Commit 6b39b58b authored by Marcelo Rivera's avatar Marcelo Rivera

(fix): removed clear search

1 merge request!507WIP: (feat): Minds Pro (development branch) - Release 3
Pipeline #79205333 running with stages
......@@ -20,9 +20,6 @@
<ng-container *ngIf="query">
<i class="material-icons clear" (click)="clearSearch()">close</i>
<label class="mdl-textfield__label" for="search"></label>
......@@ -274,13 +274,6 @@ export class ProChannelComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {
return this.router.navigate(this.channelService.getRouterLink('all', { query: this.query }));
clearSearch() {
this.query = '';
// TODO: Do this!
// const cleanUrl = this.router.url.split(';')[0];
// this.router.navigate([cleanUrl]);
detectChanges() {;;
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