Commit dbb550f0 authored by Mark Harding's avatar Mark Harding

(chore): add in static analysis

1 merge request!306WIP: (chore): add in static analysis
Pipeline #79217588 running with stages
......@@ -41,6 +41,13 @@ lint:
- bin/php-cs-fixer fix --allow-risky=yes --verbose --dry-run
stage: test
image: minds/php-tests:latest
- bin/phpstan analyse --memory-limit=1G
allow_failure: true
stage: prepare
image: minds/ci:latest
......@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ use Minds\Core\Security;
use Minds\Entities;
use Minds\Helpers;
use Minds\Core\Messenger;
use Minds\Core\Messenger\Conversations;
use Minds\Interfaces;
use Minds\Api\Factory;
use Minds\Core\Sockets;
......@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@ class CypherQuery implements Interfaces\PreparedInterface
private $template;
private $values;
public function getOpts()
return null;
public function build()
......@@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ To enable admin functionality, set 'development_mode' to **true** in your settin
* To run all tests: ```bin/phpsec run```
* To run a specific spec, include a specific spec file ```bin/phpspec run Spec/Core/Feeds/Suggested/RepositorySpec.php```
* To run a specific test in a spec, include a specific spec file:line number of the test function: ```bin/phpspec run Spec/Core/Feeds/Suggested/RepositorySpec.php:82```
### Running static analysis
`bin/phpstan analyse --memory-limit=1G`
## Contributing
If you'd like to contribute to the Minds project, check out the [Contribution]( section of or head right over to the [Minds Open Source Community]( If you've found or fixed a bug, let us know in the [Minds Help and Support Group](!
......@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ error_reporting(E_ALL);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
if (!isset($argv)) {
$argv = [];
if (isset($argv[0]) && $argv[0] == 'help') {
......@@ -23,7 +27,8 @@ if (isset($argv[0]) && $argv[0] == 'help') {
if (!$argv) {
// TODO: list handlers?
echo "{$_SCRIPTNAME}: specify a controller" . PHP_EOL;
try {
This diff is collapsed.
level: 1
- %currentWorkingDirectory%
- %currentWorkingDirectory%/vendor
- %currentWorkingDirectory%/Spec
## Ignoring Cassandra is temporary
message: '#Instantiated class Cassandra\\[a-zA-Z\\_]+ not found#'
path: %currentWorkingDirectory%
message: '#Call to static method text\(\) on an unknown class Cassandra\\Type\\Map#'
path: %currentWorkingDirectory%
message: '#Call to static method boolean\(\) on an unknown class Cassandra\\Type\\Map#'
path: %currentWorkingDirectory%
message: '#Call to static method varint\(\) on an unknown class Cassandra\\Type\\Set#'
path: %currentWorkingDirectory%
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