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Sentry Issue: ENGINE-G
Error: Call to a member function getUserGuid() on null
File "/Core/Sessions/Repository.php", line 94, in Minds\Core\Sessions\Repository::delete
new Varint($session->getUserGuid()),
File "/Core/Sessions/Manager.php", line 239, in Minds\Core\Sessions\Manager::destroy
$this->repository->delete($this->session, $all);
File "/Controllers/api/v1/authenticate.php", line 124, in Minds\Controllers\api\v1\authenticate::delete
File "/Api/Factory.php", line 69, in Minds\Api\Factory::build
return $handler->$method($pages);
File "/Controllers/api/api.php", line 91, in Minds\Controllers\api\api::delete
return Factory::build($pages, $this->request, $this->response);
(2 additional frame(s) were not displayed)
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