[Sprint/ModestMonkey](chore): Added linting to pre-commit hook #1807
Closes #1807
To Test
Pull the branch locally, install the new packages, try commit a) unlinted code. b) fit/describes. c) build errors should be caught on push.
Package Justification
I did do some research before this and found Husky (https://github.com/typicode/husky/) suggested as a way to get hooks to run simply cross-platform, nicely. Looking at their project it seems to be robust, actively maintained and used quite widely.
The other package I wanted to use is https://github.com/azz/pretty-quick which seemed the best to quickly lint, without overkilling things. There are packages that support multiple linters, but with Husky this is not needed.
added MR::Awaiting Review Squad::Green scoped labels
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