Vaccine books Vaccination
[There must be 50 books here, most of which will blow vaccination clean out the water. The editors favourite writers are Tim O'Shea DC and Neil Miller, they keep their information up to date, and Tim covers disease theory which is an important part of vaccination deconstruction (his DVDs are great also). A Jan 2010 book written by parents whose children were damaged by MMR vaccine is exceptional: Silenced Witnesses (lets hope it sinks MMR, followed by the vaccine programme). Also, from another angle, Vitamin C by itself would sink vaccination, as you can read in Dr Levy's book: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins: Curing the Incurable. The classic from the online collection is: THE POISONED NEEDLE by Eleanor McBean plus two well written and simple to read classics: THE BLOOD POISONERS BY Lionel Dole and The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization by Lily Loat, all 3 sink smallpox vaccination very well, which is the blood drenched foundation stone of the whole racket.
They have all been suppressed, in that you will never find any in a bookshop, school, libraries, or reviewed (only these propaganda books) in the media, so they, in effect, don't exist for most people--until the internet came along. The editor was woken up by the classic: Immunisation: The Reality Behind The Myth by Walene James. ]
See vaccine books: Smallpox On line French Homeopathic Animal Spanish Propaganda books
Vaccine autism
ON Line Books
Books by year from present day
Vaccine autism
[2017] Vaccine Villains: What the American Public Should Know about the Industry by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Anne Dachel
[2011 Oct Book] Unlocking Jake: The Story of a Rabies Vaccine, Autism & Recovery
[2010 Jan] Silenced Witnesses Volume II: The Parents' Story
[2010] The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine, and a Manmade Epidemic by Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill
[2005] "EVIDENCE OF HARM" by New York Times writer David Kirby
[2004] Mercury : The Winged Messenger by Courtney L. Zietzke
[2013] Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History
[2011] Vaccination is Not Immunization by Tim O'Shea, DC
[2008] Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners: Guide to Immunization Risks and Protection by Neil Z. Miller
[2010 Jan] Silenced Witnesses Volume II: The Parents' Story
[2002] Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins: Curing the Incurable---Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D.
[2008] What the Pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know about Vaccines by Dr Todd M. Elsner, D.C.
ON Line Books
Smallpox vaccination
[2004] The Vaccination Nonsense: 2004 Lectures By Gerhard Buchwald
[2002] The Decline of Tuberculosis despite "protective" Vaccination by Dr. G Buchwald MD
[pdf] Aluminum in Vaccines by Neil Miller
[pdf] Overdosed babies by Neil Miller
Vaccination Roulette: Experiences, Risks and Alternatives
(1999) The Vaccination Crisis - Published online 10/6/99
[e book] Terror of Pediatric Medicine by Mark Sircus Ac, OMD
[1994] Vaccination - A Business Based on Fear by Dr. G Buchwald MD
[1993] Animal Research Takes Lives by Bette Overell
[1977 book] Swine Flu Expose by Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D.
[1965 book] THE BLOOD POISONERS BY Lionel Dole
[1957 book] THE POISONED NEEDLE by Eleanor McBean
[1957 book] The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine (Chapter 10 of Poisoned Needle) by Eleanor McBean
[1957 Booklet] Is Mass Vaccination with B.C.G. always warranted in the Scandinavian Countries?
[Book 1951] The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization by Lily Loat
[1949 book] BACTERIA INC. by Cash Asher
[1940's book] The Dream & Lie of Louis Pasteur by R. B. Pearson
[c1940 book] Vaccines and Serum Evils by Herbert Shelton
[1939 book] The Schick Inoculation Against Diphtheria--- Beddow Bayley
[1936 book] The VACCINATION PROBLEM by Joseph P. Swan
[1936 Pamphlet] The Case AGAINST Vaccination By M. BEDDOW BAYLY M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
[Book 1935 USA] Hale, Annie Riley. The Medical Voodoo. New York: Gotham House, 1936.
[1925] Bats, Mosquitoes and Dollars by Campbell, Dr. A. R.
Books by year from present day
[2017] Vaccine Villains: What the American Public Should Know about the Industry by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Anne Dachel
[2013] Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History
[2012] Vaccine Illusion by Dr. Obukhanych
[2011] Vaccine-nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time by Andreas Moritz
[2011 Oct] Unlocking Jake: The Story of a Rabies Vaccine, Autism & Recovery
[2011] Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccine-Induced Encephalitis? by Harold Buttram, MD, FAACP and Christina England In 1971 Norma Guthkelch, retired neurosurgeon, published the first description of the Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS). Within the next several years John Caffey, pediatric radiologist, wrote several articles supporting the SBS theory. Very soon after, when infants were brought into hospital emergency rooms in the U.S.A. with findings of brain hemorrhages without known accidental explanations, these were commonly attributed to SBS, and parents or caretakers were often criminally convicted. Since that time conclusive evidence has emerged proving that these prosecutions have been founded upon tainted medical opinions and fundamentally flawed scientific methodology (i.e. junk science).
[2011 Jan] A Commentary on Current Childhood Vaccine Programs by Harold E. Buttram, MD
[2010] MAKE an INFORMED VACCINE DECISION by Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH (with Neil Miller)
[2010 Jan] Silenced Witnesses Volume II: The Parents' Story
[2010] Against Compulsory Vaccination: A Long Train of Abuses and Usurpations (Volume 2) by Kevin A. Muhammad
[2009] Against Compulsory Vaccination: Why HPV Vaccines Are Dangerous To The Lives Of Girls, Young Women And Everyone Else by Kevin A. Muhammad
[2009] The Case Against Hepatitis B Vaccination: Prevent Your Newborns & Infants From Being Permanently Injured by Kevin A. Muhammad
[2009] Silenced Witnesses 1: The Parents' Story
Good-Bye Germ Theory by Dr. William Trebing
[2010] Unvaccinated, Homeschooled, and TV-Free: It’s Not Just for Fanatics and Zealots by Julie Cook
[2009 Sept] Jabs, Jenner and Juggernauts: a Look at Vaccination by Jennifer Craig
Short e books
[pdf] Aluminum in Vaccines by Neil Miller
[pdf] Overdosed babies by Neil Miller
[2008] Fear of the Invisible by Janine Roberts
[2008 Oct] From One Prick to Another
[DPT] A Stolen Life by Marge Grant
[June 2008] Saying No to Vaccines: A Resource Guide for All Ages by Dr. Tenpenny
[2008 MMR] Silenced Witnesses The Parents' Story
[e book] Terror of Pediatric Medicine by Mark Sircus Ac, OMD
[2006] Stop the Shots! - Are Vaccinations Killing Our Pets? by John Clifton[2006] INJECTION! Fiction based on fact] How Gary Goldman blew the whistle about the problems witht the chickenpox vaccine
[June 2006] Just A Little Prick by Peter and Hilary Butler
[2006] Vaccines: A Resource Guide for Parents, the Risks, the Benefits, the Choices Sherri J., Dr. Tenpenny See: Sherri J., Dr. Tenpenny
[2005] "EVIDENCE OF HARM" by New York Times writer David Kirby
[2004] Mercury : The Winged Messenger by Courtney L. Zietzke
[2004] The Vaccination Nonsense: 2004 Lectures By Gerhard Buchwald
The Vaccination Nonsense (2004 Lectures)---Dr. med. G. Buchwald ISBN 3-8334-2508-3 22 Euro
The Decline of Tuberculosis despite "protective" Vaccination by Dr. Gerhard Buchwald M.D.
[2002] Anthrax: A Deadly Shot in the Dark---LT. COL. THOMAS S. HEEMSTRA (Ret. U.S.A.F.)
[2002] When Your Doctor is Wrong Hepatitis B Vaccine, Autism, & One Child's Rescue
[2002, updated reprint] Vaccines: Are They Really Safe And Effective? -----Neil Miller
[2002] The Decline of Tuberculosis despite "protective" Vaccination by Dr. G Buchwald MD
[2001] What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations by Stephanie Cave, M.D., F.A.A.F.P. [2000] Behavioural Problems in Childhood: The Link to Vaccination--Viera Scheibner, Ph.D. ISBN 0957800703
Available UK: Informed Parent
[2000] The Infant Survival Guide: Protecting Your Baby from the Dangers of Crib Death, Vaccines and Other Environmental Hazards by Lendon H.Smith, M.D., Joseph Hattersley ISBN: 1890572128
[1999] Immunization: History, Ethics, Law and Health by Catherine Diodati
[1999] The Vaccination Crisis - Published online 10/6/99
[1998] Vaccination Roulette Experiences, Risks and Alternatives---Australian Vaccination Network (£14.50 inc p&p) Available from (UK):
Nexus, 55 Queens Rd, E Grinstead, W. Sussex RH19 1BG. Tel: 01342 322854 Fax: 01342 324574.
[1998] UNIVERSAL IMMUNIZATION Medical Miracle or Masterful Mirage By Dr. Raymond Obomsawin
[1998] The Trial of The Medical Mafia ISBN 2921783029--Joachim Schafer
An account of the hearing before the Quebec College of Physicians
Testimony of Dr Hyde Dr Buchwald
[1997] Childhood Immunisation by Jamie Murphy ISBN: 0963037307
[1997 AUS] Vaccination by Greg Beattie ISBN 1876308001Available Australia: Bunya Books PO Box 46, BLI BLI Q. 4560. Ph: (07) 5448 4247 UK: Informed Parent
[1997] Vaccination: The Issue of Our Times by Peggy O'Mara (Mothering Magazine) ISBN: 091425717X
[1997 USA] Epidemic. The rise of "new" childhood diseases in the US--A manmade disaster-Keidi Obi Awadu
[1996 USA] Vaccines. An ounce of prevention? Or a pound of death?-----Keidi Obi Awadu
[1996] Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola. Nature, Accident or Intentional?---Leonard Horowitz, D.M.D.,M.A.,M.P.H.
[1996 UK] What Doctors Don't Tell You----Lynne McTaggart
One chapter on vaccination
[1996 USA] Outrage! How babies were used as guinea pigs in a LA county vaccine experiment. The Conscious Rasta Report Vol3, Issue 6, Aug 1996-Keidi Obi Awadu
[1995] What About Immunizations? Exposing the Vaccine Philosophy by Cynthia Cournoyer
[1995] Immunisation: The Reality Behind The Myth ---Walene James.
[1995] Vaccine Roulette by Neil Miller ISBN: 1881217094
[1995] The Medical Mafia by Guylaine Lanctot, M.D. One chapter on vaccines.
[1994] Vaccination - A Business Based on Fear by Dr. G Buchwald MD
[1993] The Vaccination Connection ---Sue Marston
[1993] Vitamin C, Nature’s Miraculous Healing Missile! Australia by Archie Kalokerinos M.D. M.D & Dr Glen Dettman. ISBN 0646119850
Two chapters with vaccine info: Immunisation SIDS and the role of vitamin C in its prevention. The Polio vaccine: Brodie vs Salk.
[1993] Vaccination 100 Years of Orthodox Research shows that Vaccines Represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System Australia by Dr Viera Scheibner ISBN 064615121x
(UK: Minerva Books.0171 385 1361)
[1993] Adverse Events Associated With Childhood Vaccines : Evidence Bearing on Causality, by Kathleen R. Stratton, Cynthia J. Howe ASIN: 0309048958
[1993 NZ] Animal Research Takes Lives New Zealand ---Bette Overell ISBN 0473018462
Chapter 5--Vaccinations
Vaccines: Vital or Vulnerable--Archie Kalokerinos M.D. M.D & Dr Glen Dettman.
[1993] Hidden Dangers in Polio Vaccine by Elanor McBean ISBN: 0787305936
[1992] Vaccination The "Hidden" Facts Australia by Ian Sinclair. ISBN 0646088122
[1992] Some Call it AIDS: I Call it Murder The Connection Between Cancer, AIDS, Immunizations, and Genocide---Eva Snead, M.D.
[1992] Vaccines: Are They Really Safe And Effective? -----Neil Miller
[1992] Vaccines Are Dangerous: A Warning to the Black Community by Curtis Cost
[1992] Black Men Say Goodbye to Misery, Say Hello to Love by Yoshua Barak (Paperback - Nov 1992
[1991] What About Immunisation? Exposing The Vaccine Philosophy by Cynthia Cournoyer ISBN: 0961218851
[1990) Vaccination, Social Violence & Criminality by Harris Coulter ISBN 1556430841
[1991] A Shot In The Dark by Harris Coulter & Barbara Loe Fisher ISBN 089529463x
[1991 UK] Vaccination & Immunisation: Dangers, Delusions & Alternatives by Chaitow. ISBN: 0852071914
Dispelling Vaccine Myths---Alan Phillips
Lethal Injections--William Douglass, MD
The Consumer's Guide to Childhood Vaccines--Barbara Loe Fisher
[1990] The Immunisation Decision ---Randall Neustaedter
[1990) Vaccinations: The Untold Truth Yves DeLatte, San Antonio, TX, AUM Publications, 1990
[1988 r1994] The AIDS Time Bomb---John West Ph.D. (some chapters)
[1988 r1995] AIDS and the Doctors of Death----Alan Cantwell, M.D.
The hepatitis B vaccine and the origin of AIDS.
[1988] AIDS Inc by John Rappoport (some chapters) ISBN 0941523039
[1987] Vaccinations and Immune Malfunction----Harold Buttram, MD, John C. Hoffman ISBN: 0916285367
[1983] Dangers of Compulsory Immunizations: How to Legally Avoid Them ----Tom Finn
[1981] Every Second Child ----Dr Kalokerinos ISBN: 0879832509
Infant mortality reached 50% from the immunisation of vitamin C deficient Australian Aborigines.
[1979] Confessions of a Medical Heretic ---Dr Mendelsohn ISBN 08092 41315
[1977] Vaccination, The Silent Killer----Honorof, Ida, and McBean.
[1977] Swine Flu Expose-E. McBean
[1967] The Hazards of Immunization by Sir Graham S. Wilson
[1957] THE POISONED NEEDLE by Eleanor McBean
[1952] The Argument AGAINST Vaccination by Charles Forward
[1939] The Schick Inoculation Against Diphtheria--- Beddow Bayley
The Vaccination Connection----Sue Marston
There is Always an Alternative--Peter Baratosy MB BS Australia ISBN 0646 222112
Chapter 6; Pt Vaccination
Vaccinations--Deception & Tragedy--Michael Dye
Now read the earlier Smallpox vaccination books
Heath The Only Immunity ISBN 0646226436 (australian)---Ian Sinclair
Second Thoughts on Disease---Dr Kalokerinos, M.D.
Pasteur Exposed---Hume
[1949 book] BACTERIA INC. by Cash Asher
[1940's book] The Dream & Lie of Louis Pasteur by R. B. Pearson
Vaccinations, The Untold Truth Yves DeLatte, Edited by Eva Snead, M.D.
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