[Sprint/KiltedKoala](feat): Media modal
To do:
- Click video thumbnail to open modal and autoplay
- Get dimensions of video before modal dimensions are calculated
- Allow vid progress bar seeker to work when hovering outside player
- Video player styles
- Move video controls outside player to fill modal width
- Clean up a few variable/class names so they are meaningful
- Resolve bug where newsfeed activity messages are doubled when you click on a modal
- Media should continue to shrink along vertical axis after you hit the horiz axis min
- Tablet - touch backdrop to close modal
- Tablet - Fix overflow on vertical images in portrait orientation
- Tablet - Fix faux url actually redirecting to media page
- Tablet - handle video controls
- Get img element height/width if not already in custom_data
- Enable horizontal scrolling when window is smaller than modal
- Replace screen dimensions with hardcoded min/max values
- Fix failed tests
- Fix reminded video failure
- Make videos bigger than intrinsic size
- Fix reminded images missing permalinks/comments
- Add message/title content
- Add feature flag
- Don't allow click on unloaded video activity
added 21 commits
- 76f1573e...3130dd25 - 20 commits from branch
- 811fc6c4 - Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:minds/front into feat/media-modal-1539
- 76f1573e...3130dd25 - 20 commits from branch
changed the description
added 6 commits
- 9dd42d20...1790d347 - 4 commits from branch
- b8976fe4 - Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:minds/front into feat/media-modal-1539
- 7d9266cb - (feat): Media modal
- 9dd42d20...1790d347 - 4 commits from branch
added Squad::Blue scoped label
- Owner
I have some funny border colours going on?
- Developer
Those are temporary just so I can better see what's happening while fixing the overflow/scroll issues
added 13 commits
- 0a76cb90...1da91eb3 - 10 commits from branch
- a99e53b3 - (feat): Media modal - minor
- 74e16845 - (feat): Media modal - add video component to template
- 54b52eb8 - Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:minds/front into feat/media-modal-1539
Toggle commit list- 0a76cb90...1da91eb3 - 10 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- 64a4ffd8 - (feat): Media modal - changed activity to entity
added 20 commits
- 64a4ffd8...4f14088f - 18 commits from branch
- db2714fd - (feat): Media modal - in progress
- 1787d182 - Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:minds/front into feat/media-modal-1539
- 64a4ffd8...4f14088f - 18 commits from branch
changed the description 2 times within 6 minutes
changed the description
added 1 commit
- 50ab1ddd - (feat): Media modal - click video auto opens modal
added 1 commit
- fec7cde9 - (feat): Media modal - prevent reopen modal on video click
marked the task Resolve bug where newsfeed activity messages are doubled when you click on a modal as completed
marked the task Make hovercard visible in full screen as completed
marked the task Media should continue to shrink along opposite axis after you hit the current access min as completed
marked the task Output min-width of .m-overlay-modal to parent component and apply inline dynamically as completed
marked the task Clean up a few variable/class names so they are meaningful as completed
marked the task Enable horizontal scrolling when window is smaller than modal as completed
marked the task Video player/control styles as completed
marked the task Click video thumbnail to open modal and autoplay as completed
changed the description 3 times within 3 minutes
marked the task Enable horizontal scrolling when window is smaller than modal as incomplete
added 7 commits
- fec7cde9...79c1eb43 - 6 commits from branch
- eab73fc2 - Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:minds/front into feat/media-modal-1539
- fec7cde9...79c1eb43 - 6 commits from branch
changed the description 2 times within 6 minutes
changed the description 2 times within 2 minutes
changed the description 3 times within 7 minutes
marked the task Tablet - Fix faux url actually redirecting to media page as completed
marked the task Tablet - Fix overflow on vertical images in portrait orientation as completed
added 8 commits
- c1965f0f...14a72a8a - 5 commits from branch
- a3946ec9 - Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:minds/front into feat/media-modal-1539
- 20f3afe0 - (wip): Media modal - video player controls
- ab328cf3 - (wip): Media modal - accommodate theatre
Toggle commit list- c1965f0f...14a72a8a - 5 commits from branch
marked the task Tablet - handle video controls as completed
changed the description
marked the task Fix failed tests as completed
changed the description 2 times within 1 minute
marked the task Replace screen dimensions with hardcoded min/max values as completed
marked the task Make videos bigger than intrinsic size as completed
marked the task Enable horizontal scrolling when window is smaller than modal as completed
added 12 commits
- ab328cf3...2e95c013 - 9 commits from branch
- 5596b793 - Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:minds/front into feat/media-modal-1539
- b5b908ae - (feat): Media modal - minwidth/height calculations
- ffeba976 - Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:minds/front into feat/media-modal-1539
Toggle commit list- ab328cf3...2e95c013 - 9 commits from branch
unmarked as a Work In Progress
changed the description
changed title from (feat): Media modal to [Sprint/KiltedKoala](feat): Media modal
marked as a Work In Progress
marked the task Get img element height/width if not already in custom_data as incomplete
marked the task Get img element height/width if not already in custom_data as completed
changed the description
added 15 commits
- ffeba976...268165b1 - 12 commits from branch
- 9148a391 - (feat): Media modal - handle images without custom data height/widhts
- 99e25344 - Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:minds/front into feat/media-modal-1539
- 215074b8 - (feat): Media modal - fix broken permalinks and comments for certain reminds
Toggle commit list- ffeba976...268165b1 - 12 commits from branch
marked the task Fix reminded images missing permalinks/comments as completed
added 1 commit
- 44e3c610 - (feat): Media modal - show activity message in modal
unmarked as a Work In Progress
marked the task Fix reminded images missing permalinks/comments as incomplete
marked the task Add message/title content as completed
marked the task Fix reminded images missing permalinks/comments as completed
marked as a Work In Progress
changed the description
marked the task Add feature flag as completed
unmarked as a Work In Progress
changed the description
marked as a Work In Progress
changed the description
added 1 commit
- bb7450e4 - (feat): Media modal - don't allow click on unloaded videos
marked the task Don't allow click on unloaded video activity as completed
unmarked as a Work In Progress
changed the description
approved this merge request
mentioned in commit 13c6f471