Commit 2fcaab1b authored by Brian Hatchet's avatar Brian Hatchet :speech_balloon:

using set-string for potentially big ints

1 merge request!301(chore) Changing CI_COMMIT_SHA to CI_PIPELINE_ID
Pipeline #78486861 failed with stages
in 8 minutes and 51 seconds
......@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ review:start:
--install \
--reuse-values \
--set phpfpm.image.repository=$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/fpm \
--set phpfpm.image.tag=$CI_PIPELINE_ID \
--set-string phpfpm.image.tag=$CI_PIPELINE_ID \
--set runners.image.repository=$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/runners \
--set runners.image.tag=$CI_PIPELINE_ID \
--set-string runners.image.tag=$CI_PIPELINE_ID \
--set elasticsearch.clusterName=$CI_BUILD_REF_SLUG-elasticsearch \
--wait \
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