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Introduced by 0e26962a
vendor.fd65f6a91e9be2787c49.js:1 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'pause' of undefined
at l.set [as boostToggle] (main.99570b9afd93b8f19c5f.js:1)
at ic (vendor.fd65f6a91e9be2787c49.js:1)
at vendor.fd65f6a91e9be2787c49.js:1
at vendor.fd65f6a91e9be2787c49.js:1
at Wf (vendor.fd65f6a91e9be2787c49.js:1)
at xd (vendor.fd65f6a91e9be2787c49.js:1)
at Object.updateDirectives (main.99570b9afd93b8f19c5f.js:1)
at Object.updateDirectives (vendor.fd65f6a91e9be2787c49.js:1)
at qf (vendor.fd65f6a91e9be2787c49.js:1)
at Qf (vendor.fd65f6a91e9be2787c49.js:1)
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added Product::Newsfeed Regression::Canary Squad::Green Type::Regression scoped labels
assigned to @benhayward.ben
added Priority::0 - Urgent scoped label
, Canary
& Production
all rolled back to 4d4b5217 whilst we await a fix. May revert git commit too.
mentioned in commit 37ac7b64
added Regression::Production scoped label and automatically removed Regression::Canary label
Closing this as the issue is rolledback and we will track via #1418
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