thevirtualcat]
| [Updated 2009-12-02 02:00 UTC] Oh, and you thought your cable outages were annoying?
Imagine how we feel when our ISP, which supposedly has redundant links, seems to have perennial peering issues. Pretty much the only way you're going to be getting your wholesome, furry goodness *cough* at this point is by throwing a party in the server room. (And I'd imagine that S&D would take issue with that.) tl;dr - ISP's shit's broke. Nothing we can do about it. Patience is a virtue. Etc, etc, etc. PS: I totally just noticed that I haven't done stats in like... two months. Not that I can do it now. Servers are inaccessible. :D Lack of update: 2009-12-01 15:30 UTC (10:30 EST)Well, what can I say. Our ISP is still not talking to us. (And I'm sure anyone who is resourceful can dig up who our ISP is.) Going on 24 hours with no updates. When we know something, we'll post it. We also have no plans to ask for donations for this problem. Because it won't actually solve the problem, in this case. Update: 2009-12-02 02:00 UTC (21:00 EST)(08:48:04 PM) Dragoneer: That the fiber lines were damaged, they're doing emergency repairs. No estimate. | Monday, September 14th, 2009 | 1:23 pm [thevirtualcat]
| More routing issues. 2009-09-14
We've had reports of people outside the US having trouble accessing the site. This is due to routing issues at an upstream provider. Cages have been rattled. All we can do now is wait. Sorry for the inconvenience. | Tuesday, September 1st, 2009 | 1:40 pm [thevirtualcat]
| Monthly Statistics, Outage
We're back online. Outage was due to a faulty router at the data center. Statistics for August 01, 2009 through August 31, 2009New Submissions: 128832 -General: 101100 -Mature: 14477 -Adult: 13255 New Journals: 46429 New Comments: 1459135 New Users: 11417 Active Users: 91547 Total Advertising Impressions: 251,801,127 Total Ads Clicked: 125,888 Most Clicked Ad: Smoking Pen Note that the ads only ran from August 8 onward.(And since I apparently forgot to post it to LJ last month...) Statistics for July 01, 2009 through July 31, 2009New Submissions: 127916 -General: 99819 -Mature: 14878 -Adult: 13219 New Journals: 45170 New Comments: 1410413 New Users: 12203 Active Users: 68454 | 11:43 am [thevirtualcat]
| | Thursday, July 9th, 2009 | 12:29 pm [thevirtualcat]
| Monthly Statistics: June 2009
Statistics for June 01, 2009 through June 30, 2009 New Submissions: 107450 -General: 83141 -Mature: 12928 -Adult: 11381 New Journals: 39089 New Comments: 1195527 New Users: 10233 Active Users: 52152Delayed due to Anthrocon. Because of the way the active user count works, it's only accurate to do the count right as midnight on the first of the month, which I didn't do. All the other stats are fine, though. | Wednesday, July 1st, 2009 | 1:19 am [thevirtualcat]
| Forum Outage 2009-06-30/07-01
Forums are out due to MySQL crapping itself. (I/E: Running out of disk space.) They'll be back online sometime in the next hour or two. | Friday, June 19th, 2009 | 2:50 pm [thevirtualcat]
| Mainsite outage about an hour ago Originally posted by yak, on the forums... was caused by running out of hard drive space on the database server. The server actually has plenty of storage for it's needs, just that some of that storage was temporarily occupied by database backups and copies for development purposes. After restoring the ads on the mainsite, openx' database began growing in size explosively until eventually it used up what little free space there was on the server. That was actually a very simple, stupid problem and the reason it took so long to fix was because of the completely misleading behavior of the servers. All the time I was thinking the problem was with the application server, and looked for potential problems there. Anyway, the problem was resolved and FA is back online now. If you are still seeing the offline page, please clear your browser's cache. | Friday, June 5th, 2009 | 12:29 am [thevirtualcat]
| Monthly Statistics: May 2009
Statistics for May 01, 2009 through May 31, 2009 New Submissions: 97155 -General: 74219 -Mature: 12022 -Adult: 10914 New Journals: 34852 New Comments: 1088683 New Users: 9607 Active Users: 64738 Not doing ad stats this month due to the issues we've been having of late. Everything should be back on track next month. | Monday, May 4th, 2009 | 11:56 am [thevirtualcat]
| Monthly Statistics: April 2009
Statistics for April 01, 2009 through April 30, 2009 New Submissions: 91822 -General: 70583 -Mature: 10974 -Adult: 10265 New Journals: 32899 New Comments: 1019193 New Users: 9942 Active Users*: 61233 Ad Impressions: 194,132,873 Ads Clicked: 96,477 Most Clicked Ad**: Cocktails * Take this stat with a grain of salt. I waited too long... ** Damn it, furries. Stop proving me right.As they say, better late than never...
And I know I've been utterly horrible about posting downtimes here. Real life awesomeness. Most of this months downtime and slowness was due to an update to the ad serving software that completely broke our MySQL optimization. | Saturday, April 4th, 2009 | 11:58 pm [thevirtualcat]
| Monthly Statistics: March 2009
Statistics for March 01, 2009 through March 31, 2009 New Submissions: 95656 -General: 72863 -Mature: 11865 -Adult: 10928 New Journals: 33011 New Comments: 1054400 New Users: 9804 Active Users*: 69988 Data Transferred**: Not available. Ad Impressions: 264,868,891 Ads Clicked: 126,811 Most Clicked Ad***: Cocktails Total Donations: Pending... Total Ad Revenue: Pending... * Take this stat with a grain of salt. I waited too long... ** Yes, awstats still can't cope with our logs. It's on the "to do" list. *** Damn it, furries. Stop proving me right.Bah. I suck. That whole "exam" thing I was doing this last week kinda got in my way. On another note: Whenever someone makes a post to the community, I see in my inbox: "Moderated submission notification." And that is all I see before I click the check next to it and head up to the "Archive" button. Because 99.9% of them are "hello" "commissions 4 sale" and "check out my auction." Now, I'm not opposed to posting other things here that fall within the community rules. But please come talk to me about it, or I probably won't even notice. | Monday, March 2nd, 2009 | 8:03 pm [thevirtualcat]
| Monthly Statistics: February 2009
Statistics for February 01, 2009 through February 28, 2009 New Submissions: 89926 -General: 67829 -Mature: 11401 -Adult: 10696 New Journals: 30823 New Comments: 997014 New Users: 8217 Active Users: 55847 Data Transferred: Not available. Ad Impressions: 242,067,927 Ads Clicked: 81,463 Most Clicked Ad: Bad Dragon Total Donations: $939.74 across 52 donations. Total Ad Revenue: $510 This month only: "yak is awesome" donations: $575.13 across 67 donations. | [ << Previous 20 ] |